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These 80 comments are related to an article called:

How can he actually stay now?

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posted on 4/2/13

Ah but SBS. You wish will never come true

posted on 4/2/13

I could never let someone else impersonate me.

posted on 4/2/13

i was on about predictions, now you have just confused me especially telling me there are 5000 variations of you

posted on 4/2/13

for the last time i am not inpersonating anybody, sorry to burst your bubble SBS. So, any suggestions on the new screen name.

posted on 4/2/13


Regards SBS

posted on 4/2/13

My mate uses my login as admin won't let us have seperate ones

Not often. He tends to wind up the Derby faithful a lot.

We both don't want Billy back though SBS

posted on 4/2/13

Good call for your friend though....

He should just add it at the end of his name

posted on 4/2/13

I didn't know you were a hydra from Greek Mythology Webbo!

Also you still haven't said who does the prediction league as that is obviously the variation of your 15000 variations have dealt with most often.

posted on 4/2/13

What prediction league.. Haven't got a clue what you are on about.. I don't do them if you mean the ones on our board

on a footnote



posted on 4/2/13

Good call for your friend though...

Is he one of your variations?

posted on 4/2/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 4/2/13

Aww yeah it isn't one of your variations getting confused with your 5000 heads and Hoons, who i thought in the beginning you 2/5002 were just a spawn of Stret's.

You are multiplying!!!

posted on 4/2/13

SBS... I have one login

Watch my lips.... When at work, my mate sometimes uses my login because WE can't have 2 logins on the same machine.

Don't see what the fuss is all about. I don't have more than 1 login thick fooker

posted on 4/2/13

SuperBillyDaviesKnobhead is more than 20 characters

posted on 4/2/13

you're clever you can't be SBS

posted on 4/2/13

Anyway.. got to dash SBS ... no offence mate

posted on 4/2/13

It is called a Joke lad

Guessing your the Mardy Webbo?

posted on 4/2/13

No mate... not me.. was joining in ... got to get off though .. things to do

comment by sph (U11456)

posted on 4/2/13

Well, I think it's all gone rather well tonight, lads. Many congratulations to all! Same time tomorrow?

posted on 4/2/13


posted on 4/2/13

You deserve your own Derby Stalker!

comment by Hoons (U5327)

posted on 4/2/13

Spawn of Strett's

I'm good at basic arithmetic, so this can't be true!

posted on 4/2/13

Happy now?
No body is stalking you SBS, it must be the imaginary dreamworld that some Forest fans live in

comment by sph (U11456)

posted on 4/2/13

And I'll leave you with this....one of the last times we were up the creek without a paddle - well, the time before the last time, or may be a couple of times before that....anyhow


posted on 4/2/13

that some Forest fans live in


Didn't I tell you it was one of the sheep.

At least you have an appropriate name now

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