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These 47 comments are related to an article called:

"It’s the scourge of modern football"

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comment by OvalOwl (U8818)

posted on 5/10/12

Spardingle, get it right.

We happened to win the League Cup in 1991. That was the year that Tarn missed the play-offs by goal difference. Perhaps this was before you were born?

We all know that our Arry ain't going to go North of Watford. Milan-Rodri admits as much when he says "not that it would happen like" so you need to brush up your history and comprehension skills.

posted on 5/10/12

you had better explain what "comprehension" skills mean before he tries to post his usual dribble.

posted on 5/10/12

Fair do's if you think its a big laugh but your forgetting our 1-0 win League cup win v a certain Manchester team in 1991, Besides, all p1ss taking apart, why wouldnt he have a go with us? We have potential, an ambitious chairman (despite what you or others outside wednesday might think) a sound infrastucture and a great fan base.

We are MASSIVE after all

Anyway, away from all the 'Arry n what have you, I think DJ is the man to lead us forward and we will come out of this poor run I'm sure, we have a better formation now just need our defence working on

posted on 5/10/12

League Cup

I repeat...You've won nowt since the 1930s

Anyhoo...I'm in pain with so much laughter, so thank feck it's Friday...and it's pub time...


posted on 5/10/12

Its no good, the guy will never change ah well I did my best!

Ive been mature to him and that but because he somewhat thinks that HR taking charge seems "unrealistic" by posting hundreds of laughing smilies then good for him but im not falling for it by getting into yet another war of words or insults, im past all that

posted on 5/10/12

Pub time at 1pm in the afternoon?

I never got the pleasure of been on the dole

posted on 5/10/12

I have in the past sadly but I never spent tax payers hard earned dosh by spending all day in't boozer, I spent a couple of hours in the morning and afternoon looking for jobs, you want jobs badly enough you'll get them I say

posted on 5/10/12

Not 'Arry please.

I'd take Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Doesn't matter who really because MM will fire anyone who fails whoever they are. Lets have a bash at a novice, or get someones grandma in for a while. Blah blah blah ...

posted on 5/10/12

The Baby-Faced Assassin would be a good shout but DJ has a future here and im certain he'll turn it around soon (echo echo)

posted on 5/10/12

Lets have a bash at a novice, or get someones grandma in for a while
Ok...whatever floats your love boat son

posted on 5/10/12

Why has Beevers gone ?

posted on 5/10/12

Mega, it wasn't a sexual preference dude

posted on 5/10/12

Now now theres no needd to get all defensive I know that fella, just pointing out that it was almost a Double Entendre

posted on 5/10/12

Oh dear...Poor owd Milan....I'm sooo sorry.

Seriously...you honestly believe Redknapp would be interested in wendies!!!! Totally and utterly deluded!!!!

Poite...You would be amazed how many contracts are discussed/secured in boozers on Friday afternoons.

posted on 5/10/12

Come on Sparty. A bag of weed under the table cant be classed as a 'contract' surely

posted on 6/10/12

Sparty. If your lot won the League cup we'd never hear the last of it, so pipe down. It's still classed as a 'major' domestic trophy and until it isn't we'll hoot as much as we like.

posted on 6/10/12

If we're going cockney, i vote Peter Shreeves.
Harry's chops cant handle the altitude anyway, too floppy.

posted on 6/10/12

Major trophy, my big fat hairy ar$e...

I've been sat here 20 mins trying to recall who are the present holders.. The last team I can recollect winning it was Birmingham..notable cos they were rubbish and got relegated the same season. Otherwise it seems to be won by the Big Four's reserve and youth teams.

I hear hooting from S6..."Ah but when we won it, it was taken seriously"...Poppycock! Look who won it in the same era..Luton..Oxford..Swindon...pah.

Stupid competition taken as seriously as the Autopaint Johnsonwindow thingy...In fact maybe less, as I'm pretty sure that Chesterfield are the holders of that.

posted on 6/10/12

League cup aside, may I remind you that since your only major trophy win (a lucky home replay against the mighty baggies) we've also won the FA cup and back-to-back championships. Know your place.

posted on 6/10/12

I do wish dee dars could get their heads around reading...

I have stated several times in recent threads...Wednesday were quite good in the 1930s

posted on 6/10/12

Sorry Sparty. Please forgive me for not subscribing to everything you send forth. I promise to be more attentive in future.

posted on 8/10/12

We live in England not Hitlers Germany!

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