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Well, well, well!!!

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posted on 14/1/13

Swallow your pride fine, but London pride!?

Egads man it tastes like its been filtered though the ashtrays and 'chimerneys' of 1930's London. When there's so much decent local ale on offer I'm a tad disappointed you've gone for such a southern aberration!

Off topic is the new on topic!

posted on 14/1/13

I had no say in it to be fair, the wife just hand picked some at random and London Pride was one of them, not tried it for a few years so gave it a go & to be fair though, after a day darn smoke a few years ago it tasted quite nice but in a bottle it tastes nothing like how it should be, so I'll swallow my (London) pride and say that it wasnt great. But after an afternoon shopping I needed sumat

posted on 14/1/13

Apparently, if you go on form over the last 6 games we are top of the Championship.

I might have to change my anme again if this keeps up. Come on DJ, prove me (and many others) to be so very wrong! UTO

posted on 14/1/13

I really hope he does, after last seasons exploits he cant just turn from a great manager to one of the worst.

I maintain that had we not signed bothroyd and stuck with many of last seasons players we wouldn be where we are, this season has been (not that DJ will admit it mind) to DJ's poor decision making in every aspect. The players that Meggy left behind have so, so much character that they have shown that they are capable at this level to win games. If DJ sticks to playing the likes of Coke, R Johnson, Semedo, Buxton & Llera then we'll be ok. More goals from RJ will help, just got to get the likes of Antonio and Madine scoring more! The worst thing we can do now is get over complacent, just more of the same then great, hope DJ gets this right now and sticks to what worked on Saturday!!

posted on 14/1/13

What Mega says

posted on 14/1/13

I can't remember the last time I've watched the football league show over and over again (22 minutes in), probably never!

'An away day Wednesday master class'

I've never heard a commentator say that about us!

What I really love about the first goal is the few shouts as the ball goes in followed by the delayed reaction of the Wednesday fans going mental as they realise we scored. PRICELESS!!!

22:50 on bbc iplayer


posted on 14/1/13

Yeah I think it's really blatantly obvious that DJ has signed some pretty average/poor players. The team from last year if nothing else, are big, bullyish and up for a fight. What more do you need in a relegation scrap.

I still maintain that we needed 4-5 good new players in pre-season and we'd have been in the top half. Its a shame cos I think DJ is a decent man manager and motivator but his signings have been weak! literally!

posted on 14/1/13

Also what brigg says

posted on 14/1/13

I still stand by the its surely cant be a coincidence that Terry Burton left and we fell to pieces and our turn in form and fortunes has just so happened to arrive as soon as Stuart Gray entered the door.

Dont get me wrong, if we start seeing a massive improvement I wont be complaining and if thats what works in getting this club winning football matches I'll be happy as larry but I cant change my opinion of DJ so easily, not yet.

Its strange really, if you win 8 games in a row and then lose people would call you an idiot for calling for the managers head but the other way round where u lose 8 in a row and then win 1 and everybody is expected to change their opinion and praise the manager. I know its all about been positive, and let me tell you that the last few games (Burnley excluded) have been better but our performance against Hull was one very good performance in how many games???

Absolutely delighted with the team and manager for Saturday but it will be that level of performance consistently that will change my opinion. I hope we can keep it up.


posted on 15/1/13

What Poite says

Im still in a way sat on the fence, even after the last few games where we have improved, another few wins like Saturday, preferably in succession of course, then I'll happily eat my words regarding DJ and say I was wrong and glad MM kept faith in him but DJ has got a lot of things wrong this season, something a manager of his experience shouldnt have done if Im honest!

posted on 15/1/13

The three main issues then?

1. Terry Burton leaving
2. Dave Jones can not work the transfer market
3. The core of Megsons' team are good enough to man the barricades in the Championship.

I ask;

Should we get off Jones' back and give him a chance to settle the listing Good Ship Wednesday?


Based on our recent upturn in form - are we going to hang on to our Championship satus next year?

And finally,

Where is our scouting network at these days?

(The real enemy is the blunts - let us not forget)

posted on 15/1/13

Should we get off Jones' back and give him a chance to settle the listing Good Ship Wednesday?

After the last few weeks I'd say yeah, after Saturday he seems to have found his team (at last) and therefore should stick to it. If he swapped and changed again then we will see a return to our absymal form, stick with it now I say!!

Based on our recent upturn in form - are we going to hang on to our Championship satus next year?

I think we will, again, providing we can stick to the same team and gameplan from Saturday, DJ has got it right with playing Lee on the right and Helan on the left and there will be more goals now Reda is back but Antonio and Madine (if he comes into the team) need to start scoring more too if we are to further our good form!

Where is our scouting network at these days?

I believe we have taken a 17 year old FC United of Manchester starlet on a weeks trial who apparently will be a great player so I think theres still stuff goin on in our scouting System.

Also, your comment regarding DJ and not working the transfer market. I think he would benifit if he worked under a director of football, someone who has a good eye for talent. Say if DJ went to him and said I need this type of player or that type of player then the DOF should go out and find someone, not that it will happen mind as we all know how stubburn DJ is but we all know he isnt the best in the market, signing the likes of Bothroyd and Sidibe has proved this!!

posted on 15/1/13


Director of football?

Begone you demon from the future!!!!!! he certainly would benefit from some inout here, i suspect its more a question of resopurces rather than structure. We've not got the money to spend on a scouting network that meets

posted on 15/1/13

^ our needs to source new, younger palayers at this level.

posted on 15/1/13

Nah, I say sack the idiot and get O'Driscoll in

posted on 15/1/13

Bristol City?

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