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Now it really is back in our hands Schlupp

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posted on 17/4/13

Exciting prospect but who knows where he'll end up playing, still could be pairing up with Waghorn at somewhere like Doncaster.

Of course also, if he didn't have an excellent manager with mates in high places, he wouldn't have got better by being trained by Man Utd to hone his skills

posted on 17/4/13

Who cares mate we won!
I'm Just in a very good mood enjoy today but i could not resist.

posted on 17/4/13

Credit to Schlupp for his goals over the last 2 games. Vital to keep us clinging on.

However, I don't understand how you can criticise Duer but love Schlupp.

For me, Dyer has been a model professional for us. Never complains when dropped and comes back every time to help us out.

We all know he can't cross or shoot, but he'd genuinely be one of the best players in the world if he could. Dyer has also has a massive influence on our last two games.

Both players should be applauded for coming to our rescues in an hour of need!

posted on 17/4/13

Mersey I echo your sentiments about Dyer being a model professional, It wasn't a bad shot last night either, he excites me when he's bombing down the wing end product or not, i don't understand Nevs slating of him either particular when he's listening to Radio Leic.

posted on 17/4/13

Nev, it is as it always has been: It's warmed up, Spring has arrived and Lloyd Dyer has come out of hibernation. He still can't cross of course (his attempts were woeful last night) but Butterfield got himself in a right mess against him and lost him for both our second half goals.

As for Schlupp, he makes a lot of wrong decisions on the pitch. However, when he makes a right decision he shows potential and quality that he has been unable to in this league in the past. Perhaps his time at Man Utd had made a difference that way. His goal was excellent technique, particularly because it didn't fall naturally for him. But more than that, opposition defences are finding him difficult to cope with at present and he's currently ahead of both Nugent and Wood on merit.

posted on 17/4/13

*both our first half goals.

posted on 17/4/13

Its more like i am defending Schlupp as a player that some have already written off.
I have seen enough Dyer games to know what he does and does not do and i'm sure he took his goal as well as was said but there was the standard side netting moments.

But as i said i dont care as we won of those two players one is the future the other is the past imo

posted on 17/4/13

I never write any player off Nev (ok, Futacs aside).

What annoyed me about Schlupp is that people made him in to something he is not because he wasn't here.

He's not the finished article. He's not better than Nugent or Wood at present (granted Nugent is struggling). He's not ripping the championship up. He does make a lot of mistakes and look wasteful in from of goal. He does look like he had a lot of potential, but I'm still not sure he's a lead the line front man in the making.

He may one day be amazing for us. I've never criticised Schlupp, but I have criticised people who suggested we would be 10 points clear if he'd not been out on loan.

I think that's most views I've read. Nobody is writing Schlupp off. Some, including myself, are questioning whether he can learn to be more composed in front of goal. However, I am criticising those who believe Schlupp is currently better than any other striker in our squad and we would have been great if he'd not been on loan (or whatever you call what it was!).

Both Dyer and Schlupp look to have good attitudes and contribution to our team. Both should be applauded for that.

posted on 17/4/13

Merseyside - Overall I'd agree, but I still think that if you were picking the team for the next game, at this particular point in time with everyone fit and in current form, you'd pick Schlupp before Wood or Nugent.

Still, at least Wood showed some character last night - it has been badly lacking from him recently.

posted on 17/4/13

I'm not sure I can take too many more games like that! The whole team played well last night. Not as polished a performance as some earlier in the season but showing huge character to come back from conceding a soft penalty in the first two minutes and get that "must-win".

It was hilarious (in a black humour sort of way) when Nuge started dribbling the ball along the touchline (in the Bolton half in front of the West stand) towards our goal to anguished cries of "No! No!" from the crowd.

Fantastic volley by Shlupp to win the game, with (I think) Wood heading the ball into the danger area first of all.

Great team effort - more of the same on Saturday please!

posted on 17/4/13

Just seen a short GIF replay of the winning goal. It was Wood heading the ball into the danger area, but also Nuge making a nuisance of himself as they tried to clear it before Jeff fired home.

posted on 17/4/13

Someone needs to point out to Nugent that, in that situation, if he's able to stop suddenly then some klutz like Zat Knight is likely to pile into the back of him and give away a free kick.

posted on 17/4/13

I'd agree 100% with what Mersey said, the problem for Nev is that he's put Shlupp on a pedestal that he doesn't deserve.... yet!

While Dyer is quoted as "the past" ?

