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These 39 comments are related to an article called:

New Boss to be Head Coach

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posted on 9/5/13

Yer I read it earlier on the E&S not really sure what difference it will make tho to be honest

posted on 9/5/13

My guess is that the different job title is just a way of reinforcing Thelwell’s role.

The question is does Thelwell have any real influence or has he just been set up as a safety net for Morgan?

posted on 9/5/13

Thelwell seems to know his business but how much influence he has we'll never know

Moxey as a money man does a good job so if it's a slight sidewards switch then it's no bad thing get Thelwell to identify targets and let Morgan negotiate

posted on 9/5/13

*I meant let Moxey negotiate*

posted on 9/5/13

And they're off...


posted on 9/5/13

Jez said: “The Board has decided it wishes to appoint a Head Coach as opposed to a traditional first team manager. The Head Coach will be responsible for bringing on-field success to the first team and will work with, and lead, our other football professionals to implement a new football strategy and philosophy for the Club as a whole."

posted on 9/5/13

That rules out a number of names already mentioned.

posted on 9/5/13

Why’d you say that Herb? It’s just a job title.

One of my first ever bosses told me “don’t worry about what they put on your business card concentrate on what they put in your bank every month”.

posted on 9/5/13

I seem to recall hearing a very similar plan to this a year ago.

The obvious benefit is if we make another duff appointment and have to sack them at Christmas we can avoid the negative "Wolves sack another manager" headlines. Sacking the head coach doesn't sound quite so bad.

posted on 9/5/13

I dunno Haak I saw somethin a while back that the majority of people would rather a fancy job title than a pay rise

posted on 9/5/13

I feel that Wolves are trying to dispense with the traditional notion of a football manager and go for an out and out coach - the kind of bloke who has only the team on the grass to concentrate on.

Therefore, if it all goes pear-shaped on the pitch, he will be entirely culpable. Everything off the grass will have nothing to do with him whatsover - including who we actually go for in terms of players.

The Head Coach will - or shouldn't - have any say whatsoever in recruitment.

posted on 9/5/13

will not *

posted on 9/5/13

Owen Coyle?

posted on 9/5/13

So, in short we are copying Albion

posted on 9/5/13

The head coach job discription sounds more like a DoF role than a first team manager

posted on 9/5/13

So, in short we are copying Albion

No, copying Europe

posted on 9/5/13

This seems to be the way football is going generally and should be a good move. But it's success is very dependant on a good working relationship between the Head Coach and the Director of Football.

posted on 9/5/13

View from the armchairs:

'Head coach basically means another 'yes man' who signs nobody and gets what he's given! I was hoping for a strong character but it seems the board won't tolerate anyone who wants to run the club their way!'


'So what Moxey and Morgan are saying here is if the new manager screws up don't blame us as Kevin Thelwell said he was good.'

'What a joke. Which decent team MANAGER is going to want to come to our club for half a job title on their CV and no budget or choices on team. A complete and utter farce.'


'Wow I bet that took a lot of courage to come up with such a radical plan of action. Sadly Moxey us Wolves fans really have little faith in you and the board. Over the last 2 or 3 years the decisions made by you and the board have been devastating for our club to be frank you need to go before the club can move forward again. Personally I don't believe a word of what you are saying and trying to put up a smoke screen for all the bad decisions with "Oh Mr Kevin thelwell" is now our saviour is pretty feable.



'This absolutely stinks of these lot slithering an excuse not to have to pay for an established manager.

Big warning here Wolves: another poor/cheapskate decision is TERMINAL.

The fans simply wont stand for it: they will stick two fingers up and turn their backs on you for good.

Last chance. Your call.'


'A change is needed and in theory this sounds fine but their track record of implementing change, experimenting, following Albion etc has been a complete and utter disaster. Having seen many previous statements like this over the years and knowing the current hieracrchy - CHEAPSKATES and self interest instinctively springs to mind.

I really hope it isn't a case of here we go again!! Let's hope Kevin is bang on the mustard and given the freedom to lead, otherwise this could be very costly...!'


'Dear oh dear! The fact is because Moxey the ROOT of the problem won't go , we are stumbling around and trying anything else we so far have not tried hoping it might work.

This head coach role tells me that Moxey will not relinquish control of transfer ins and outs and football based decisions but rather is tightening his grip.

Wolves fans do not be fooled into thinking the new man will do anything other than report to Moxey and be governed by his final say so in any decision.

We all know Moxey is thick skinned and well used to looking after his position, but his determination to cling to power is destroying this club.

Some will argue he is a good businessman but watch how our senior players will end up being loaned out with us supplementing their wages, except perhaps for Sako who may command a decent fee, so we will end up writing off millions for Johnson, Ohara , Doyle ET all . Good businessman!!

The talk of playing our young homegrown players is encouraging but believe me wolves fans this is because with the financial fair play restrictions coming in we will HAVE no choice until the over 30 n 40k per week players leave the club or (more likely) their contracts finish in 2 or 3 years time. Good businessman !!

Jez Moxey will not listen to any advice or the fans appeals but will continue to look after his own position for as long as possible.'


posted on 9/5/13

I have heard a rumour from a contact within the club that Moxey was offered, and signed, a new 10 YEAR contract in August 2011.

posted on 9/5/13

You cant have your cake and eat it Herb

The system of a head coach and a DOF seems the sensible way to go to me - the balance between the two obviously varies depending on circumstances.

Seems preferable to appointing one man, usually ex-players with no business experience, and letting him loose with millions of pounds as per Solbakken.

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 9/5/13

comment by Uncle Herbert (U16263)
posted 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
The Head Coach will - or shouldn't - have any say whatsoever in recruitment.
will not *
So, in short we are copying Albion
That isn't how it works at Albion and I couldn't imagine any head coach having no say in whatsoever in recruitment matters.The head coach and the technical director will identify where we need new players. They will then sit down to see who is available or becoming available.
The technical director at Albion is in charge of the UK and overseas recruitment teams, and they keep extensive and detailed databases of players - their ages, when their contracts are up (Bosmans), etc - and their agents. Go through all our players, most of them are sourced that way. Before we had a technical director, Tony Mowbray did a great job for us getting Brunt, Morrison, Dorrans, Olsson, Mulumbu (in on loan and made permanent by Di Matteo) but even TM would have had help from within the club.

posted on 9/5/13

I see it working if the DOF & coach can work very closely together and at least agree on the characteristics of the players needed rather than specific names.

posted on 9/5/13

Doesn't really mean much to me, i guess it is more an indication that thelwell will have a bigger role behind the scenes.
As for transfers, head coach or not, he will have a big say in what he needs playing wise.

Carl Robinson for coach

posted on 9/5/13

...yes, what aries said.

posted on 9/5/13

“Carl Robinson for coach”

Don’t joke about it. The Sun <spit> had an article yesterday that I followed a link to saying we were after Carl Robinson (I assume mixing him up with Karl Robinson) from Vancouver Witecaps!

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