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Rumble time!!!

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comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 15/1/13

Integrity > Jobbing to Cena in the hope of a push

posted on 15/1/13

Having no dignity at all >>>>>> TNA

posted on 15/1/13

This Cena character is becoming unbearable tbh.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 15/1/13

Having no dignity at all = TNA

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 15/1/13

Ziggler could of shot cena dead and he still would have kicked out. Ridiculous.
And yet HHH vs. Taker at WM27 is considered a classic?

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 15/1/13

At least that went both ways.

posted on 15/1/13

Ziggler could of shot cena dead and he still would have kicked out. Ridiculous.
And yet HHH vs. Taker at WM27 is considered a classic?
I don't consider it a classic, I thought the reaction to that match was overrated.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 16/1/13

Not the 27 match, that was very much one way

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 16/1/13

Ziggler could of shot cena dead and he still would have kicked out. Ridiculous.
And yet HHH vs. Taker at WM27 is considered a classic?
I don't consider it a classic, I thought the reaction to that match was overrated.
Excellent. So did i

posted on 16/1/13

I've a question, when has Cena ever put anyone over cleanly? Since he first became WWE Champion the only people I can think of were Batista and The Rock. Is it just my memory or has he now gone almost 9 years like that?

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 16/1/13

I had such high hopes after that Ladder match for the MITB briefcase when Ziggler got that pop and then Cena ruined his attempt at cashing in.
I was so hopeful that it was the start of a Ziggler push and a Cena heel turn. WWE let me down.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 16/1/13

You can't blame WWE for letting you down on any potential Cena heel turn anymore, that's now officially our fault if we fall for it (fool me once, etc........).

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 16/1/13

It seems so likely every time Blinded by hope, I guess.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 16/1/13

Doesn't really matter anyone. They missed the greatest window they'll after have with that in 2010. They choose having The Miz as WWE Champion over a potential Cena-Nexus power relationship being their spearhead going into WM27....... some decision that was

posted on 16/1/13

choosing the miz for anything is terrible, Miz TV is just a train wreck

posted on 16/1/13

like on this weeks when they had the miz "intimidating" Cessaro. The man picked up the great khali the other week now he is scared of the miz

posted on 16/1/13

This Miz face turn is really uncomfortable to watch. I thought he was a pretty good heel in the "love-to-knock-his-smug-block-off" mould, but watching him get friendly with Kermit the frog and woooooooo-ing like a moron on Monday night is pure cringeworthy.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 16/1/13

Prefer the cartoon face you can have a laugh with than the cartoon heel who needs foley sounds, canned laughter and kapow strips across the screen whenever he takes a bump.

It also allows him to just be himself, i love the guy underneath the actor

posted on 17/1/13

Would love to see Jericho, Flair, Lesnar, Christian involved

Personally can't see Ryback winning- he'll eliminate all the shield only to be eliminated by them afterwards IMO or even taken out by Lesnar.

Would be interesting if Ziggler won the rumble, went to Mania and lost- then the opponent gets destroyed, and he cashes in MITB.

Or a cash in DURING the rumble would be unique. IE Show takes out Rodriguez backstage and goes to to rumble- Del Rio attacks him during for vengance only to be jumped and lose the title mid-match.

The winner is a hard one, hopefully not Sheamus/Cena/Ryback.

A winner of Ziggler, Orton (heel), Lesnar would be good.

Personally I think it'll be Cena to win setting up Rock/Cena/Punk at Mania

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 18/1/13

Dunno why everyone is touting for Orton to win yet maintaining he must be heel while doing it. If he wins the Rumble the heel turn dies as a by-product, he'll have no motive.

It's going along nicely at present, winning the Rumble will scare it away

posted on 23/1/13

will take re than 1 episode of smackdown to turn orton heel, unless he decides enoughs enough and punts then t-bags hornswoggle

posted on 23/1/13

Orton teabags Hornswaggle?! Poor little fella

Should Randy decide that his new gimmick is to slip his balls down his opponents throat mandible claw-style then I reckon Mae Young should be his first victim. So long as Orton's scrotae actually finishes her off for good. Knowing the 'E' they'd somehow use this to make her "pregnant" again, giving "birth" to entrant number 30 in the rumble, probably the Iron Sheik....

I do hope creative aren't reading this....

posted on 23/1/13

TNA creative have already thought of it

posted on 24/1/13

"who do you think will win"

"who would you like to win"
Dont care

"who would you like to see involved"

what's your point here excactly Digbyyyy

comment by Bruno (U1664)

posted on 24/1/13

he means what former superstar would you like to make an appearance

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