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These 15 comments are related to an article called:

We Told You SO

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posted on 27/7/11

I don't know if you've read the rule book on 'i've told you so' but I believe it's usually said when the predicted event actually occurs.

Poor WUM.

posted on 27/7/11

Kicking people whilst they are down.

The morals of (some) football fans leaves me cold.

comment by bcfc83 (U7811)

posted on 27/7/11

Moxey, if you think Johnson was our best you are sadly mistaken. I

f you think he will sort out your dodgy defence on his own next season you are in for quiet a shock.

Good luck finding out!

posted on 27/7/11

Do one back to 12toes you Dingle Muppet!

posted on 27/7/11

Another sad bloke that calls himself a football fan??
What a joke.


comment by bcfc83 (U7811)

posted on 27/7/11

He is a dingle, they don't understand football kingblue!

posted on 27/7/11

As if looking forward to another great season with Wolves in the prem wasn't enough, I'm still laffin at small heath

posted on 27/7/11

Shame on you Dingles.

What goes around comes around.

Football fans have very long memories and when the (not) mighty wolves fall, we will be here.



Stakes and mallets at the ready.


posted on 27/7/11

Cordon, I can understand your frustration at us for the Wumming you used to do last season on 606, but taking enjoyment at the fact your rivals are on the brink of administration is just plain sad.

Your not a football fan, your a pathetic excuse for a human being and I honestly wouldn't even spit in your direction if you was on fire and someone offered me £1million for the priveledge

posted on 27/7/11

I was waiting for cordon to show his ugly face again, infact i thought it would have been sooner.

Let him have his fun, its just a reflection on his intellect

posted on 28/7/11

Seriously, you are riled by CordonWuss,

Let him laugh. Let's be honest, if this was Wolves i'd be in stitches too.

We will pull through this and by the time we are back in the big time - be it next year or ten years time - we will still be the more recent club in the Midlands to have won silverware

posted on 28/7/11

Absolutely SCT, if the boot was on the other foot, i am sure many Blues fans would be over the Wolves boards wherever they are taking the pi$h and enjoying it especially after the torment we as Wolves fans had to endure for last season from the likes of Barca, Steve, Archie and the rest, all said we would go down, loose our best players etc etc, i am sure you get the picture.
However sad it is for any football club to be in the situation you find yourselves in, i pity the REAL football fans of YOUR club, but to those ARMCHAIR supporters who ribbed us last season, well whatcha know, funnt old game ain't it....?

posted on 28/7/11

Did the big,nasty bluenoses make you cwy?

posted on 28/7/11

Bless Barca, how times have changed, oh to be a Bluenose right now eh? Not that you would know not ever frequenting your famous ground....

Thanks for RJ by the way, what was it again £14m £10m...no i think it was a budget price of £4m to balance your books!

What happened to Muppet Micks team, i thought you predicted us to go down by Christmas...

I'd rather be a Wolves fan any day, thanks
What happened to the millions you were promised by your hair dresser of an owner? Oh yeah it never happened did it Barca? Whilst you languish with barely a team to field in a few weeks time, we have a strong squad and a new stand being built thanks

Barca admit it you were wrong, very wrong on soooooo many levels it's laughable!

posted on 28/7/11


Although, I respect your post, I cannot have you believe £4m is the final fee for Roger Johnson.

The only source for this fee is the Express & Star, a paper which is two grades short of being a Wolves fanzine.

Every other paper has it as £7m. This too is just speculation.

Until either club comes out with a solid figure, the only thing we can be sure of is that you have purchased a very good player from us.

Furthermore, had Mick McCarthy waited until this week, he may have got him for cheaper, or even got a buy-one-get-one-free

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