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hammill guilty

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comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 12/11/12

link.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-20297678#?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

probably the last we've seen of him I would think....

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 12/11/12

maybe not. the law will punish him accordingly and hasto accept it. if its not a jail term then i think things will just carry on as normal

posted on 12/11/12

Won't be a jail sentence, if he has a clean record!

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 12/11/12

noone knows what happened. whether it was phtsical or verbal or a mis understanding. innocent till proven guilty i think ppl need to give him a break. not refering to u too.

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 12/11/12

u two^^

posted on 12/11/12

silly boy

So now what? This lad is a top player on his day and I really don't want to see him go...........but.............do we really have a choice?

Footballers have killed people but gotten another club, and someone would definitely still snap him up. I can't help but think that we may have seen the last of him in the blue and white stripes

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 12/11/12

He has pleaded guilty, so he is guilty as charged Tez, sentencing on 20th November..he may have some mitigations to plead..although that's hard to see...I agree it depends exactly what he did, slap someone, hit them or just push them away for some reason., or like you said..swear at them.....assault takes many forms, he might get 'community service'...he'll be fined...but probably a suspended sentence if it's his first offence ?

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 12/11/12

thats what i mean pleaded guilty of what? noone knows. we will find out after the hearing and verdict etc.

the club will know whats gone one they will have sat and discussed it with hammill. and i trust larry and deano will make the correct decision on his town future.

posted on 12/11/12

He's pleading guilty.
The ambulance was called when he was found unconcious, when he's come round the court has heard he did the following

he's been accused of hitting 1 of them
Spitting blood at them
and trying to bite them while they were restraining him for treatment.

It doesn't sound very good does it

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 12/11/12

He'll obviously claim he was not of sound mind at the time...

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 12/11/12

good job he dunt come out drinking wi me. wouldnt av woken up again

posted on 12/11/12

He sounds a right lightweight when it comes to drinking

posted on 12/11/12

Sounds worse than me. I'm into hour 34 of the worst hangover since records began

posted on 12/11/12

Send him back , we don't want playing staff who beat up women, Ward is better anyway.

posted on 12/11/12

If he has had a few pots of ale after a game, So what, And then he gets whacked by a bouncer (allegedley) and is brought round by the medics, Does not know where he is, Does not know what he has done or what is happening, Sounds like he didnt want treatment, Nor does ity sound like he needed it,,, No big deal, The lad has pleaded guilty, A fine and community service along with a few trips to a drink related council type guru,, No big deal, Jeez the way some folk are going on about it you would think he has battered an innocent passer by for nothing,,, The paramedics should have backed off when he came around and started to be aggressive,, Sounds like much of a do about nothing,, And a couple of compo claims against a footy player to me.

posted on 12/11/12

I agree el.

posted on 12/11/12

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know where he was at the time. He shouldn't have got himself in that situation in the first place. If he drinks too much, it's his own fault, and if he gets hit by a bouncer for gobbing off, its his fault. I am ambulance technician, I am fed up with picking up drunk wasters and thinking it's okay to abuse us when we're trying to help.

I hope he's forced to mop up sick for his community service

posted on 12/11/12

And no, we can't just back off when they're violent, they're in MY ambulance, and we have a duty of care when we're on scene. We can't leave them or its our jobs if he were to die choking on his own vomit. (pity)

posted on 12/11/12

How do you know the bouncer was not a coch who was jealous of Hammill ? He may not have been drunk, He may not have gobbed off,, Plead guilty, show a bit of remorse and get judged in a magistrates court,, Anybody who has been kay ohed knows you aint got your marbles in place for a while, Maybe the lad didnt appreciate being restrained,, I presume during the restraint was when he tried to bite them and spat a bit of blood, The paramedics should have left him at that point and waited for a call for a more appreciative punter, Someone who wanted treatment,, Jeez the guy was hurt so bad he had a black eye, Nothing more.

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 12/11/12

louise make ur mind up

posted on 12/11/12

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comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 12/11/12

what if he was wearing a l66ds shirt. would u leave him?

posted on 12/11/12

Sadly no :+( I still have to take him. Unfortunately I work in leeds

posted on 12/11/12

I've been in the unfortunate position of taking a good beating when pi$$ed, then coming round on a pavement with coppers around me.....It's all a bit confusing & embarrassing, especially when the penny drops and you realise what has just happened, everybody around is either patronising you or telling to go home, when all you want to do is get revenge...It's a situation that can very easily become nasty, and it did......
The jury is out on Hammills case as far as I'm concerned. I think he might turn out not to be the monster some are making him.....

posted on 12/11/12

So you will be hoping to find a drunken Leeds player who gives you a whack in the not too distant future,, Quids in young Jacko, Quids in.

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