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Is it Bogdan's age?

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posted on 2/1/13

Hes just carp JAH - He simply isnt good enough, he is not a very good shot stopper, hes not commanding, his distribution, although accurate, is naive.

Jaaskelainen shared some of those naiveties, but he was always a good shot stopper, and superb one on one. With age he developed to be commanding and had very wise (no always as accurate) distribution

comment by Norpig (U2863)

posted on 2/1/13

i would disagree clegg - he is a good young keeper playing behind an awful defence. True he needs to learn to command his area better and catch instead of punch on occasion but he is far from awful and will only get better.

posted on 2/1/13

norpig ,i agree with your comments ,when he 1st came into the team he did command his area ,as a young lad with a bad defence in front of him .{ although improving under freedman } his confidence as taken a dip ,i think things all round are improving ,a penalty yesterday was the only difference between the 2 teams and we were the better team ,we need a good centre back for knight and a striker that can score goals in this consistantly which wont be easy ,ream has improved under freedman .it just takes time and i know we have not got much of that left this season , but d.f is not to blame for that

posted on 2/1/13

sorry -- a striker who can score goals consistantly--is what it was supposed to say

posted on 2/1/13

I don't think the defence are listening to be fair.

I think he suffers from sloppy technique but having seen the new GK coach in the warm up at Birmingham I think he'll improve again in time.

When to catch and when to punch was my test on the GK coaching course I did and by the end of the week's course I had a striker taking high crosses easily and a midfielder punching the ball so far it was crazy. (he had a stammer so him shouting 'keepers' was quite funny)

posted on 2/1/13

Clegg, I don't know how long you have been watching the Wanderers but if you were around when we first got promoted to the Premiership, you may remember Jussi was an absolute nightmare.

He couldn't command his area or do much right. In my opinion Bogdan can't be any worse than he was. Jussi was dropped from the team. Jimmy Phillips told his best mate ( I used to sit next to his best mate's father at the Bok) that Jussi complained of red mist coming down when he was under pressure. That does sound stupid but I can assure you it came from Jimmy.

In reality I think it's just a confidence thing and hopefully it will sort itself out.

I can't see why a keeper who has a very good season can't get back to his usual form.

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 2/1/13

I do think its an age thing. Drop Knight (who struts around the place like he's better than this league), Mears for Riley (as I still can't believe Riley was that good against Stoke and didn't really get much more game time after) and I'm sure Boggers will have no problem shouting and screaming at them to get them into place.

posted on 2/1/13

Bogdan just needs a break away from the firing line. We paid for Lonergran so use him!

posted on 2/1/13

The thing with Lonergan is that he has been out injured so we haven't had the choice. Not sure when he is due back either but it should be soon as he was expected to be out for 3 months after surgery and that was back in October.

posted on 2/1/13

Lonergan has been back for a few weeks now.

posted on 2/1/13

Okay shows how much attention I've been paying! Tend to just skip the first name on the subs bench what with the sub keeper rarely getting used.

posted on 2/1/13

We need competition for places especially for a keeper who is not yet developed properly into a number 1.

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