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Very interesting read

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comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

Comment deleted by Article Creator

comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

.........It was an in joke about the scouting reports as to how they had to flower them up to ensure the owners had what they needed. I will say that rashidi they genuinely do believe is decent prospect but at same time would not have pursued to sign as he was considered no better than what we already had etc

During this time SOD called a meeting with his coaching staff where he told them that for first time in his career he was under pressur to put short term results ahead of long term results but he was prepared to give it a go and sacrifice some of his beliefs

The hasawis had tried to sign park chu young off their own backs from arsenal. Nobody at the club had seen him play live. they failed to get him but were offered lansbury from arsenal at same time and took him. Jenas was taken against sods wishes .

Since fawaz arrived full time he began to pressure SOD on team selection. There is a player who it would be wrong to name that fawaz took a particular dislike to and made it clear he did not want him in the team. Sod refused to toe the line and went the other way and started him in a match.

This happened in the period leading upto the leeds match - it may have sealed SODs fate IMO

Jom knows who the player is - please don't put the name in here jom

The sacking of SOD was a complete shock to everybody - at least one coach asked to be sacked and paid off after it happened but was refused and is still at the club.

Fc had no idea of the sacking - not consulted - of course FC would not have apporved of it - despite the fact I do know that FC actually rates AM and considers him a good manager

After the sacking burt arranged a scouts meeting to take place today - this was organised a good ten days ago. All the scouts would be meeting AM today for first time. OKD can confirm this as I pmd him about it and commented it seems a long time to wait to discuss player target as the window will be half over by then

They all went to the meeting today - as the meeting started it was interrupted by a club employee who said to burt you wife needs to speak to you urgently

Burt had to leave the meeting. He returned to be tell them all including AM "my wife has just received a letter at home telling me my services are no longer required at the club"

Total shock - he left - one of the scouts asked AM where this would leave their positions. AM appeared to be unaware of what was going on. He said I have no idea what to tell you but I would imagine they are still going to need you ?

Meanwhile one of the other staff got the message that FC had just received exact same letter as burt - again with no explanation.

Both letters were sent by fawaz's solicitor.

Am again claimed he knew nothing about this happening.

Both letters said they were to have no future contact with club employees and must not go to the club

FC had attended the youth team match the previous day as had burt there was clearly ample opportunity for both of these long serving IMO good forest guys through and through to have been given the courtesy of being relieved of their duties in person

I was actually sickened to think that keith burts wife had to open that letter and then make that phonecall - what a horrible way to learn the news

Sackings happen in football all the time - that's not an issue- fair enough fresh start - that's not an issue

But I see some posters on here who like to defend the new owners describing them as ruthless - I believe the way they sack people to be more accurately described as cowardly - very much including the way they handled cotterill

I descrive the manner of all three sackings as disgraceful - regardless of whether they are for the good of the club

As a fan it leaves a sour taste in my mouth - I want the club to do well despite the haswis rather than for them now myself

Re mark arthur - I don't know exactly what happend yet - suggestion is he has walked out in protest at recent events

I do know that he and his family became close personal friends with fc and his family despite fc being wary of ma when he became chairman. Fc did say that he could never have done the job he was given without ma alongside him.

I also know that during the money issues on numerous occasions ma had made promises to suppliers etc on payments that were broken as the money transfers from kuwait never came when they were due or were less than promised

Ma and JP were both invited back as directors by fawaz last month

I expect to learn that ma has walked in protest after todays events

With chris wood we made an offer and burt asked fawaz if we could increase it - the message came back no I would rather spend more money on a better striker - the feeling was that am may have been consulted on that by fawaz before he joined us - but I don't know for sure

Burt spent last days pursuing keepers -- clearly a waste of his time as was never going to get a deal done as fawaz didn't want one IMO

Now AM has to toe the line in public just like SOD had to do - suddenly he doesn't need a senior keeper after all

I am sure the club now is all about fawaz - I don't think AM realises what he has walked into myself - despite saying all the right things throughout I believe Fawaz would like to buy all the players and would even pick the team given the chance - its his money

Good luck to AM - by all accounts a good guy. And I really want darlow to do well

That's it - attack me or it if you want - ignore it if you want

I couldn't make that lot up above if I tried!"

posted on 18/1/13

Who is the person that has written this?

comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

Click on the link to the article in Vital Forest... He's a trusted poster in that forum, claiming to have some inside knowledge. If you're able to see the start of his article, he explains his position a lot clearer. Comes across as very genuine and honest.

posted on 18/1/13

This is much better than Eastenders!

comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

Personally, glad to see a fresh start. However, if this article is indeed true, not too impressed by the way Fawaz has gone about his business. But I guess - that is business.

posted on 18/1/13

Yeah, just read it. Hard to tell really, isn't it. He seems to have an awful lot of information for someone who just claims to know a couple of people, and he says he wouldn't have said this all while they were at the club, and yet he has done just hours after they've left. I'm skeptical, tbh.

comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

I see your point... Though I can't see why he'd make it up and spend the time, as he clearly has, writing it.

posted on 18/1/13

He doesn't really have any information at all does he? All the events he describes we all know took place, ie meeting between Cotterill and Al Hasawi's, Kuwaiti's on trial etc. All this fellas done is embellished these events as if he were a fly on the wall. David Peace used similar creative license, albeit with a little more flair, when writing The Damned United.

posted on 18/1/13

"I couldn't make he above up if I tried" lol

comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

Well it's the way in which FC and Burt were dismissed which alarms me to be fair. It's pointing out the ruthlessness of our current owners... But yeah do like the comparison to David Peace and Damned United!

posted on 18/1/13

"I see your point... Though I can't see why he'd make it up and spend the time, as he clearly has, writing it."

Why do we see so many "in the know" posts on forums and twitter?

comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 18/1/13

It's got to be a tad disconcerting though, surely?

When three significant members of the club's infrastructure are dismissed without even a single syllable from the club AND midway through the season AND over halfway through the window, then it can only lend credence to stories of reaction rather than proactive decisions taken as part of a wider strategy.

Not wumming, but I'd be inclined to believe this version rather than a sanitized one which may eventually be put out from the club.

comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

...and then refer back to the goalkeeper situation. Only a week ago AM was looking at a host of "established" keepers. A little known Kuwaiti keeper joins and AM is more than happy to promote our inexperienced former number 2.

comment by DeLaRed (U2962)

posted on 18/1/13

The author's original comment in defence of its legitimacy

"I will tell you all I know about the goings on

Its going be a long post - I don't want to be accused of having an agenda by the usual suspects because much of it is not positive

But as with every post I have ever written on here I promise all of you that every word will be as it is

At the end you can make your own minds up about what is happening to the club

Don't nobody have a go at me for telling it though

I love being part of this forum

Other than one or two on here I don't know any of you personally but I view every poster on here as a friend even the ones I disagree with

Out of fairness to all sides I will do my best to be accurate and fair

But its going to take a while

Just to confirm I am not an employee of the club and never have been

I know a few people who know burt and FC very well

I don't know anyone close to MA but clearly burt and FC were close to him so I hear stories about what he is upto etc

None of the sackings or MA walking out impact me at all - I will say that's football and those guys are in a sport where job security is never taken for granted - people getting sacked in football doesn't upset me - the way it was done when I was told shocked me and does no credit at all to our owners

It will take me a while to do a post that sums it all up

But don't shoot the messenger please guys just make your own minds up you are all grown ups

Edited by thewolf 18/1/2013 00:38"

posted on 18/1/13

Been following this myself. 'Wolf' does generally seem to be 'in the know' but how objective is he? I don't know.

Jom (some of you will remember him from the old days) has a completely different take on this.

Like everything else...time will tell.

posted on 18/1/13

Oddball, can you tell us what Jom is saying?

posted on 18/1/13

By all accounts, Clark and Arthur were operating in reduced roles any way. It's not uncommon for members of the board of a previous regime stick around for a few months to help the new owners settle in. At Leeds Ken Bates will remain on the board until the end of the season, or, for 6 months under a similar agreement. This seems as likely to me as a ruthless culling.

Since Fawaz came in and appointed McLeish, he has also been restructuring the backroom staff, first the assistant, then Jimmy, and now the chief scout. This is normal when a new chairman and new manager come in. What is not normal is the amount of conjecture, and opinion based on conjecture that we have to put up with on twitter.

comment by (U9427)

posted on 18/1/13

Does this guy claim to be 'in the know' due to contacts with FC and KB? If this is true, then he is unlikely to get positive feedback from 2 people who have just been sacked.

Also, when you are going to be sacked, you dont get a few days notice or anything, it would obviously come as a suprise. OK, it shouldnt be done by post, but it would still be a suprise. The owner are not going to say 'dont worry about looking for a keeper, as it will be time wasted, as we will be sacking you in a weeks time'. The owners would have to give off a 'buisiness as usual' vibe othewise moral would be totally lost.

posted on 18/1/13

As opposed to the buoyant morale now embracing the club, you mean?

There's no excuse for sending letters to these fellas, none at all.

posted on 18/1/13

Whatever, it makes for interesting reading.

comment by (U9427)

posted on 18/1/13

i didnt say it was good moral at the moment. Just saying that if this guy has got his stories form KB and FC contacts, then is not going to be great is it!!

posted on 18/1/13

Luckily, 666, you don't have to worry about it as it's absolutely nothing to do with you. Lucky soul.

posted on 18/1/13

It's doing the rounds. Some idjut with a mis-guided imagination and a sticky keyboard. All hearsay. Surprised the story wasn't ended with 'share with ten friends and I'll get a boner'

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