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I am getting very nervous are you ?

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comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 13/1/13

I'm fed up this morning! I'm starting to feel that DF is not the right manager for us and we should've stuck with Philips and LSL. How can he keep picking Knight and SKD?????? In fact I'm not fed up, I'm angry. If OC had been manager over the last few games people would've been calling for his head! How can a team play with so little passion and commitment? It's his and his teams flipping job to motivate the players!!!!

posted on 13/1/13

jimmy knew knight was the problem.the freedman appointment is looking a bad mistake now 4 wins in 14 but we are stuck with him as we cant afford to sack another manager.should have given jimmy a bit longer or given it to mick mccarthy while he was availble.

posted on 13/1/13

Sporting Whites, I agree with a lot of what you are saying but not all.

The worst part of your article is when you ask for the happy clappers to restrain from posting.

What are you, a one man censor? For goodness sake this is an open forum and every member of ja606 whether a BWFC supporter or not, whatever views they have, as long as they don't insult other members or submit abusive comments are allowed to post their thoughts.

Get down off your high horse and get real.

posted on 13/1/13

I get the feeling that Lenny Lawrence is making more calls than DF, yesterday was a disaster in a catalogue of disasters. The same old rhetoric spouted by DF is equal to his predecessor because there is nowt to say about an abysmal showing.
For uncle Phil to tell us that the target is 2 points per game is spin to sell season tickets, speaking to many at the game yesterday who will not renew next season.
As for uncle Phil one good appointment in 5 is not good, I think the next managerial change will bring a new chairman with it.
We are at a level where we will be for some time to come & I do fear for the future, with the income streams falling we will find ourselves chasing lower costs including player wages, it really does not look good.

posted on 13/1/13

normid norm, don't forget he is one of the people who understands football, we don't.

I sincerely hope that DF and his team can sort out the mess that we are in but it's apparent that it won't happen this season. We can only hope that when he has chance to put together his own team, we will see better players performing to a higher standard. At the moment we have too many players not performing to a high enough standard and some who are not capable of attaining that standard. I don't blame DF for that as the players were here when he arrived.

What I do blame him for is his lack of judgement when picking the team. We have had too many changes, virtually from game to game. This doesn't allow the team to settle and get used to each others play. I have said before, DF needs to pick our best team and stick with them wherever possible. The merry go round that he's created is ridiculous. In my opinion too many changes for no real reason. I understand that if players are injured changes have to be made but sometimes his changes don't seem to have a valid reason, it's just change for the sake of change.

As far as Gartside is concerned, I hope that Eddie wakes up and smells the coffee. He has presided over the downturn in our fortunes and doesn't seem to have halted it with this latest appointment. Yes he appointed Sam and that was, with the exception of the appointment of Rioch, the best signing of a manager for many years at BWFC, but he must have also played a big part in the way that Sam left and also the subsequent result in our demise.

It's to be hoped that either DF or Eddie Davies can sort out this mess and soon.

posted on 13/1/13

I don't understand it really.

Why are KD and Knight playing? Why do we drop players after a good performance and result?

The only thing I am moderately excited about is Holden, Wheater and Vela's imminent return. Hopefully that means we might actually control a game.

posted on 13/1/13

TRR,as you say dropping players who are playing well,Pratley has just had is best games in a bolton shirt yet was on the bench yesterday ,WHATS ALL THAT ABOUT,Chungy was playing far better than Eagles but he takes Chungy off ,THE FANS NEED AN EXPLANATION SIMPLE ,

posted on 13/1/13

The 8m SA asked for to move us up looks like sweetie money now. I bet PG wished he had given way back then instead of letting personal grudges get in the way of correct business decisions. I wonder if PG reflects on his words back then after each match ends in another shambles.

As for Len remember a Hudderfield fan telling one of us on here that it was Len and not DF who runs the show. Time to put Lennie the lion down it would be the kindest way to end it for him and his toothless pride.

posted on 13/1/13

The appointment of Big Sam was a fluke in itself ...they hired him because he was cheap and had the Bolton connection. He worked out to be a good un ....but not because Darkside had any insights into mangement.

Currently DF seems just as daft as OC IMO. Others have stated the reasons which I mostly agree with.

In hindsight we were better off with Mugson ...that's how poor the situation is now.

posted on 13/1/13

In hindsight we were better off with Mugson ...that's how poor the situation is now.

