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posted on 30/7/11

AVB is already a chelsea legend

posted on 30/7/11

We don't care...

posted on 30/7/11

Wrong board.

posted on 30/7/11

well said mate

posted on 30/7/11

AVB can do the impossible

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 30/7/11

Scoring 15 and conceding 0 is very promising.

Even better is that Torres is scoring again having now scored 3 goals in the pre-season.

Looks like AVB is starting to find a good balance within the team.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 30/7/11

Don´t you just love all the worried Wums giving this article one star.

posted on 30/7/11

torres 3 goals in 5games is very impressive

posted on 30/7/11

Don´t you just love all the worried Wums giving this article one star.
I think you'll find that this is on the Spurs board and we don't a toss about AVB, or Chelsea, or Drdemoski

posted on 30/7/11

What Luka's no looker said!

posted on 30/7/11

@ lukers no looker

Well you shall give a toss about AVB when we trash you 5nil at the three points lane.

posted on 30/7/11

Torres has only scored once this pre-season?

posted on 30/7/11

Why the hell do we care pal? Stick this on your own board.

posted on 30/7/11

Don´t you just love all the worried Wums giving this article one star.


This is the Spurs board. How are you enjoying your 6 week holiday?

posted on 30/7/11

Awful, awful attempt at WUMming. Must try harder, Drdemoski.

Out of interest will any of the 5 goals you score be legitimate, or will you be relying on handballs, goals being awarded for saves on the line and offsides?

posted on 30/7/11

Not helped by SuperbFrank calling the resident fans wums!

comment by TEMPLAR (U5027)

posted on 30/7/11

if AVB thinks he can do here what hes done in portugal then hes in for a shock.
prem league is a tough place to win.

posted on 30/7/11

Torres has only scored once this pre-season?

- no twice. Vs Villa and Wycombe.

Lets get Modirc. Lets go!

posted on 30/7/11

Phol Scolari had a very impressive record for a few games also!!!!

posted on 30/7/11

AVB is no scolari

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 30/7/11

I am annoyed to say I think Chelsea will do very well with this AVB guy. He is a Mourinho clone. You can tell by the way he conducts himself and speaks in interviews that he's very smart.

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