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These 72 comments are related to an article called:

Whats for Lunch today

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posted on 6/2/13

He was talking about the fruit and seeds I think,all illegal to export!

posted on 6/2/13

Mind you coming back from Thailand via a stopover in Amsterdam we landed at Gatwick to be met by a sign that read "customs office is closed if you have anything to declare please dial this number"

No wonder they call it Londonistan!

posted on 6/2/13

You wouldn't want to smuggle them by the usual method for low volume high value items

posted on 6/2/13

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posted on 6/2/13

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posted on 6/2/13

he'd send furniture to a country that has the same first part of its name as a strong wine......it would go through customs ok (it was checked and stamped) they'd open it up by a golf course.....fill the side panels with ciggies then re-package it send it back to customs with notices on saying good faulty or not required etc....more often than not they were not re-checked came back into england then onto wolves where the furniture was re-opened and ciggies then sold on at £2 for 20

posted on 6/2/13

i'd like to see someone smuggle a naga/jolokia internally
especially downstairs

posted on 6/2/13

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posted on 6/2/13

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posted on 6/2/13

I know a lad who was doing the ciggie runs from Tenerife back in the day,he got stopped at Manchester I think,with 182 cartons of 200!
The Customs and Excise sat him in a room for a couple of hours,he was a non-smoker,then came back and asked him why he hadn't asked them for a cigarette if they were for personal use!
Needless to say they took them off him but the biggest insult because the Canary Islands are duty-free,is that you're only allowed 200 cigarettes from there even today I'm sure.So they gave him 200 back and threw him out after charging and fining him!

posted on 6/2/13

They were very wrong Tino – I’m a good lad me.

posted on 6/2/13

In the days of borders in the EU in the late 70's early 80's you could pay for a holiday in Denmark by buying a couple of dozen bottles of Bells here for £100 and sell them there for £450.
The secret was to go on a weekend because their customs only opened Monday to Friday !!

posted on 6/2/13

Is that 1870's or 1770's Sid

posted on 6/2/13

that you're only allowed 200 cigarettes from there even today I'm sure.So they gave him 200 back and threw him out after charging and fining him!

what a kick in the bóllocks.

we went majorca once on a lads holiday 5 of...3 of the 5 didn't smoke but still wouldnt bring ciggies back with em for me and me cousin...you know whats it like when your goin away everyones gotta feckin list

posted on 6/2/13


posted on 6/2/13

BIB's much nicer on here than on 12yards

posted on 6/2/13

He was OK on 12yards to start with it but post his spat with 55 turned into just another WUM. He knows on here that if he gets filtered he won’t be able to comment.

posted on 6/2/13

I quite like him....like us there's no point talking about his footy team...so it's booze an birds

posted on 6/2/13

thats about right tino

posted on 6/2/13

Those were the days tatter - a week of Danish blue , come back and see Wolves win a Cup !

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 6/2/13

anybody heard from cox or teix ?

posted on 6/2/13

not seen em but not been on the WBA board

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