Frighteningly spot on, "gawd elp us"

posted on 13/1/13

The appointment of Big Sam was a fluke in itself

tu tut those who now football had been watching his progress and success in Ireland and on his return. He had cut his teeth and shown his worth when we stole him from Notts County bringing him home.
He's one of them that does it his way only and it works, he has got it. Alas every one since him hasn't got it we had him but PG's wisdom let him walk off into the sunset.
You and I would be more likely to back a winner than an unknown. Shame PG didn't do that when asked to roll the dice for a few quid. Now we are out of pocket because of it with no sign of a win never mind a winning manager.

posted on 13/1/13

Personally, I think "we are in a battle to stay in this division" is a ridiculous comment, and anyone making such a comment, while lambasting others who mention the play offs, is open to some level of ridicule.

I don't know why my comment to RivingtonMike a couple of weeks ago has been singled out as part of the basis for this thread, but what I said in that comment is spot on. At the time we were 7 points clear of the relegation zone with a vastly superior goal difference on the teams in the relegation zone, and now we are 8 points clear. So when I said I thought we had bottomed out in terms of relegation prospects, I'm still correct.

Mid table is where we are heading, now, individuals will have their own view on what constitutes mid table, I would probably say that mid table is 9th to 16th in a 24 team division - which is where we are now. In the middle 8 places out of 24.

So when the OP says he would settle for mid table right now, in my view, we're already in mid table.

No chance of us going down. No chance of a relegation fight. We score too many goals and are too strong at home to be in the mix for relegation.

posted on 13/1/13

I think I agree with largehat in the sense that we won't go down. I'm just annoyed at how bad we really are and why our manager can't pick a good performing team and stick with it.

He's actually useless.

posted on 13/1/13

We've heard it before though havnt we?

we can't so confidently say we won't go down, just because were a 'bigger team' than the likes of Barnsley, Leicester (who beat us) etc.

Honestly we are one of the worst teams in the league. We are appallingly bad. I don't think we will get sent to the abyss of league one, but im sure that's what Leeds, wednesday and forrest's fans thought.

posted on 13/1/13

I can say confidently we won't go down, and where have I written anything about being "bigger" than anyone else? Nowhere.

You don't read my posts very carefully, notlobbing.

You might seek to dismiss my point of view as arrogance based on the 'size' of our club, but it isn't, it's based on highly pertinent facts such as number of points and league position. You know, the stuff that actually determines who goes down.

We've not been anywhere near the relegation places all season long. We score too many goals and pick up too many points, and that's why we are eight points and vastly superior goal difference above the relegation zone and that's why we won't go down.

Your opinion that we are in relegation trouble is a load of alarmist guff. You're entitled to your opinion but don't misrepresent mine - that really cheeses me off if you hadn't noticed.

Have you even looked at the league table at any point this season?

I look at it regularly, and at no point have we been anywhere near the points tally of the teams in the bottom four.

That's not a debating point, it is a fact.

posted on 13/1/13

Too big to go down

That unsinkable ship, not the Titanic the other one

posted on 13/1/13

comment by AndyGee (U1737)

posted on 13/1/13

I look at our fixtures and look at the way we have been playing recently and can see us being in or very close to the relegation zone by the time we play Hull at home.

Hope I'm wrong.

posted on 13/1/13

We're not terrible, we are average, and so, we will finish in an average league position most likely.

With the number of good players coming back from injury, and the possibility of new signings, all this pessimism about the coming month or two really gives me an itchy backside.

posted on 13/1/13

With the number of good players coming back from injury, and the possibility of new signings, all this pessimism about the coming month or two really gives me an itchy backside.

Agreed it must be contagious!

posted on 13/1/13

LH - it's not an itch. It's a Cravies moving too close

posted on 13/1/13

posted on 13/1/13

Players coming back from injury is like the No8 match bus from Burnden.
Towards the end of a match you hope the bus will come for once, edge your way towards a quick exit route and prepare for it. A quick applause as the game ends.
You run like heck across to Weston Street to find no seats and a jam jar situation. It's a horrible ride not like a usual smooth bus journey, then low and behold the bus breaks down. Oh no its a night match and you have to walk miles to get home and not a chippy open on route.
End result = a cold knackered carrs weeping while he looks at that broken bus. Never mind at least we won in those days.
Players coming back anybody ?

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