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Passion yes but not if it results in damage

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posted on 20/3/13

In summary:
more noise from us = more passion from them
More passion from them = more noise from us
more abuse to Hunt = better performance from Hunt (oddly)
Less idiocy from them = less injuries

posted on 20/3/13

Passion is a double edged sword.

It leads players to give more than they thought they could give and to make decisions that cannot be defended when the heat of battle has cooled.

It leads fans to turn up week in and week out knowing they’re likely to leave sad, angry & disappointed and it makes them treat Hunt and Morgan how they were treated on Saturday.

It intimidates the opposition and lets them know when they have us on the ropes.

Passion can be an incredibly powerful tool to achieve your aims and it can lead to crippling pressure.

It lets you know you’re alive and it can lead you to your doom.

But when all is said and done what is a life without passion?

posted on 20/3/13

Good article Floyd. I agree with your sentiment which is passion, but it does need to be channelled correctly.

The 'passion' from the South Bank in abusing Hunt before he had even kicked a ball was not right. Whether that actually had a positive effect on Hunt to say to himself 'f-em, I'll show them' is immaterial. It was wrong!

Also, Ikeme punching the tactics board in a fit of pique and injuring his hand was also wrong.

I have long advocated that we (management, players, coaches, fans etc...) are all in this together. That's why I deplore the scapegoat mentality that some fans have at Molineux. Players make mistakes, however we all need to stick together and show passion as a group.

That is the only way that we will get out of the current situation and ultimately succeed.

posted on 20/3/13

It wasn't all of the South Bank Cyp. There are plenty of people who were in the South Bank on Saturday that we disgusted by the treatment he got.

posted on 20/3/13

Appreciate that Tatter. Just used the South Bank generically for all of those morons who did.

posted on 20/3/13

The most unbelievably part of the Ikeme story is that Saunders has got a tactics board.

posted on 20/3/13

Nobody is as passionate about this club than me. I work my heart out so that you actually have a club to support in the first place.

We won't do a Portsmouth

posted on 20/3/13

At half time Deano would be very aware they were bottom of the league, shamefully losing to the worst side there is because of a ridiculous mistake. His managerial career was embarrassingly spiraling downward so it's understandable, rather than acceptable, that he let his passion cloud his judgement which presumably led to 'handgate'.

Obviously the correct thing would be have been to calm Carl down & insist he put's it behind him & moves on... reassuring him that he's been excellent all season & that its nothing more than just one of those things that happen from time to time.

posted on 20/3/13

There were plenty of arguements and scraps breaking out in the first 70mins saturday!

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