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Batmoanu and Peterbaey

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comment by IAWT (U10012)

posted on 25/2/13

Cole 59 English league goals.
Bendtner 41 English league goals.

How old is Cole and how old is Bendtner? Also how many appareances?

posted on 25/2/13

comment by In Arsene We Trust...I'll have the Nacho ... (U10012)
posted 17 seconds ago
Cole 59 English league goals.
Bendtner 41 English league goals.

How old is Cole and how old is Bendtner? Also how many appareances?
I didn't say Bendtner won't ever be better, I said as of now.

comment by Dux (U6467)

posted on 25/2/13

He complained about me because I said Carlton Cole is better than Bendtner. I thought that was a fact??
............hold on, are you serious?

This is no laughing matter, heads could roll for this.

posted on 25/2/13

Batmanu has lost it now GT, I class him on the same level as Dubbed, Rev, Henrykamp, Fabtastic and Dog

posted on 25/2/13

Is HenryKamp not the one who pretends tobe an Arsenal fan?

posted on 25/2/13

Batmanu has lost it now GT, I class him on the same level as Dubbed, Rev, Henrykamp, Fabtastic and Dog
and Kamran.

posted on 25/2/13

Batmanu has vast football knowledge. Pete is clueless

posted on 25/2/13

Is HenryKamp not the one who pretends tobe an Arsenal fan?
Exactly, thats how little football knowledge Batmanu has nowadays

posted on 25/2/13

This is carnage. So them two get to have their own house in a massie space, while we have to share in this tiny space

comment by John1 (U3530)

posted on 25/2/13

Lads do me a favour tell Captain Runiey to post my Ramsey video on Arsenal mania in the lobby in the Aaron Ramsey section thanks


posted on 25/2/13

Johnbot give it a rest

posted on 25/2/13

Batmanu is a great guy. Petey is a lovely lady.

Nicklas Bendtner has more goals in English football than the world class Gareth Bale.

Bendtner > Bale

posted on 25/2/13

John why did you do a video for such a shocking player?

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 25/2/13


posted on 25/2/13

This video seems like an awful lot of effort to go through, for a player who is focking shiiyet.

Comment from youtube

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 25/2/13

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 25/2/13

50p, you made your own bed by not being called Peterbaey

posted on 25/2/13


what has batmanu done, he's become a thought he was a good man.

posted on 25/2/13

It's Suarez' fault 50p. He's turned Batmanu - look at his Suarez rant for clarity.

posted on 25/2/13


posted on 25/2/13

Batmanu has lost it now GT, I class him on the same level as Dubbed, Rev, Henrykamp, Fabtastic and Dog
and Kamran.

Nah come on all. When they are not wumming and debating they all are quite good poster.

posted on 25/2/13


This confirmed that it was Suarez' fault for Batmanu's meltdown.

posted on 25/2/13

Batmanu is a great guy. Petey is a lovely lady.


Yeah Ron Bats is a great guy when he isnt on his period.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 25/2/13

I'm a terrible poster with no knowledge of football.

I should probably be more popular

posted on 25/2/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

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