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So Henry's a big fan of stale then

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posted on 11/2/13

Karl Henry FC strikes again

posted on 11/2/13

Unbelievable! "The boys like the new manager"
They "liked" and supposedly respected TC but didn't bother performing for him.

Then goes on to publicly criticise one of his team-mates who presumably isn't in his gang - being foreign and all that.

Gives the impression that he is running the show which we have kind of assumed for a while.

comment by MrTikka (U8329)

posted on 11/2/13

can't really talk about being careless can he, captain clogger

posted on 11/2/13

Rogereli, I don't see a problem with Henry, the team capatain, publicly criticising Sako. It was clearly Sako's mistake, we all know that and, I'm sure, so does he. Henry always holds his hands up when he makes a mistake.

As I said in previous thread, I'm not sure what should happen with regards to Sako. He is too good in attack to drop, but there is no doubt that he has cost us 3 or 4 goals and as many points. Of course his goals scored has won us even more points.

He is young but needs to learn quickly how to defend without fouling or losing the ball. Either that or told to stay in the oppositions half, and I don't think we can afford that.

posted on 11/2/13

What a idiot he is,why doesnt he just keep his mouth shut for once,I cant wait till the summer I hope he is one of the ones that will be shown the door along with doyle,ward,foley and berra.

Henry do your talking on the pitch for once, I loved that ironic cheer on saturday when he actually passeed the ball forward for once.

posted on 11/2/13

Point taken, wulfrun but my opinion is that these things are best said behind closed doors.

Sako could play behind the striker in a 451 or 4411 but who would play wide left? He's not playing as well as at the start of the season and his dead ball delivery is less consistent but he's still our biggest thread. There's a few dilemmas as SEB is hopeless as the lone striker but Doyle who is better there never scores.
I can't agree with Henry that we played well on Saturday, I thought we were pretty poor generally.

posted on 11/2/13

I can't agree with Henry that it matters whether he likes the manager
Too cost, too comfortable time to change

posted on 11/2/13


posted on 11/2/13

You said what I was thinking, Bigvraji, only in capitals.

posted on 11/2/13

They might like him but do they respect him?

I would be gutted if the people who work for me said that they liked me....

posted on 11/2/13

Shocked that he criticises a teamate so publicly, can only be bad fpr dressing room harmony and team spirit.

Is it Henry, not RJ, that's the problem.

posted on 11/2/13

Ah, this weeks scapegoat!

comment by (U17339)

posted on 11/2/13

Cyp: a lonely beacon of reason in an otherwise endless ocean of total nonsense.

posted on 11/2/13

Well said, Cyp.

posted on 11/2/13

This weeks scapegoat???

Not really, it has been suggested for quite some time that Henry may well be the problem in the dressing room, and it seems funny that whenever his captaincy comes under threat, out he pops with his usual crap, i like Henry but its time for him to go too.

And any player who comes out saying they like one manager but not another should be removed from the club immediately, if thats the mindset, they are not prefessional.

posted on 11/2/13

It looks like a cinci, sounds like a cinci, but there are capital letters and full stops and everything!

posted on 11/2/13

In his defence, he is smarter than many posters as he acknowledged last season was a disaster from start to finish.
Come on Bute, give that a clap

posted on 11/2/13

It could be Gandhi back from the dead, BUT its always right.

posted on 11/2/13

So if you were Sako you'd be happy being publically slagged off by your captain.

This weeks blind man.

posted on 11/2/13

Yeah, it's him alright.

Usual rubbish and utter nonsense.

posted on 11/2/13

It's you I mean Cyp

Blasted non - edit

posted on 11/2/13

We don't need to blood the kids Deja, we need to keep with the wise heads who will fight it out, don't we.

Tickle me pink :D

I would expect nothing less from you, the ''captain'' in all his maturity ''likes'' this manager, nothing like leading by example is there.
Anyone who cannot see the fundamental flaws in his statement are clueless.

posted on 11/2/13

If you were to actually READ what I posted then you would see that I have stated that what we NEED are mentally strong players. I didn't say that we had GOT any. I know we haven't...... and that's why we're going down.


posted on 11/2/13

l<--------------------------Deja backtracks to the line.

posted on 11/2/13

Read for comprehension cinci.......

read for comprehension.

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