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Do we have to go down to truly change ?

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posted on 23/2/13

Don't think we'll have much choice Floyd - Bristol winning 4-1 at the moment and all clubs in the bottom 8 showing they are capable of winning a few games - except us.

posted on 23/2/13

i wondered this last season Floyd about making the drop into the championship to consolidate and renew.....but look where we are now

posted on 23/2/13

Makes me wonder if the season we should have kept with the change (stale) and that linked to the academy change provide the backdrop for our future.

All hindsight I know and we'll never know but as bad as stale wolves were at the end, they were good for a while. Would it have been any worse ?
Either that or we might have a huge opportunity for change forced upon us in a few months

posted on 23/2/13

there was a sentence that came from jez moxey during the 'x-factor search for a manager' period last year "it's Steve's club and he can do what he likes." .....and so it has proved to be.

posted on 23/2/13

But Someone put jedward through
We all learn from mistakes

posted on 23/2/13

We are down. I faced that fact weeks ago.

Lets get shot of the old guard, doyle, Henry, bera, ward, foley and replace with youth!

comment by MrTikka (U8329)

posted on 23/2/13

had a win, small one £11:34

first bet for ages, had over 2 goals at
Bristol C

posted on 23/2/13

This time next year will we be saying that relegation to League 2 will be in the best interest to rebuild?

There is always one thing more than any other that's in the best interest of a football club and that's to win football matches and that's what we need to get back into the habit of doing. Surely it would be better to do that in this division rather than the one below - if we can

posted on 23/2/13

When you say down, do you mean to League One or Two?

And how long do you think would be long enough to re-group?

posted on 23/2/13

Looks like being bottom 2 years running.

comment by MrTikka (U8329)

posted on 23/2/13

had 3 draws up out of four also, Reading/Wigan screwed it.


would have been £106

posted on 23/2/13

I'm stating we need to change, ideally in this league, but if not would it be easier to change in div 1 ?

posted on 23/2/13

wouldn't be the end of the world, but certainly not ideal.

That said, several stabile prem clubs did indeed spend time in div 1 before flying through the champo in 1 or 2 seasons, sometimes a real clean out is just neccessary.

I would be surprised to see us survive at this point, it looks like 50 points will be needed the way things are going.

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 23/2/13

No, you don't have to go down to change. Going down only adds the burden of having to come up TWO divisions to get back to the Premier League. It's something you don't want.

posted on 23/2/13

I would be surprised if this current squad would be up to the rigours of League One football, let alone stabilising there for a few years.

This really is the mid 80's all over again.

At least a couple of men have and will get rich off the back of it all

posted on 23/2/13

Going down would be terrible. Mainly because I can see us staying up by the skin of our teeth but then giving Saunders clearout time and starting next season on fire.

posted on 23/2/13

Hope so, but we still need so much change and I wonder whether we have time, patience or the strategy to do this quickly alongside the expectation of promotion.

posted on 23/2/13

I think that was half the problem this season though floyd.

The unreasonable expectation that we should be getting promoted with what was clearly a broken squad.
Some fans were clearly delushional as to the standard of this squad.

I expected us to push for a top six but was not concerned if we wound up tenth, this season should have been seen as transitional and Stale should have been given 3 windows to implement his methods.

As it is we have rebooted again, the club spent 8 million on another mangers signings, some of which clearly dont fit into Deanos plans and we have to start all over again.

comment by MrTikka (U8329)

posted on 23/2/13

Well, Dino was doing the biz in league 1 with Donny before joining us so hopefully he knows the secret formula for gaining promotion from that division into the Champo.

posted on 23/2/13

I hoped, at the beginning of the season for us to consolidate and re-build the squad in this division with the hope of challenging for promotion next season.

The appointment of Stale was a positive move, despite what posters on here and 36 feet stated.

It would now appear obvious to all and sundry, that it's the PLAYERS in this squad that are the problem. DS has at least given the likes of Batth a chance and it would not have been a bad move to introduce Doherty at RB either.

We seem to be hearing or reading the same vibes from DS as we did from MM and that is we are in a precarious position to blood more youngsters.

The old guard have to go as they are the root cause of where we are now.

Players and DS can say all they like in the press, but at the end of the day, it'e what goes on on the pitch that matters.

DS talks a lot, but I still feel he's not the right person to change our fortunes.

Never in a million years did I expect us to be fighting relegation again this season, but if DS doesn't pull a few rabbits out of the hat, then his time will be up if we go down.

I'd hate to think we have to go down again before radical changes are made.

We should never have sacked Stale, despite the performances, but that just re-iterates the problem he had.................most of this INEPT SQUAD.

posted on 23/2/13

And poor leadership, have to give a plan time if you are serious, if not should have stuck with mick, but don't want to turn thud into a mck thread

posted on 23/2/13

For anyone like me who checks in daily, surely they too must feel that the same things are spoken about constantly...it's getting tedious for me.

On the night before the league leaders come to town, we still hear talk of Mick and 'lets decode our problems' for the 1000th time.

I'm thinking about tomorrow. I'm thinking we're going to absolutely smash them.

posted on 23/2/13

Fair point, but article was about the need for change, rather than personalities

posted on 23/2/13

Tedious they maybe Tino. But the fact remains, there are serious problems within our club at the moment and the only way supporters/fans can vent their feelings, are on websites like this and don't beat about the bush.

I suggest you go read the comments on the E & S website. That'll really depress you. Having said that, they have a point and express themselves in an orderly fashion.

posted on 23/2/13

My name is not Tino. I am The Matador El Pundito

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