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Could it be true

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comment by RTM08 (U5878)

posted on 23/9/12

Please please please relieve that of his job!

posted on 23/9/12

This would be terrible news for Blackburn. Hope it is true though, the fans don't deserve to return to the PL.

Steve Kean will guide QPR to Europa League football within 2 years.

posted on 23/9/12

I'll believe it when it happens we have been here before

posted on 24/9/12

Was just thinking I hope someone of virtually no intelligence comments on this thread and like magic an Arsenal fan appears.

posted on 24/9/12

B&W he has a twitter account you know.
Just listening to the radio whilst eating my weetabix, and something sounds fishy about this story. Surely he cant stay at the club in a different job.

posted on 24/9/12

Let us pray.

posted on 24/9/12

Let Kean be the pray.
Has everyone pretty much left this site now, if so where have you gone?

comment by (U10878)

posted on 24/9/12

if so where have you gone?
Candlelight vigil down at the Park praying for white smoke

posted on 24/9/12

I really hope that this is the end of the bald maniacs reign at Ewood and Venkys now get some one with a bit of know how and run the club as it should be run!We have been played off the park in almost every game and this guys luck might just have come to an end.KEAN OUT

posted on 24/9/12

Will have to wait til at least tomorrow according to L.E.T: Rovers have said there will be no statement on Kean's future today.

posted on 24/9/12

10878 why dont you just **** off. You are a worthless wum, you never put anything valid on here, not even informed critisism, if you have nothing worth discussing with us why not just find something useful to do with your time. Maybe try putting your little ***** in a plug socket whilst pouring water over yourself.

posted on 24/9/12

Way to go miles!Laughed long and hard at the plug socket thing!Numbers is a Celtic clown who try s to annoy us!

posted on 24/9/12

Please be true!

Can;t deal with Kean anymore, we are playing awful, the fans are not happy and the club is losing money. Surely there is only one solution that would cure all these problems?!

Hmmm...we have been saying it for nearly 18 months now in fairness...

comment by (U10878)

posted on 24/9/12

Way to go miles!Laughed long and hard at the plug socket thing!Numbers is a Celtic clown who try s to annoy us!
Yes his intelligent post really put me in my place And its 'tries' rover not 'try s'

My take on this is simple: Kean is holding out for a sacking and picking up his contract money after openly criticising the club's signing policy by saying that he hadn't seen some players play. Backroom politics in which Kean wins some dosh, leaves a millionaire and some poor guy comes in to be the latest front for your owners and a new hate figure for Miles and his temper issues

posted on 24/9/12

And its 'tries' rover not 'try s'



comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 24/9/12

why would they let him spend 8 million quid on rhodes and then sack him???
with the wages they are paying rhodes/murphy and others added to keans pay off , there wont be any of the parachute cash left..
taking nothing in season ticket sales or at the gate now added to the above is a "disaster" waiting to happen.. whoever may take over the team..
I know there are a load of managers who might want the job but its really not the place to be going if you "need time" to sort it all out..because there isnt any....

comment by RTM08 (U5878)

posted on 24/9/12

why would they let him spend 8 million quid on rhodes and then sack him???
One of the easier questions to answer. HE didn't sign Rhodes, Shebby did.

posted on 24/9/12

Its the crazy circus still rocking and rolling, what is going on behind the scenes, I agree with RTM, but also Venkies need to act now so they dont lose any further cash on wages etc, Kean has spent a fair amount during his reign, Goodwillie is a good example I guess, look at him now.
10878 I guess you gave it a go but could'nt touch the sides.

posted on 24/9/12

Before having to watch that insult to football on Friday, I probably would have questioned this decision. But it doesn't really matter where we are in the table, the guy is a total joke in management terms. After 2 years he still has absolutely no clue what he's doing, never has, never will.

posted on 24/9/12

"If Kean was dismissed, his assistant Eric Black is expected to be offered the caretaker manager role, and given an opportunity to prove himself."

This is the part that worries me, we've been here before.

posted on 24/9/12

Bit like Christmas Eve of years and years ago.

Not sure I can sleep tonight waiting the sack (full of goodies).

Will leave a mince pie out just in case!

posted on 24/9/12

Walkden if he gets the chop it will be party time !Rover and myself will be on the Carlsbergs.

posted on 24/9/12

Star- you and rover have one for me.

posted on 24/9/12

Will do!Share one can otherwise Rover gets tipsy!,

posted on 24/9/12

It really wouldn't make sense to sack Kean now....our best league start since 1994. The owners probably realise this and understand that there is no need to change if we continue to stay in the promotion shake up. If things are looking dicey in Feb/March, then maybe take a rain check...

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