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BK's PL Match Thread - Liverpool vs Chelsea

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posted on 21/4/13

Hasn't scored in Premier league since December, hasn't scored against Liverpool, in good form. The stage is set!

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 21/4/13

Interesting, going at Liverpool blow for blow, thought Benitez would've been cuter than this.

This'll have goals in it for sure

posted on 21/4/13

for another crap performance by him

posted on 21/4/13


posted on 21/4/13

Lol exactly mr c!!

He will not score and if he does then it'll be when we're already losing 3-0......

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 21/4/13

I guarantee Torres will let us down today
His matches against Liverpool to date have had a tendency to set him back, if he has a stinker he might be done for the season.

posted on 21/4/13

and so might we

posted on 21/4/13

And he will have a stinker,

And Rafa will bring on Ba with 5 mins to go when we're already losing 2-0

I really hope I'm proved wrong here because this seems like I've seen this all before

posted on 21/4/13

Would have been perfect if Ba was starting.

Lets hop Torres has a special game in his last Chelsea Liverpool fixture ever.

posted on 21/4/13

I honestly don't understand how we go into a game of this magnitude with our two most experienced outfield players and captain and vice captain on the bench,,,

posted on 21/4/13



posted on 21/4/13

Don't mind Cole not starting, Bertrand has done well against some top teams while he's been out. And does show how he is NOT the best LB in the world anymore like some people keep saying.. Even Lampard and Terry I probably would have rested, both played midweek, Lampard's been poor and Terry can't play every game.

posted on 21/4/13

and they were probably our best two players agst Fulham behind Luiz

posted on 21/4/13

Lampard was good agst Fulham he controlled the midfield.

posted on 21/4/13

Terry says he can play, i believe him, especially as he looked back to full fitness on Wednesday.

posted on 21/4/13

Rafas job is still not done until he's gained us 5th place and no trophies this season.

Great for his CV....

posted on 21/4/13

Stop ranting about Lampard and Terry, Terry is Abit slow this term and Suerez won't considered him for anything, Lampard will be more concern about getting his record than playing for his teammates. This is not Fulham but LIVERPOOL.
Lampard and Terry for Europa cup. Period

posted on 21/4/13

blue....i'll i want thanks...now feck off you stupid little kent!

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 21/4/13

Does Rafa want us to lose today ?

Terry, Lampard and Ba on the bench !!

What the feck ??

posted on 21/4/13

Terry's experience would have been good today and let's face it, he's a better central back than Ivan!?

posted on 21/4/13

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posted on 21/4/13

Off the subject, but Olivia Wilde is smoking hot....

posted on 21/4/13

It feels like a very bad starting line up Gazza.........hope I am wrong.

posted on 21/4/13

Thank Biggish

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comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 21/4/13

Selection has opened the game up to a test of technical strength. As Gazza coined earlier this season, it's a selection which has turned it into a wrestling match........ failed in the CL matches, worked against Arsenal, Spurs and to an extent United. Could go either way

I'm just surprised Benitez went for it, expected him to parade his "tactical genius" in front of his former fellowers

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