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posted on 28/2/13

Would you take McCarthy back? Perfect manager to get the team sorted back. He might be lacking a bit in the prem but he is the perfect man to save Wolves this season.

posted on 28/2/13

Last night they seemed to lay the blame for the demo at the door of a web designer who just put the site up for publicity. I have no idea which came first – the site or the calls for a demo.
I don’t know what the demonstrators want so I certainly won’t be joining them.

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 28/2/13

I don't think anybody on here would want to see McCarthy back

I won't be going to the game but might attend the protest.

posted on 28/2/13

Beneath contempt imo.

posted on 28/2/13

Yeah I'm Irish so always rated Mick (I'm probably biased though). Even a Di Canio type to get the players fired up and playing good football. Would hate to see Wolves go down again

posted on 28/2/13

Cheers Menthol! MM wouldn’t come back and wouldn’t be accepted by many if he did and we can’t sack another manager especially after only eight games in charge.
The die is cast now I’m afraid we just need to see where it lands and deal with it.

posted on 28/2/13

I'd take McCarthy back in a heartbeat Menthol.

Unfortunately, we have fans at Wolves (as I'm sure there are at all clubs) who are so dumb-sighted, they think that we have prospered since Mick was sacked!

posted on 28/2/13

I would too Cyp, I was pro Mick until the end, and I still feel he would have kept us up. Mick never got us relegated, and although people thought we weren't moving forward as a club(even though it was 3 season in the prem and a championship title) Things have rapidly declined since he left.

Tatter, I see http://www.wwfcsa.org.uk/ has changed wording now to read as a peaceful protest. What are they actually going to get out of it though??!

posted on 28/2/13


I dont think many fans believe we have prospered since MM left. That would be dumb sighted. However, many fans do think MM had done all he could. The timing of his sacking and the lack of a proper alternative was the problem.

posted on 28/2/13

Maybe he had done all he could KD and maybe, as many have said, he’d taken us as far as he could but that still leaves the unresolved question of who is going to do more or take us further.
So far we’ve tried three options and all have been utter failures (Saunders still has time to reverse this in his case).
How long do you think it will be before someone takes us further or does more? Will it be in the next couple of years? In this decade?

posted on 28/2/13

Mick still loves us but as they say never go back

posted on 28/2/13

Whilst not comparing Mick with Mourinho, Tino; do you think that Jose wouldn't make a success of Chelsea if he returned there?

posted on 28/2/13

Jose has the capabilities of making most teams a success in the short term. but name a team that he's left in a better condition than when he took over? he buys top top players to win trophies but leave no foundations for lasting glory... Shanks left Liverpool in great hands Paisely did the same for Fagan then Kenny

whoever replaces Fergie will have a solid platform..not so at any Jose club

posted on 28/2/13

should also add with FFP rules coming in could Roman bankroll another revolution?

posted on 28/2/13

They all can - by using loopholes.

posted on 28/2/13

Regardless of UEFA's sabre rattling, money talks:


posted on 28/2/13


I know you and I disgaree on this matter and no one can ever say, if MM had stayed we would not have been relegated. Same as no one can say if Steve Bruce or Alan Curbishley got the job we would have stayed up. Its all just opinions now.

Im afraid from what I saw towards the end of Micks tenure did not inspire me with any confidence at all. My own opinion, based upon watching those games is that we would have been relegated. Having said that I believe that there is no one better qualified to get us back to the PL than MM

Talk about stuck between a rock and a hard place!!

My opinion is that the timing was all wrong and the use of TC as the replacement was the real big mistake. Stale proved to be a major disappointment but who could have predicted that apart from DejaVu Wolf?

posted on 28/2/13

KD I know last season was bad and I’ve never, ever stated that MM would have kept us up (I’m not psychic unlike some posters) I’ve just stated my opinion that he was the best option to try to keep us up. If he’d failed to do that then I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid at him going in the summer despite, as you say, him being a very good option to get us back up again.
What gets my goat is the constant he’d taken us as far as he could / he was out of his depth type comments.
He may well have taken us as far as he could but that was to the Premier league and facing a fight to stay in it.
When will someone take us that far (or further) again?

I’m actually sick to death of talking about MM and the sooner people stop trying to blame him for the shít that’s happened since he’s gone the sooner I’ll be able to stop defending him which will suit me fine.

posted on 28/2/13

I wont ever mention him again then Tatter

posted on 28/2/13

It will all be water under the bridge when Dean Saunders has got us into the Champions league in three years time anyway

posted on 28/2/13

I think the sooner that all of us do that the better KD.
Let’s hope in twelve months time we’re sitting pretty at the top of this division and we’re talking about whether Deano has the pedigree and ability and will get the backing to lead us in the Prem and not sitting here talking about our fourth or fifth or sixth post MM manager and how it’s McCarthy’s fault that the latest bloke is failing in Div3.

posted on 28/2/13

to be fair once we go down this season and all our players feck off and Deano (or his replacement) rebuild the squad that will then end the Micks Muppetts talk surely?

posted on 28/2/13

McCarthy got us promoted in style and then spent three years fighting against relegation. Maybe thats the level he can get to and no higher.

But is that not slightly better than where we now find ourselves?

posted on 1/3/13

When we're struggling in Div 1 & got rid of the squad...maybe that's time to bring Mick back

Mick was highly flawed, but I always thought Mick would have kept us up as Mick's teams always finished the season strongly when all others around us faded, and also we weren't really in relegation trouble when he was sacked. We'd been in the relegation zone for the 1st time in the season for 13 minutes, whereas we'd spent months in the bottom 3 the 2 previous seasons.

I think current events show that Mick was performing miracles in untenable circumstances & maybe Mick was the wrong M of the 3M's to have gone.

posted on 1/3/13

Crikey..."McCarthy got us promoted in style and then spent three years fighting against relegation. Maybe thats the level he can get to and no higher."

Yep that's spot on. Not good enough for some, me included, but looks worlds away from where we are now.

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