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These 14 comments are related to an article called:

False Alarm?

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posted on 25/9/12

You can have Lee Clark if you want. He'll more than likely be available soon. Could even do a swap if you want. Could be interesting...

posted on 25/9/12

Yeah, okay.

posted on 25/9/12

You can have Lee Clark if you want. He'll more than likely be available soon. Could even do a swap if you want. Could be interesting...



posted on 25/9/12

Its true he is staying put ,thans Ms D for saving his bacon once again!check on bbc sport.

posted on 25/9/12

Shebby: Kean you are sacked

Kean: I won't get a job anywhere else so I am not going.

Venky: Mum he won't go

Mum: How dare you try and make a decision without me

Mum: Steve have a pay rise and extra year on your contract.

Venky: Cheers Mum, I was a bit uncomfortable growing a pair.

posted on 25/9/12

I have to cancel my 'Kean has been sacked' party. It was basically just me having a few beers watching Sky Sports News over and over but still, I was really looking forward to it.

posted on 25/9/12

"Unfortunately, the momentum [of the speculation about Kean] built up so fast it was quite difficult to step in and react.

"We have people heading up different departments whose responsibility it is to step in but unfortunately it escalated at such a fast pace that before you know what happened, it hits you in the face.

"It should not have been allowed to escalate like that but it did and the situation gets worse by the day."

A crowd of 13,405 saw Friday's match, around 9,000 fewer than the average attendance they were attracting in the Premier League in 2011-12.

And many supporters have said they will not return until Kean is dismissed.

Singh continued: "Financially now it is not a good situation because the fans are staying away. The club needs revenue to survive.

"I guess with having played seven games now I think it is a situation which is not a very pleasant one and I suppose it is my bosses, the owners of the club [Venky's], who have to make an assessment."

Does anyone find this fairly worrying. Yesterday morning Singh was on radio Lancs saying something was going down and a statement would be made on Tuesday. Today he states nowt went on yesterday, its all speculation. Is this guy full of **** too. Is the first question in an interview for Rovers staff are you full of ****, and can you talk out of your bottom?

posted on 25/9/12

Singh continued: "Financially now it is not a good situation because the fans are staying away. The club needs revenue to survive.

"I guess with having played seven games now I think it is a situation which is not a very pleasant one and I suppose it is my bosses, the owners of the club [Venky's], who have to make an assessment."

Also could this mean they may be getting fed up with the club? A thorn in their side? Here is an assessment free of charge for you, Blackburn Rovers Football Club is a F'ing joke, who is running it. It is not sustainable to run a club this way.

posted on 25/9/12

Is the first question in an interview for Rovers staff are you full of ****, and can you talk out of your bottom?
The first question in an interview for Rovers staff is, ‘Do you know anything whatsoever about football?’ If the answer is Yes, unfortunately you don’t get the job. It’s harsh but fair

posted on 25/9/12

I see, it must be the second question then.

posted on 25/9/12

I keep saying its a rum do at Ewood but its getting crazier day by day,it dont matter what we as fans say or do . As long as the MOTD brigade keep saying how he has been ill treated and much maligned it will just keep going on and on.Also certain journalists and managers all saying the same things keep the Kean Circus rolling along.

posted on 25/9/12

Increased pressure and publicity will not be helping Team Kean. It would appear that the die is cast and it is only a matter of time before he leaves the club.

Any self-respecting man or manager would have resigned by now, after neing totally humiliated over the weekend, but not Wor Stevie. Thick skin indeed.

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 25/9/12

The skin of a rhino and the neck of a giraffe!

posted on 26/9/12

Dead man walking.

Horrible situation but I still cannot wish a defeat this weekend. It is plain wrong even though there is a bigger picture. (not that I reckon the Venky's will do it-apologies, I meant their Mummy)

I can put to one side all the 'personal attributes' of our leader if we were winning games and looking solid.

Unfortunately I do not think (know) he has a clue about tactics. The worst thing would be to stumble into the Premier league with him and be utterly humiliated week in week out.

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