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These 14 comments are related to an article called:

Its ALL About Managers .. Isn't It .. ?

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comment by LV69 (U5590)

posted on 12/2/13

A manager is like a seagull. When the seagull follows the trawler, it is because it thinks sardines will be thrown into the sea.

posted on 12/2/13

Coventry have rejected an approach from town this afternoon , so it's back to the drawing board .

comment by Mirf (U3751)

posted on 12/2/13


Leave Wor Lee out of it - after all his Brum team are above Town and have won more and lost less games, scored more goals and conceded less goals than Town.

So , I reckon Hoyley made a monumental error when got cold feet and ditched him before his contract was up.

Look how much grief and brass he could have saved had he left Wor Lee intact, plus we'd have also been pushing for a play-off place right now.

posted on 12/2/13

Honest Question Mirf .. Deserves an Honest Answer .. as I genuinelly don't know but know that you will .. Where are Brum Now in relation to where they were when he arrived .. ?

Of course the article has a much wider remit and with your bright clear mind I would hope you'd address that with a broader view ..

Do you think the Article Proposition above for debate here below holds real water .. Chelsea or not It has too doesn't it .. ?

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 12/2/13

been here before mirf..
yes i think we would be pushing for a play off place, our 4th go at it in the first division..

i think we had almost spent up when clark left us anyway..
he simply couldnt get them to play on the big days.. we were never going to get auto so were always looking towards 3 big days... he/we would have failed again..

we went to win and win well at mk dons..nerves got hold of them at the home leg and in the final we had more shots on goal than the blades did, that would never have happened under lee clark.. a goal in each half from the blades whilst we sat back would have done for us..im not a mystic its just bleeding obvious what would have happened, thats taken into consideration beating mk, which under clark, who would have been "planning" for both games before we had even bloody played the first one, wouldnt have happened..
im off to leicester to watch town u18s.. hope its worth a post afterwards..

posted on 12/2/13

Mirf do you think being 1 point above us is that great? Chris Hughton had that team almost back in the Premier League and Lee Clark is lucky there are teams having an even worse run.

As a man I think he appears a decent enough bloke but as a manager he has not achieved any real success at clubs with big budgets for the leagues they have been in.

posted on 12/2/13

You can't compare Brum now to when Lee Clark joined them Boots. He's had the financial rug pulled from underneath him, Brum are in dire straights and without selling Jack Buckland to stoke would probably be in administration now.

posted on 12/2/13

To answer Mr Burnt Cream's question I think a great manager can turn a bunch of average players into a much better team. The trouble is there have been few great managers in football and most are ok at best. I think the trouble is that everything is so short term nowadays that they just try to play it safe and try not to lose games rather than go for it. The invention of all these stats and DVDs helps to some extent but people like Clough, Revie and Busby never needed Pro Zone to know a good player.

I think the trouble with players is attitude and the ability to know when to flair, when to play it safe and when to graft is what makes people like Paul Scholes in a different class to the rest. Too many have got their big pay cheques and are happy to cruise by doing the bare minimum to allow them to spend more time with WAGs or driving fast cars.

I would love to see a team truly have a long term vision where they develop their own players and get them in the first team with a decent manager and be a big success but sadly the only club I can think of like that in Barca!

posted on 12/2/13

But surely thats Deans Avowed Intent and Long Term Vision isn't it .. ?

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 12/2/13

Not sure about prozone, but when Elsie was here I was on Prozac.

As for deano getting 'cold feet', more like Elsie had him chopped off at the knees he spent so much money on a load of dross..

getting back to the point though, I think the quality of managers and coaches in this country is pretty average...sure they all have the badges...but you need that certain 'something' which you can't pick up from sitting at a desk swotting formations and tactical plans.

Leaders of Men are the best Managers, something we are also in very short supply of in Politics, but don't get me going on that one....

comment by Mirf (U3751)

posted on 12/2/13


Excuse me, but wasn't it that same "load of dross" without any additions, which won us promotion at Wembley? .

It will also be a long time, probably long after thee and me are pushing up daisies, that you will witness another Town manager who is capable of taking the team on a 43 match unbeaten run.

As for 38's comments, I would remind you that under Wor Lee we met MK Dons six times in League matches and WE NEVER LOST ONCE, winning four and drawing two, scoring 13 goals and conceding 6 and taking 14 points from the 18 contested.

So, hardly unlikely Wor Lee was going to spoil his record against them in the play-off's, was it?

comment by jpHTAFC (U7619)

posted on 12/2/13

Mirf, being unbeaten against mk is no achievement, their crap

comment by Mirf (U3751)

posted on 12/2/13


I know, that's why we would have rolled them over again in the play-off's.

posted on 12/2/13

Stop sidetracking Mirf as L Clark is just that .. an aside issue ..
Please tackle the questions as I know your more than capable ..

Where are Birmingham Now in relation to where they were when he arrived .. ? I'm actually assuming they are statistically slightly better but only slightly .. ?

But the bigger Article Topping question I again ask you to address, with your undoubted knowledge and expertise on the subject is :--

Do you think the Article Proposition above as posed for debate holds good .. ? OR are Chelsea living proof with there managerial merry go round that thats simply not the case .. ?

MB&WB makes a fair fist of answering .. but my hunch is thats only half the story ..

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