I would've wrote something on here but its a bit dead nowadays.
But yes brilliant result, so happy with everybody associated with the club.
Well done Barnsley, from a contented Town fan! Happy with yesterday's draw to keep both clubs in the Championship. All the best for next season!
The images of both sets of fans celebrating together was a great thing to see too. 'The Yorkshire, the Yorkshire'! 👍😊👊😉
Absolutely unbelievable. Back from the brink of the abyss. Mr Flitcroft, you are a legend...
Mr Rowing...get his contract sorted NOW! Give him what he wants and needs because other clubs will already be sniffing. Flicker won't ask for the earth - he's not in it for the money - he just wants to see that the playing side is managed better than it has been.
What a 4 months this has been and what a turnaround. You can't write stuff like this; it just serves to prove why the English leagues are the best in the world. Great day yesterday and congratulations to Huddersfield for their own survival and their part in a memorable day.
Long live Flicker.
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posted on 4/5/13
posted on 5/5/13
I would've wrote something on here but its a bit dead nowadays.
But yes brilliant result, so happy with everybody associated with the club.
posted on 5/5/13
Well done Barnsley, from a contented Town fan! Happy with yesterday's draw to keep both clubs in the Championship. All the best for next season!
The images of both sets of fans celebrating together was a great thing to see too. 'The Yorkshire, the Yorkshire'! 👍😊👊😉
posted on 5/5/13
Absolutely unbelievable. Back from the brink of the abyss. Mr Flitcroft, you are a legend...
Mr Rowing...get his contract sorted NOW! Give him what he wants and needs because other clubs will already be sniffing. Flicker won't ask for the earth - he's not in it for the money - he just wants to see that the playing side is managed better than it has been.
What a 4 months this has been and what a turnaround. You can't write stuff like this; it just serves to prove why the English leagues are the best in the world. Great day yesterday and congratulations to Huddersfield for their own survival and their part in a memorable day.
Long live Flicker.
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