No-one's writing Shlupp off, he's just not the star that Nev is making him out to be and might never be or he might go on and play for Man Utd....... one day!

posted on 17/4/13

I'd agree 100% with what Mersey said, the problem for Nev is that he's put Shlupp on a pedestal that he doesn't deserve.... yet!


You and mersey keep moving the goal posts first you say he's no better than Waghorn on now you say he's no better the Nugent.

Not once have i compared him to Wood and Nugent

I just listen you you and Mersey write him off or say because of your blind loyalty to Nigel that what ever he does is always right

True find one person who things Dyer is the future of this football club please hes 29 and a bit part player

Wood needed a goal he steped up and took Nugent for me would be my first pick he gives his all but it was right to rest him.

But guys why to you want Schlupp to fail and tell me 2 goals in two games and three in a few makes him at least a prospect and i am so proud of him because ilke kind he is ours from a boy to a man so get off his back and support your own team

posted on 17/4/13

No, actually you're claiming he's better than Wood or Nugent, in your words he's "one of the best players we've had in years" and neither Wood or Nugent are.

No one wants him to fail, we are just trying to put some realism into your madness ie insinuating the last ten weeks wouldn't have happened had he not gone off to Man Utd. - hysterical.

You do have a history of this though as a lot of Anti Pearson fans do, whoever Pearson lets go is so much better than the one's we have, I seem to remember you using these very short term stats for beckford when he scored a couple for Huddesfield, how's his stats look now?

posted on 17/4/13

No, actually you're claiming he's better than Wood or Nugent, in your words he's "one of the best players we've had in years",,,,,This bit you made up mate never said and neither Wood or Nugent are.

You move from no better than Waghorn and not a natural goal scorer thought to bring Wood and Nugent into it i ilke pearson playing the three of them whether Sclupps in the middle or on the left.

posted on 17/4/13

I like Pearson playing the 3 of them together but if I had a choice I'd make room for dyer down the left and Shlupp would only gat a position down the right, Wood or Nugent down the middle.

He does remind me of Waghorn though, very similar players and when Waghorn first came fans were saying very similar things about him as well,takes more than a couple of games to become a star though!

posted on 17/4/13

Ahh, I'm glad we still have something to argue about.

Schlupp's played very well over the last few games and looked like a genuine attacking threat. There are still some things he has to work on - awareness of what's going on around him on the pitch for one, as well as "strikers' goals" - the ones where he slots away a one-on-one or poaches in the box. But over the last few matches we've seen the kind of pace and physicality that scares defences, we've seen confidence and a will to win, and we've seen flashes of skill - not least his volley last night. What we've seen is potential, and far more of it than we've seen before from him in this league, as a striker at least. At the moment, I don't think he's as good in general as Nugent or Wood. However, I'd still play him over both of them because of his current form and the impact he's had.

Incidentally, he looks a different player as a striker since he came back from Man Utd, so perhaps the experience has done him a lot of good?

posted on 18/4/13

It's why we are here Dung.

My view is Schlupp is raw talent and has something if the manager of Man utd takes him on loan!
Comparing him to some of plyers who have been hanging around Waghorn can't even make the squad at the moment.

I'm ire was rasied by the Pearsonites writing him off in defence of their deity.

However we got here we have the standard Leicester hope that will probably get dashed against the rocks of Palace on Saturday.

posted on 18/4/13

"I'm ire was rasied by the Pearsonites writing him off in defence of their deity."

Are you a journalist or a politician, never heard such pathetic boll**cks!!

Keep making it up to suit your own thinking why don't you.

posted on 18/4/13

Nev, I can't remember many (if any) writing him off. I remember people being surprised that he'd gone to Man Utd on loan for whatever reason because he hadn't shown anything to suggest that he could get into their side. The best theory I can see remains that he was sent there for some sort of intensive coaching or assessment, and to aid his development. If that was the case, it appears to be working.

I suppose I am a Pearsonite, although I've never written him off. I don't like writing players off in general. Except Futacs. And Vardy. And it looks increasingly like I'll have to add Waghorn to that list as well if he can't even get onto the subs bench over Jamie Vardy. (Why is he still in matchday squads?)

posted on 18/4/13

Dung your not a rabid Pearsonite.
Vardy's on the bench because nigel signed him.

without getting another hail of fire second season vardy might do better. A lot of players take a season to settle in.

posted on 18/4/13

I've not written Vardy or Waghorn off yet.

Just Futacs.

posted on 18/4/13

Talking about possible over rated players, anyone know how Knockaert did last night, I personally didn't think it'd be his type of game!

posted on 18/4/13

He did OK. All the team did.

On to Palace!

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