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why do players earn more than coaches

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posted on 27/7/11

Footballers are on more money than the president of the USA ffs, its a joke

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 27/7/11

posted on 27/7/11

Doovdé £536 per week

posted on 27/7/11

David Bentley earns more than I do

posted on 27/7/11

Carlton Cole earns me than me

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 27/7/11

Titus Bramble earns more than me

posted on 27/7/11

Gary Doherty earns more a week than I do in a year

posted on 27/7/11

Robbie Keane earns more than Sandro

posted on 27/7/11

Andy Linighan is a plumber. So he probably earns more than Harry

posted on 27/7/11

Crouch earns more than ALL OF US

On the players getting paid more than managers, i think thats right if im honest, you cant have football without the actual players, but you can have football without a manager, the footballers are the ones with the skills...even though they are paid ridiculous sums to kick a ball around

posted on 27/7/11

Anyone (American) can be president of the United States. Not Everyone can be a professional footballer. Actors get paid $millions for a months work. Just they way of the world i guess.

posted on 27/7/11

Imagine me... President!!! * Does wacky dance *

posted on 27/7/11

Anyone (American) can be president of the United States.

Correction.. not all Americans, only who born in there.

posted on 27/7/11

Brilliant MafiaBoy, if you are going to correct me, at least try to construct the sentence properly.

posted on 27/7/11

Correction.. not all Americans, only who born in there.


Your parents must be so proud of your education Mich

"only who born in there"

posted on 27/7/11

I am inventing new kind of writing style.. do you have any issues with that?

posted on 27/7/11

I am inventing new kind of writing style


Times New Dumb-ass?

posted on 27/7/11

No.. Follow the Losers..

posted on 27/7/11

I am inventing new kind of writing style.. do you have any issues with that?

No issues, just fùc off and do it elsewhere. Perhaps the outside lane of the M25

posted on 27/7/11

The bird who lives in the street next to me, with 6 kids, from 6 different Dads, earns more money than me (in benefits).

posted on 27/7/11

Random question but are there any linguists here…

I am thinking of learning Arabic as I would like to work in International Relations/development at some point in the future.

Is it tough??


posted on 27/7/11

palmers - I cant really help you out, but i had to learn Hebrew/Ivrit at school, its not just learning a new language, its learning a whole new set of letters and everything which comes with that

Im not the smartest cookie, but i managed it to a good standard, takes time though

posted on 27/7/11

Cheers RRP

I assume you’re Jewish then?

My current job is such that I don’t really take work home with me so I have spare time in the evenings which I ought to utilise more. Been thinking of signing up for a language course or get the Rosetta Stone/Rocket Arabic set. I’m aware the language and writing style is completely different so I’m tossing up Arabic or keeping it simple with something like French.

Studied Mandarin for a while and got quite conversational but stupidly stopped and my knowledge stagnated, though I really want to speak a foreign language fluently.

posted on 27/7/11

No problem palmers

Yeah im Jewish, went to a Jewish Faith School as well followed by countless hours at "Jewish Class" learning Hebrew for my Bar Mitzvah...im shuddering thinking back to those days

Being able to speak another language is a great thing to have in your tool box so to speak, i would recommend at least trying it in your spare time and if you find its not really for you, you haven't really lost anything have you

The biggest problem i found, and most of my class mates was recognizing the new letter and remembering the sound of the word (that's if your reading of course). I can still speak a bit of Hebrew, could have a decent conversation with someone, but i couldn't write a sentence out, i find the language has stuck with me but not in the written form

If you want to test yourself i would go for Arabic

Good luck anyway!

posted on 27/7/11

Thanks mate, yeah might give it a go.

I'm not gonna try and write it (yet), God knows speaking it is hard enough!

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