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Coming soon??

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posted on 9/1/13

Elliott Ward will be back on Friday.

We will also have an option to purchase at the end of the season

Not sure on this one. I think there is better defenders out there. I'd like to see Hutton back from Villa though

posted on 9/1/13

Is McLeish a fan of Hutton though? Did he play much under him at Villa? I can't remember if he played for McLeish at Rangers??

posted on 9/1/13

Just checked and yes he did play for him at Rangers. I think we should definitely go back for him. He was starting play well and we don't have great options at RB.

posted on 9/1/13

A nasty thug with a terrible disciplinary record? At Forest? I've heard everything now!

posted on 9/1/13

No we don't want Jake Buxton thanks Vidal

posted on 9/1/13

@azizalhasawi: If bader get's signed I'll tell you there's a very big chance we'll have a third star on our shirts. #nffc WOULD SLAY!


posted on 9/1/13

A 3rd star

2 more than Derby though

posted on 9/1/13


Buxton 39 career yellows from 257 appearances

Hutton 51 from 219. That's quite a lot for a full-back. On the plus side, he'll fit right in.

comment by sph (U11456)

posted on 9/1/13

It seems this Bader chap is coming - at some point. I don't think he's the signing they are trying to get through at the moment though.

posted on 9/1/13

Are you boys signing Douglas Bader now?

I wouldn't bother, his legs have gone.

posted on 9/1/13

Bader, eh? I hear he is quite good in the air but struggles for stamina.*

*no legs

posted on 9/1/13

Not a huge difference Vidal and it's not a huge amount for a fullback which must be a position that is booked more than most. Either way, Jake Buxton is a talentless thug.

posted on 9/1/13

Damn you, Sheep Botherer! Damn you to hell!

posted on 9/1/13


No less a personage than the England manager has opined that Hutton is guilty of "wicked" tackles, and that the type of challenge he favours "has no place in football". No-one has ever said that about the cuddlesome Jake "hard but ever so fair" Buxton.

posted on 9/1/13

That's because no-one outside of Derby and Nottingham has heard of him. Hutton went through a bad couple of years, playing poorly and making some shocking tackles to make up for his poor play. But he was a very good player at Rangers and decent in his first year at Spurs. He's done well in his short spell with Forest and hasn't looked a dirty player at all.

posted on 9/1/13


You mean - when Hutton is playing well, he's not using "wicked" tackles but if he has an off game -watch-out for broken legs. Buxton turned you lot over last game at PP. Is that why you dislike him so much? He's a 100% man and gives everything. All Derby fans will be glad when he's back

posted on 9/1/13

Ramdini, yes that's pretty much what I mean about Hutton. At this level, he will rarely need to do anything wicked.

As for Buxton turning us over, that's rubbish. He was lucky to stay on the pitch, along with Andy Reid that day.

comment by OOE (U3473)

posted on 9/1/13

There's little difference between the two.

Buxton loves whipping Forest.
Reid loves whipping cream.

posted on 9/1/13

I have heard (seriously) that Forest are trying to bring in a Kuwaiti striker who is reputed to be "the fastest player in the world". Yes, that's right, THE WORLD.

Slightly less seriously, this would mean you have both the fastest AND the fattest players in the world. All you would then need to do would be to sign the fartiest, and you would have the Holy Trinity.

posted on 9/1/13

If only we were looking for slow players, then Derby fans would be worried.

posted on 9/1/13

Is bronchitis fatal?

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