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These 21 comments are related to an article called:

Saurez dives, but it's not his fault...

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posted on 17/1/13

It's a part of his culture

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 17/1/13

BREAKING NEWS: Luis Suarez admits to diving. In other news... Sir Alex Ferguson has revealed he is Scottish

posted on 17/1/13

diving is seen as the appreciation of a good tackle in uruguay

comment by VCG © (U13761)

posted on 17/1/13

Mexican ^ lol

posted on 17/1/13

Must be nice supporting a team with no divers in it. When i find one I will let you know so you can get on your high horse on their board....

posted on 17/1/13

posted on 17/1/13

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 1 minute ago
Must be nice supporting a team with no divers in it. When i find one I will let you know so you can get on your high horse on their board....


What a tool.

posted on 17/1/13

Sounds like the description I have heard people use about you all the time, vidicschin.

I guess United have no divers then?

posted on 17/1/13

yes we have young who is a serial offender

welbeck seems to have cut it out
nani dived once last night

posted on 17/1/13

He dives, hang him

posted on 17/1/13

if only we lived in 1613 we could do honest

posted on 17/1/13

What a tool.
Vidicschin do you ever change?

Always insulting

posted on 17/1/13

D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)

I don't think I've ever seen any United fan deny that some of our players have dived in the past. In fact I've seen many speak out against it when our players have done it and called for them to be spoken to and dealt with internally by the club.

It's not something any of us want to see our players do.

posted on 17/1/13

The Red Side, not the OP I would bet.

posted on 17/1/13

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 19 minutes ago
Sounds like the description I have heard people use about you all the time, vidicschin.


I am sure you have. I don't really care.


I guess United have no divers then?


Why would you guess that, there is ample TV evidence that tells you we also have players who go down far too easilly?

Most of our fans on here condem them for it, I have with Rooney and Young. so have plenty of others.

Not sure what your problem is really.

comment by VCG © (U13761)

posted on 17/1/13

Young dives and rightly gets slated for it, by pretty much all of us.

Anyway the article was more about Suarez's teeth than anything else

posted on 17/1/13

Yesterday, we were typing Nani diving on our match-thread. We at least put our hand up when one of our player dives. There are enough people on here who are fed up with Young falling over with a breeze!

posted on 17/1/13

I guess United have no divers then?

So you arrive at the conclusion that we have no divers because we are criticising one of yours? Hmmm. Seems a bit silly.

Some of us criticise our own divers too you know. Does that mean we're allowed to get back to criticising yours now? Cheers.

posted on 18/1/13

and danny welbecks weird shaped head made him trip himself up against wigan

posted on 18/1/13

bat_out_of_hell (U13008) - Are you trying to say his head is weird shaped because he is black?

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 18/1/13

Forget Suarez's teeth, his ears are proper weird?

Spitting image would have had a field day with him!

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