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We're officially Torres FC

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posted on 9/1/13

he is trying to improve his record of managers sacked. he reckons he can get another two before the end of the season.

pointless waste of space. and a clear sign tonight that benitez is going to do the same thing as all the rest before him; carry on playing torres despite all the evidence that he is shot.

in fact, if he was a horse he would be.

posted on 9/1/13

Worse striker since Sutton...

posted on 9/1/13

The Chelsea players have stopped passing to Torres. They don't trust him. We are basically playing with 10 men. Why did Rafa wait till the 80th minute to bring on Ba? Rafa has an acidized brain.

posted on 9/1/13

Torres isn't a striker he's just an entity which can occasionally kick a ball

posted on 9/1/13

Before this game, I said if Ba was to start ahead of Torres I'll eat my own head. I guess my head has been saved.

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 9/1/13

Blaming Torres is absurd in the extreme.
When Stalwarts like Ivanovic gift twice, Swansea must believe he is a Santa in a blue suit.
The whole team , except for a few rare flashes here and there, were pretty dismal.

posted on 9/1/13

Ivanovic hasn't given me 2 years of cr'ap uninspired performances to build up a hatred against him

Torres has

posted on 9/1/13

Bring Lukaku back and make him compete with Ba. Torres is a nonentity. FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 9/1/13

Very hard game for him, is for any one striker against a team playing 10 men behind the ball. Benitez's use of Ba was poor, either he shouldn't come on 45-60 mins instead of Torres in an attempt to get Swansea pushing up sooner, or brought him on when he did to partner Torres...... his subs seemed pre-arranged to me, weren't taking circumstance into account

posted on 9/1/13


I see what your sayiing but BA had more attempts than Torres in 10 mins and put the ball in the net.

We had all the possesion in the game

posted on 9/1/13

May be if we had a prolific striker who had scored three goals earlier, then we would have won the game regardless of Ivanovich's mistake. Torres take that you overrated piece of $hiet

posted on 9/1/13


No it isn't, Torres has not once pulled the finger out for us. Today was a red letter day for him - 100 apps - and yet he did nothing. Ba had 4 chances in 8 minutes. Torres is a pathetic excuse for a sack of skin and the sooner he's out, the better.

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 9/1/13

Ron I dont do hate. Its worse than useless. Ivanovic who has been inconsistent , made school boy mistakes to gift the game raising Michu to a Messi. Nando's entity is definitely missing, stolen by aliens and to show their humour replacing the vacuum with the spirit of a donkey.
But its a team game and if any blame is to be portioned, tonight was an easy to forget inspid performance by the entire team except for Turnbull who did nothing wrong.
I knew we would miss Drogs, but not by this much.

posted on 9/1/13

Sure Ivanovic had a cr'ap game and cost both the goals but the man up front costs us many games with his fragile mind.

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