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comment by TGI (U9236)

posted on 17/10/12

I reckon Beckham can still do a job.

posted on 17/10/12

Jagielka - Fancy name
average fooballer

Terry - Average name
fancy footballer

posted on 17/10/12

Reckon we should play this team in the next game:

Neville Ferdinand Terry A.Cole
Beckham Gerrard Lampard J.Cole
Owen Heskey

Worth a shot

posted on 17/10/12

Terry fancy football? Behave, Terry wasn't missed. England need some like Bale to get them going.

posted on 17/10/12

I didn't rate Cole today.

posted on 17/10/12

Terry wasn't missed

1 - 1

posted on 17/10/12

100 caps. Allowed to have 1 bad game

posted on 17/10/12

Joe Hart -
His fault. Blame Cole

posted on 17/10/12

Mr Chelsea ✪

England are an average footballing nation with average footballers who are paid handsomely from their clubs

It doesn't matter if you replace Lennon with Walcott, Cahill with Lescott, Hart with Green, Welbeck with Defoe, Carrick with Lampard, Ox with Rooney, Johnson with Walker and so on

I would be replacing Cole with Baines as a priority. Cole was useless, and Lennon and Bale will rip him to shreds on Saturday.

posted on 17/10/12

"Terry fancy football? Behave, Terry wasn't missed."

Yeah looked like it when the defense was getting pulled apart

posted on 17/10/12

A Tottenham fan going on about fullbacks

You have the 2 worst in the league

posted on 17/10/12

Yes Bale has a history of tearing Chelsea to shreds.............well i think he has, trying to remember when i have ever seen Bale have a good game vs Chelsea, nope sorry cant. LOL!

comment by T.J (U15973)

posted on 17/10/12

Spurs to win 3-1

posted on 17/10/12


comment by T.J (U15973)

posted on 17/10/12

And England have not got average footballers, some of them are decent, just can't play as a team.

posted on 17/10/12

Then drop the so called 'names' and play a system, not egos

posted on 17/10/12

You're right Mr C, average is about the best description of england you could find.

posted on 17/10/12

I just want qualification so Hansen and Lawro get a free holiday to Rio

posted on 17/10/12

I've just watched the game in a bar here in Alicante,theres hell on all the Spaniards have been rushed to hospital with their sides spliiting.

comment by T.J (U15973)

posted on 17/10/12

Looks like the spaniards were impressed by the sound of that

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 17/10/12

Yes Bale has a history of tearing Chelsea to shreds.............well i think he has, trying to remember when i have ever seen Bale have a good game vs Chelsea, nope sorry cant. LOL!
He one good game against us, then got owned by Paulo Ferreira for 2 years

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 17/10/12

*he had

posted on 17/10/12

I would be replacing Cole with Baines as a priority. Cole was useless, and Lennon and Bale will rip him to shreds on Saturday.


Don't worry, Paulo Ferreira is fresh and ready to put Bale in his back pocket again.

posted on 17/10/12

Levy gonna look so smug with Boas, and us with the CL

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 17/10/12

tbf, between Levy/AVB/RDM - there's a clear winner in the biggest pompous pr!ck look a like contest

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