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comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 23/1/13

Child abusers

posted on 23/1/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 23/1/13

That was hilarious.

Both got what they deserved. Hazard for violent conduct.

Fat kid got bruised ribs for being a and for being fat.

comment by RedMen7 (U8888)

posted on 23/1/13

The club with no class!!

posted on 23/1/13

Poor Ball Boy

posted on 23/1/13

Hazard has class alright

Didier had class, hes helped others more than the hole footballing community combined

posted on 23/1/13

Gooner here - ball boy deserved a kick in

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 23/1/13

Deserved a red but Hazard was right to kick him.

Idiot lying on top of the ball like a baffoon.

Loved his little roll, like a true pro footballer.

posted on 23/1/13

Admins multiboard this!

posted on 23/1/13

I think the ball boys behavior was more unprofessional. He is there to supply the ball to the players.Not shield it. Hazard was doing what was necessary

posted on 23/1/13

but u cant kick the ball boy

posted on 23/1/13

Even Jimmy Saville drew the line on the severity of his child abuse

posted on 23/1/13

We need send Hazard to Sandy's house for the same treatment.

posted on 23/1/13

if the ball boy was trying to time waste, hazard could of appealed to the ref saying wasting time not kick him. Football has a bad enough reputation as it is..dont need clowns like him.

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 23/1/13

A Ball boys job is to give the ball bk.

The little toad deserved a kicking.

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 23/1/13

Hazard was wrong I'm sorry

posted on 23/1/13

People will use this to jump on the ever-popular "lets hate Chelsea" bandwagon but that was just brilliant. Some cocky little fat knacker just took a swift one in the ribs for arsssing about with the ball. Takes me back to my schooldays

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 23/1/13

hazard could of appealed to the ref saying wasting time not kick him
Yea trust a ref to make the right call. good one.

posted on 23/1/13

Yea trust a ref to make the right call. good one.

it would of saved a red card

posted on 23/1/13

Both got what they deserved.

Ball boy should be banned as well..

Hazard will be banned..

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 23/1/13

comment by phil neville has three left feet (U13806)

posted 3 minutes ago

Even Jimmy Saville drew the line on the severity of his child abuse


posted on 23/1/13

Nah no point appealing. More amusing kicking a child

And tbh, the boy deserves a kick. Its not like the crowd keeping the ball. The boy was put in a place of opportunity, where some kids could only dream of doing, and what does he do, behave like a prat!

posted on 23/1/13

What am I reading on here? Condoning kicking a kid?

Tell you what, if that was my kid I'd have battered Hazard.

Hope he gets reported to the police.

posted on 23/1/13

The kid deserved a kick lets face it!
Really? I would prefer Hazard not to be banned.

posted on 23/1/13

farkin lame Swansea tactics, they where keeping the ball deliberately the whole 2nd half. Should have kicked his farkin head off.

This was posted on his twitter account PRE-match >


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