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posted on 1/11/12

Wouldn't swap him for any RB in the world (unless you are still counting Ramos as a RB).

He has been a class apart this year and he is only 22 His recovery tackle on Sturridge last night was top draw. Going to be a big player for us this year if he stays fit, no way SAF will drop him for Jones or Smalling.

posted on 1/11/12

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posted on 1/11/12

Definately Neville's long term successor. Can see him retiring at unitef

posted on 1/11/12

He's brilliant...

I love how nothing scares him too...he's put some of the best players in that pocket of his.

posted on 1/11/12

Does anyone think Fabio will make it?

posted on 1/11/12

I think fabio hasn't been given enough chances. This season would have been perfect for him as Evra is on the decline but we bought another LB and sent him on loan. I don't understand that.

I hope he progresses at QPR and shows Fergie he can step up. I worry that the QPR defence is shocking and leaking goals and what this does to his confidence and performances.

posted on 1/11/12

I think Fabio's career depends heavily on injuries. Once he recovers from his current injury I really hope he stays fit and claims a first team spot with QPR, he needs a long period of game time. It hasnt helped that Evra has been immense for most of Fabio's time with United, but he's less convincing now and with our other option - Buttner- looking raw, I can see Fabio getting a starting spot next season.

If he stays injury free.

posted on 1/11/12

I think fabios on loan to mature so that he can take over from evra. Buttner I think is only ever meant to be a back up

posted on 1/11/12

How long has Fabio been in our reserves? He needs games to mature, but giving someone with hardly no experience games over Evra wouldn't be the best of ideas IMO.

Buttner on the other hand was a first team player at Vitesse for 4 years before we signed him, so he has experience.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 1/11/12

he can't defend to save his life, poor man's Jenkinson imo.

posted on 1/11/12

the difference in rafael since last season is staggering.

gone are the rash challenges and the diving in, and instead he has shown great maturity.

what i love about rafael is his enthusiasm, its infectious.

for me will be the best RB in the world within a season or two.

He loves playing for utd, and its not often you can say this, but i think he will spend the better part of his career at OT.

he has all the attributes to become the best RB utd have ever had.

posted on 1/11/12


posted on 1/11/12

Shut up, 8bit. Most consistent player in the squad this year and has potential captain written all over him.

posted on 1/11/12

he can't defend to save his life, poor man's Jenkinson imo.
Jenkinson is good and could definitely become a top defender in a few years, but Rafael is just a beast. And he can defend, very well actually.

posted on 1/11/12

people laughed when fergie gave anderson and rafael contract extentions, claiming at the time that they were the future of the club and he would be building the team around those players....... doesnt look as far fetched now does it

posted on 1/11/12

I didn't laugh.

posted on 1/11/12

Rafa has been my favourite player since his signing. We have the same hair

posted on 1/11/12

You share hair?

posted on 1/11/12

You don't?

posted on 1/11/12

Nah, not anymore...

I decided to shave all my hair off last week, so I am now sporting a new "thug" style doo that nobody wants...

posted on 1/11/12

Grow it back, people with shaved heads scare me

posted on 1/11/12

I haven't had the thug look since I was supposed to be in school.

It's Movember now too, so I will be growing a hitler tash...

posted on 1/11/12

I have never shaved my head. I am scared that I might have a weird shaped head and a close cut will show it off.

I can't grow a beard I don't think I ever actually finished going through puberty. But if that's the case there is a chance things might still grow

posted on 1/11/12

Is this you?


posted on 1/11/12

You need one of these..


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