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Old 606...and hopefully a deal with Sparty

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posted on 2/10/12

I've got no problem with that...but every-time I post a "football" thread or comment...it's only a matter of time till a brain-dead wendy starts with the half dozen insults that pass for dee dar humour.

More than happy to give it a go though...I'll give this post 3 comments max before it goes south..

posted on 2/10/12

Alright Trig, good on you

posted on 2/10/12

Good glad your willing to be civil, I really am

Well to be fair most folk on here will be civil (myself included) as long as theres no personal abuse but after much thought i realise that there's little point to being immature about it, which I'm sure you'll agree with.

We've been at loggerheads far too long now and I just think now it's got way too silly now and now we should just concentrate on the whole purpose of ja606, to talk football & enjoy a bit of freindly banter.

Glad you are willing to give it a go and glad we can sort out a truce

posted on 2/10/12

I reserve the right to take the peeese out of Jonah Tom, if he should reappear, though...

Mind you most of you wendies do also...

posted on 2/10/12

I think you should both just exchange email addresses and have this little affair privately

posted on 2/10/12

Sparty, just desist from the name-calling, it detracts from any genuine point or humour you may have.

We call you Sparty or Dingle

You call us by our names or acceptable shortened version - ie Shibboleth30 or as others refer to me as Shibbs or Shibbo.

Feel free to call us Dee Dars or Fowls if you must but refrain from the dim part - it is tired now.

posted on 2/10/12

You lot need to 'grow a pair'. I couldn't care less what Sparty calls anybody. Who cares?

posted on 2/10/12

That's cos he's your boyfriend.

posted on 2/10/12

Who really cares? Me, I like to "have a go" at Sparty , he's a laugh and means no harm. Just a dingle, that's sparty. Now git bacckkkk into yer hole sparty.

posted on 2/10/12

They need to sit down with a Harvest Pale each and get deep, explore their relationship and see where it goes.

comment by DRY (U3060)

posted on 2/10/12

And leave our jolly sailor alone, you phantom flan six flinger..

..I will have you know, that Sally James still wears his hat ribbon as a garter to this day..

..although its a bit wrinckled

posted on 3/10/12

Ha, i'm nooooo "sailor" fella trust me

Speaking of jolly sailors, take it Maguires your latest "squeeze" Poite

posted on 3/10/12

Maguire can usually be found in a bar...he'll be back soon, his signing-on fee should be running out.

Shib...I don't feel the need to use that term nowadays...your own players are doing it for me...

Sorry lads but the moniker...Lost in the Space Between His Ears, just has to remain...

posted on 3/10/12

Well more the defenders at the moment id say sparty, offensively theres no problem but at the back, its quite embarassing I have to admit

posted on 3/10/12

I was quite proud of, SquibonmethsIQ30, TBH...but I'll refrain, Shib...

posted on 3/10/12

SquibonmethsIQ30 was the best I agree .

I'd like to see if you could top that one.

posted on 4/10/12

Leg end

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