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Aussies v W indies /Lanka v Saffers threads

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posted on 21/9/12

The only way for Afgans to beat England is if they bat first and score 140+ and then test the inexpericenced England batting with spin but I cant see them scoring much as they struggled with the short ball of Zaheer Khan and Pathan so god knows what will happen when Finn gives them some chin music.

posted on 21/9/12

Is that Why you have selected Finn in your team? . I think England will probably put them in anyway

Also, who you wanting to win in banga Zealand game? I want bengs so Zealand feel the pressure on Sunday. If Paks go into Tuesday's game needing a victory vs bengs, I'd be worried

posted on 21/9/12

I think Finn will get a 4 wickets today

As for the Beng v NZ, ill always support Bengis but its a bit of a pickle as to who win's suits us more. Still trying to work that out.

posted on 21/9/12

I put McCullum in and they open with Franklin

Hopefully Franklin is out soon and McCullum goes berserk

posted on 21/9/12

Pine its all about the Guptil show today

posted on 21/9/12

I have Guptill as well but McCullum is my captain. Also got Taylor so I want Franklin out

posted on 21/9/12

Yeah hopefully Shakib will run through this team and then Oram hits a few out of the park.

posted on 21/9/12

posted on 21/9/12

This is some of the worst commentary..Wasim Akram McCAllum..blind fool

posted on 21/9/12

I have McCullum, Taylor, Vettori and Shakib as my captain. One thing this fantasy team does is it gets you interested even in most boring of the matches.

posted on 21/9/12

I have Taylor as well..I need Franklin to get out and give Taylor 10ish overs in the middle!

posted on 21/9/12

hope Shakib gets Franklin out then.

posted on 21/9/12

Kieswetter better not let me down cos I chose him over McCullum

posted on 21/9/12

Get Franklin outttttttttttttt

posted on 21/9/12

Century by McCullum? Yes please!

posted on 21/9/12

I'm not too keen on this Fantasy cricket - people seem to have so many players EVERY game.

You should only get a couple of changes otherwise its not a team but just pick whoever on the day....

posted on 21/9/12

Tamim Iqbal my captain for today 👍

posted on 21/9/12

It's all tactics Dern..when you use your available transfers. On average, it is just a couple of transfers per day

posted on 21/9/12

Finally Franklin is out! Hopefully a rapid Taylor 50

posted on 21/9/12

I understand - i just don't like it. You have a rediculous amount of changes so your team looks different every day.

You should get like 10 changes max & one captin a day.

posted on 21/9/12

Can you make changes after this game?

posted on 21/9/12

Yeah you can Kash. You can change captain before every game as well.

posted on 21/9/12

Nice one Pine

Someone get out so Oram can bat

posted on 21/9/12

McCullum :D:D:D:D

posted on 21/9/12

Who are you going to have as captain for this afternoon's game, Kash?

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