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Geetings Bredbins!

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posted on 18/9/12

Welcome buddy

Asian Dub Foundation, now there's a blast from the past, think I used to see them at a club I used to go to way back when, bit hard to remember

I'll have to check them out again - I'll put them on my list alongside Future Sound of London, which I've just remembered for some reason...ever listened to Talvin Singh?

Sorry to hear about the herbal stuff. I suffered myself years ago when I way overdid it. So did a mate - he didn't smoke ciggies but got addicted to the nicotine so he'd end up toking 20 a day or so, not good. I'm very careful what I smoke now. Works for me but not for everyone.

Anyway, look forward to discussing all things Spurs with you as the season progresses

posted on 18/9/12

Everything in moderation

comment by asf (U15962)

posted on 18/9/12

Kimchi, nice to hear from you mate and yeah Talvin Singh also a personal fave. Hes back soon....
Bales, too true mate, each to their own. So who y'all backing tonite out of football's most indulgent elite?

posted on 18/9/12

Is he ASF? Good to hear! Didn't like the second album so much, absolutely loved the first, lost touch after that.

Bale's - EVERYthing?

posted on 18/9/12

Oh and there was that 'Talvin Singh Presents' album (at least I think there was, picked up a dodgy copy in Vietnam so don't know if it's legit) - that was stunning

posted on 18/9/12


Arsenal to thump Montpellier (they bought their goalscorer)

Real to thump City

posted on 18/9/12

Feck me Bale's I never had you down as the new Marquis de Sade

Unfortunately I think City will get a result

comment by asf (U15962)

posted on 18/9/12

I'd like to see city get something, esp now that modders is there and ronaldo is behaving like such a diva.

Kimchi, check out Talvins album 'Ha' - his best work to date methinks

posted on 18/9/12

Good points, I'd be happy with a draw and Ronaldo sent off

I didn't like that much ASF, OK is the one for me, with the 'Presents' a distant second (very patchy but some of the tracks are mind-blowing).

Just checked, it is legit:


comment by asf (U15962)

posted on 18/9/12

Thanks mate...it's another old friend of mine, you ever go to the scala in kings cross for anokha back in the day?

posted on 18/9/12

Unfortunately not mate, think I was maybe living in Asia at the time, but to be honest haven't regularly clubbed in London since the hardcore and then house days (with the odd trance night or rave) of the early to mid 90s.

What other stuff/genres are you into?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 18/9/12

So who y'all backing tonite out of football's most indulgent elite?


posted on 18/9/12

"Real to thump City"

Paging agent Modric ...

comment by asf (U15962)

posted on 18/9/12

Rock, metal, grunge, trance, hip hop, rap, mostly 90s but try and keep up with the young uns. Recently discovered Welsh rock....so much music, not enuf time!

comment by asf (U15962)

posted on 18/9/12

Chronic, with you there mate

posted on 18/9/12

Join us on the Good News thread ASF - plenty of musos on there

posted on 18/9/12

Indeed mate - musical openness is great, so much stuff out there it's incredible. I think my dream job would to to work with music, even if I was just working at the local jazz club or something (actually that is a pretty damn good job come to think of it!)

posted on 18/9/12

김치 aka kimchi aka Al-Kimiya

I love my music too, even though I am ancient, I am still into prog rock, and my favourite bands from years back are still Yes, Rush, Crosby Stills, Nash and Young, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, etc. I`m an old rocker at heart.

comment by asf (U15962)

posted on 18/9/12

Cheers Bales...see you there. Kimchi, know what you mean bud...wish I hadn't given up on the piano all those years ago.

posted on 18/9/12

Sandy - great stuff, absolute quality, so many classic names there (though I have never caught up on Yes or Rush somehow). Otherwise you've named some of the ultimate music there, for me

I'd personally add as favourites - well all sorts really. Beatles, Stones, Floyd, Hendrix, Marley, Lennon (solo) through to modern stuff, even the cheesy pop I grew up with (Toyah, Thompson Twins et al )

Duran Duran I still love though I must say

posted on 18/9/12

Sandy- ever see those guys live? Neil Young would be the most amazing I reckon. The closest I've got to anything like that was Lou Reed.

posted on 18/9/12

김치 aka kimchi aka Al-Kimiya (call me kimchi, the rest is merely cultural adornment)

Yes, I have seen Neil Young, and Yes, Tale from Topgraphical Oceans has to be my best ever album, absolute quality four sided masterpiece, as was Relayer. Neil Young`s After the Goldrush was brilliant as well.

posted on 18/9/12

김치 aka kimchi aka Al-Kimiya

I was weaned on Beatles music as a teenager, I loved their early albums, and still play them from time to time. Great sounds of the sixties. I liked a lot of early mid sixties music, Beatles, Searchers, Hollies, plus Tamla was also excellent.

Floyd were a great band, again their early stuff, and the great Jimi Hendrix died far too young. Saw Zeppelin in Auckland, New Zealand, circa 71. Good stuff mate.

comment by asf (U15962)

posted on 18/9/12

Didn't Neil Young play Hyde Park a coupla years ago? He is awesome and Kimchi you just named some more of my faves...including Duran Duran! Anyone for a bit of Queen or Marillion?
Got into a band called Dream Theater in the early 90s amidst all the grunge and haven't looked back. Prog metal saved my life when Kurt (RIP) took his

comment by asf (U15962)

posted on 18/9/12

Sandy, Zeppelin in '71?!?! I see why you call yourself the elder statesman...respect

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