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.........i've just RETCHED my crumpets up !

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posted on 9/2/13

it wasnt that bad, and it has a point, it is time now to stop moaning complaining, blaming, and to get behind the team, mistakes have been made, things should been done differently, could have been done better blah blah blah, too much stating the glaringly obvious, im sure morgan knows it too,

time to support, unqestionable blind faith support, and if at the end of the season people arent happy, moan then, not now,

and if its too much, turn away, and dont go anymore, but constant moaning , complaining, analysis of what went wrong is not going to make one minute bit of difference,

posted on 9/2/13

Makes me feel a bit better though pennwolf.

posted on 9/2/13

The fantastic support for the last ten games of last season made not a jot of difference either.

posted on 9/2/13

that's very noble and British stiff upper lip of you penn......but to me this is a little like a great white shark snacking on my foot and having the decency not to complain until its finished it off to the groin...then because it has sad black eyes asking if it wants a nibble on my remaining lower limb......ooooOOOOOOOOW....IT HURTS!!!!!

posted on 9/2/13

will it help ? complaining about mistakes from the past, ?
your shark analogy isnt quite the same, this is real , and as we all know sitting there complaining and moaning about past mistakes, should haves, could haves etc is childish and a complete waste of time,

we all know what has happened, time to decide what we as individuals do about it, accept it and do what we can , or stop whinging, stop going and find something else to do, im get tired of the constant whining, the moaning on the phone ins etc,

yes we know its gone wrong,
yes we know what should have been done
yes we know things should be different,

its like listening to a group of small children, im just waiting for someone to say, it aint fair and start crying ffs,

not aimed at you geoff, just a general observation that it is getting boring,

i saw us in the 4th div, went to newport away to see us lose 3-1 and go bottom of the old 3rd, was there for the save the wolves campaign when we nearly went but teice in the 80s, and honestly there was more supporting and less moaning going on then than theres is now,

posted on 9/2/13

Do you put Marmite on them?

posted on 9/2/13

Get real pennwolf, there's going to be bitching when things go wrong - just as there would have been in the 80's if there had have been internet forums then

posted on 9/2/13

"your shark analogy isn't quite the same".........you obliviously haven't seen the state of my big fish ravaged pins.....no laughing matter i can assure you......
marmite butey???....no,that brown stuff would have been my sphincter giving up the contents of my bowels once realising the seriousness of the situation i had found myself in,but from the safe distance of the shore an easy mistake to make

posted on 9/2/13

yes igor i know that, and im sure as adults we all know moaning and going over and over and over the same old ground does nothing to help not a thing,

i wish people would either do one and find something else to do , mind you moaners will always moan no matter what it is they do , or least try and be constructive and debate a way we can go forward,

we can and will get out of this, but all the moaning griping and complaining wont help, lets have a topic about where we are going not where we have been, its been 15 months of shinging and moaning, if i want that ill talk to a spoilt kid,

posted on 9/2/13

zico barnet , stop whinging, try this


posted on 9/2/13

zico did he compalin ! no he did something about it,

anyway im off to do what we should be doing, support the wolves, 3 points today ! i hope !

posted on 9/2/13

'There's no-one tougher than you'

Would have been the perfect time to show footage of that idiot running into and getting a good hiding from the Bolton fans on the last day of the season!

posted on 9/2/13

Wigan, Barca.

posted on 9/2/13

"anyway im off to do what we should be doing, support the wolves, 3" ......well done you,your medals in the post......me??....I'm off for another swim in the South African surf(well i say swim....its more of a bobbing type thing i do these days)some people never learn

posted on 9/2/13

'Wigan, Barca.'

I thought Wigan but for some reason put Bolton,think I saw it mentioned,obviously incorrectly,somewhere on here or 12toes in the last week!
Still would have been great timing for that clip,don't you agree?

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