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WWE Trying To Hard???

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posted on 19/11/12

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posted on 19/11/12

found link for ppv
dailymotion and its all free save yourself 15 pounds

posted on 19/11/12

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posted on 19/11/12

I thought foley was to beat up to wrestle any more

posted on 19/11/12

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posted on 20/11/12

The unpredictable route only works when you supplement it with the right storyline. The current marquee storyline, is terrible because u have 3 (punk is now ) bland characters. Cena stopped being of substance in 2005, punk lost his credibility when he started the respect bull, and ryback is clearly a panic push after the Brodus Clay debacle. The ONLY thing holding this joke together is Heyman. Ryback Has been pushed too fast, the only time a fast push works is when a newbie successfully attacks the main guys from the get go(ergo ur surprise element done properly).

The current hope the wwe has is with the Swiss guy, he is awesome! Sandow if given the right direction (a singles competitor snob who can own ppl...HHH ANYONE?) and Brodus, for me he is a better tank than Ryback, he's awesom of the mic, and more psychologically imposing than mr muscle.

But what do we know .

posted on 21/11/12

I think the introduction of the three NXT guys will prove to be a useful distraction/detraction from Ryback's meteoric push into the main event card. Using those three, he can ease back down without completely disappearing into the wildnerness as they have done with so many others, keeping him credible but leaving the top stuff to Punk/Cena/Rock et al.

Dunno about you guys, but I'm enjoying WWE lately. Sandow and Cesaro are two really good talents coming through. Cesaro's 'Very European Uppercut' is awesome. I'm going to watch it now.

posted on 21/11/12

Oh wait, I might be getting confused. That is a completely different move. I'm not sure what the one I was thinking is called - he used it against Brodus on RAW - off the turnbuckle and flip sideways in the air and upper cutted him. It was sweet.

posted on 21/11/12

I dunno I think creative get waaay more stick than they deserve. They have so many plates to spin and I think that on the whole they keep everything together to a reasonable degree. If they listened to most of what the (fickle) IWC want, I think they would be far worse off. Not everything they do is great, but I have no real complaints with them.

posted on 23/11/12

sorry but I can't stand WWE's creative. I should try to get a job as a writer for them.. I think i could do better TBH

posted on 23/11/12

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posted on 23/11/12

miz as face? no way - he should be heel for life
zigs versus cena is a good fued - zigs needs to be built up for a title run, and fueding with cena is the obvious way
DB and Kane - i dont know.. i guess it's a decent pigeon-hole storyline for those two right now
cm punk is doing well as a heel now with heyman.. hopefully he'll be presented more as a weakling with the belt.. he is probably the worst beltholder in the history of the company
Orton needs to become a heel very very bad.. he needs to be like ric rude.. make a stable of orton and a couple others.. maybe have them all under heyman, although the new nexus thing seems to be occupying him now
why not make Otunga the manager/legal representation
get brodus out of that chickensh1t outfit
maybe make tensai a face
wade barrett as face and give him push
R Truth needs a push
i think WWE need to copy TNA and have a bound for glory type tournament format..
this is just off the top of my head

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