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These 48 comments are related to an article called:

Bill Kenwright

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posted on 3/8/11

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posted on 3/8/11

Kenwright is doing a good job. Consistent top 10 finishes have been a great achievement and had Kenwright sold then we could have been in the same situation as Newcastle, Leeds.

Even Villa got a so called investing chairman and constantly spend and they still finish below us. Get a grip lad

posted on 3/8/11

comment by CrISpY (U6554)
posted 25 minutes ago
I obviously wish I was Orville all that ironing has probably given me an appetite to be dry fisted.

And Keith Harris would take time off from looking for buyers for our club to fulfill your wish Mr Duck

posted on 3/8/11

comment by CrISpY (U6554)
posted 49 minutes ago

Maybe you could make a rocket if you've got nothing special on http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/RocketScience101/RocketScience101.html


Nah, mine was just a simple load/deflection calc, couldn't manage that!

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 3/8/11

Oh that Keith Harris good less chance of toxic shock brought on by the washed up Keith Harris's cheap wrist watch.

posted on 3/8/11

comment by CrISpY (U6554)
posted 3 minutes ago
Oh that Keith Harris good less chance of toxic shock brought on by the washed up Keith Harris's cheap wrist watch.

I'm sure you could give it a good clean before it's insertion,as I've heard you've had plenty practice

posted on 3/8/11

comment by Even The Bovril is Watered down (U4788)
posted 13 minutes ago

comment by CrISpY (U6554)
posted 3 minutes ago
Oh that Keith Harris good less chance of toxic shock brought on by the washed up Keith Harris's cheap wrist watch.

I'm sure you could give it a good clean before it's insertion,as I've heard you've had plenty practice


Classic Bovril!

posted on 3/8/11

Cruel, Crispy very cruel.

Unfortunately Bill is becoming a figure of fun in the city.
Hopefully the ridicule will cease shortly.

posted on 3/8/11

Sure it will


comment by CharredCanard (U4389)
posted 1 hour, 38 minutes ago

Fair assessment.

I thought this comment by some bloke called Gaz has a fantastic perspective on the issues.....worth reposting:

Nobody wants to buy Everton because they're impossible to make any money out of, despite their historical standing in the game.

You can't charge the fans who turn up to around £1000 for a season ticket because their demographic could not afford it. Other teams of a similar stature can

You can't market them effectively abroad because to do so you'd need a couple of (and I apologise in advance) marquee signings that would cost £25m - an outlay it would take years for them to recoup.

Theres nothing Everton can do to change this as they can't improve the Liverpool/North Wales economy single-handedly. Nor can they stop football fans in the far east being fickle.

For all their 'doing it the right way' and I'd argue that they do it the right way better than anyone it's only moved them from a team which flirted with relegation in the 90's to one which is entrenched in upper mid-table. Meanwhile they get their heads patted by those attached to the super clubs.

Everton fans: there would be no shame whatsoever in taking billions from someone and shoving it down their throats. You might be doing it the right way - but until an equal wage cap is introduced for everyone - you're playing to their rules.

posted on 3/8/11

Be careful,the figure of fun has a spare seat next to him.
Can you ride tandem

posted on 3/8/11

No, but I can get a bite from you

posted on 3/8/11

I dont believe you cant ride tandem.
Not were you were reared

posted on 3/8/11

Never been reared old chap

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 3/8/11

Breaking News - there's a few pallets of bricks been delivered at the Park End!!!! Crisis Over

posted on 3/8/11

Have you seen them while walking home with the shopping?

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 3/8/11

No sadly it's bed changing day (plenty of ammo there for you)

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 3/8/11

How is the engineering going looks like you're rushed off your feet again.

posted on 3/8/11


posted on 3/8/11

I am allowed a break, when you are the boss its full of little perks. You should ask the wife

posted on 3/8/11

Why,will the wife tell us all about your "little perks"
You would be well advised keeping that in house

posted on 3/8/11

No "little perk" for my wife

posted on 3/8/11


posted on 3/8/11

Put your spel cheque on.

You put an e where you should have used an o

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