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Cesc Ultimatum

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posted on 4/8/11

If he is still here when we play that CL qualifier, then absolutely he should play. If he doesn't I'll be very disappointed in the club.

comment by Topdawg (U8684)

posted on 4/8/11

Arsenal should stick to their guns for sure. £40M no less.

If Barca don't get the deal done, play him in the CL qualifier.

Barac are really bumming Arsenal around and have de-stabilised the club.

posted on 4/8/11

Sorry, but my patience is at an end with Barcelona.

Arsenal should release a statement informing that, due to their abysmally childish, underhand behaviour, Arsenal FC will not sell or buy from Barcelona for the next 10 years, when this policy will be reviewed.

Then regretfully tell Fabregas that, due to a change in club policy, Arsenal are unable to sell him to the only other club he wants to play for.

Then incite a bidding war between Man City/Chelsea/Real Madrid and any others who have money without responsibility.

Arsenal get paid, Fabregas gets to Barcelona (eventually) and grubby, lazy sporting journalists will have to actually work for a living.


posted on 4/8/11

Barcelona should stop messing around,come with with the asking price or withdraw their offer

posted on 4/8/11

If Barca don't get the deal done, play him in the CL qualifier.
Absolutely. I would have him on the bench (as long as we look ok). Then in stoppage time in the second leg I would bring him on. Just so I can laugh at Barca.

posted on 4/8/11

How many deadlines are Arsenal going to set over this saga?

posted on 4/8/11

It's almost as though Arsenal have capitulated over the whole saga and are just waiting and hoping Barce stump up the readies! For the record I think Arsenal's valuation of the player is extremely fair, in fact I'd go as far to say they are under valuing him at 40 million quid!

What should have happened from the get-go was for the club to be 100% "public" and say to Barce, Fabregas and the media, it's 40 million (if that's what they value him at) or NOTHING! It's that simple, there's ZERO room for negotiation. It's a very fair price in the current market and if Barce can't/won't meet the asking price, tough titters, that's life...

posted on 4/8/11

How about a new plan, sign every one of their youth players, so they will have no backup

posted on 4/8/11

£40m today, £42m tomorrow, £44m the next day...

Fabregas should be disgusted at the way Barca are acting. They've insulted and belittled him from day one.

posted on 4/8/11

Fabregas should be disgusted at the way Barca are acting. They've insulted and belittled him from day one.

But he bum licks them so badly that he is obviously doesn't care and wants the move signed and sealed asap.

posted on 4/8/11

Emibury AFC - The Cesc needs to grow a pair, tell Barca what they need to pay and see how much they really want him. I really do think Arsenal should be increasing the price with every passing day. They should be factoring in how hard it's going to be to replace him with the new season starting so soon.

posted on 4/8/11

Absolutely, I think going to Spain to the established number one club there is taking the easy way out. He has yet to win a major trophy as our captain and he should be motivated to do so.....Maybe offering him to Madrid, will kick start Barca into action tho

posted on 4/8/11

If Barcalona do not pay at least £40 million for Cesc they should just leave it. Barcelona offered £26 million one time and their next bid was ............ wait for it.............. a whole £27 million (WOW).

Barcelona are bellittling cesc to much he needs to man up and say no, im staying with my favourite club Arsenal to WIN a trophy.

But if they offer £40 million for him and he leaves who's going to replace him. A very good replacement is Ramsey. Hes young loyal and a very good player. I think we should give him a chance to be the new Cesc (No not good enough) the new Viera.

posted on 4/8/11

Although Ramsey is clearly a very talented player, I'd be a bit concerned with a midfield partnership of Ramsey and Wilshire this early in their careers.

posted on 4/8/11

Said this on a few threads.

Jack - Song - Ramsey

Is not a particuarly balanced midfield. Not bad, by any means, but certainly lacks equilibrium...

Basically if and when Cesc leaves, Arsenal will have no choice to change their offensive dynamic, simply because they won't have the personnel at their disposal to play the way they currently do.

posted on 4/8/11

Okay we have talked about Midfield what about Upfront?

Whats the news between Benzema and Arsenal. If we had him upfront with Van Persie our squad would strengthen a lot.

posted on 4/8/11

Whats the news between Benzema and Arsenal. If we had him upfront with Van Persie our squad would strengthen a lot.


Madrid said yesterday they have had NO enquiries for Benzema.

For what it's worth he's actually having a very good pre-season with Madrid and rumours are he's got back onside with Mourinho after a tepid relationship.

Can't see him leaving Madrid this summer now, unless a club makes a stupid money offer! And Arsenal don't do "stupid money" offers, do they?

posted on 4/8/11

comment by Moistthighs (U3249)

Why not drag Arshavin in to central defence behind the striker? It's a role he likes, is good at and is familiar with.

posted on 4/8/11

Oscandwarf (U3677)

No.No.No.NO. And NOOO.

Actually thats a pretty good idea but Arshavin is a good one to push upfront with Walcott and create many goals.

We should of got Ashley Young when we had the chance and for the central defence area, Vermalon and kosielny can take care of that part. Who is gonna play LB now instead of Clichy.

Talking about Kosienly should we replace him or put him as a buck up defender?

posted on 4/8/11

Arshavin behind the "striker" is a no-go, simply because Arsenal don't play with a second striker, it would require a complete overhaul of formation and that's just not gonna happen. It'll be RVP in the middle and anyone of Arshavin, Walcott, Gervinho, Nasri (if he stays, which is likely) & Vela on either sided.

As for who will play at leftback? Well Wenger intimated strongly it'd be Gibbs, again, something that seriously worries me and I think will backfire.

Koscielny is a good defender, Arsenal still need another centreback of proven quality, something they are obviously actually trying to do something about.

posted on 4/8/11

Moistthighs (U3249)

I see your point on Arshavin but who is a worhy CB that we can afford and who would want to join our club.

posted on 4/8/11

I'm yet to be pursuaded that Arshavin behind RVP, with Walcott/Gervinho on the flanks wouldn't work.

Kindly educate me.

posted on 4/8/11

Arshavin plays behind the striker for Russia and is bloody good at it!!!

posted on 4/8/11

I'm yet to be pursuaded that Arshavin behind RVP, with Walcott/Gervinho on the flanks wouldn't work.

Kindly educate me.


It COULD work. But not with the current offensive dynamic!

Arsenal play with a central striker, who will drift occasionally and 2 other strikers/wingers (not wingers in the traditional sense) who will get wide when needed, but also make runs into the box.

To play Arshavin (or whoever) in the behind the striker, realistically you are looking at reverting to a 4-4-2 or 4-4-1-1. That would mean Arsenal would need NATURAL wingers! And I don't think Arsenal have 1 "natural" winger on their books, certainly not at first-team squad level...

posted on 4/8/11




Arshavin (Behind the striker)
Van Persie

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