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No to Jose! Move on people!

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posted on 24/5/13

His style of football at Madrid is very good. They've destroyed so many teams on the counter attack, the problem they've had this season is teams has got very wise to it.

On the opposite side, it seems like bar Porto, every club he has left has struggled after to rebuild after his success.

posted on 24/5/13

I think Jose coming back is the best thing we can do. Not because I am convinced it will all end well (although I do think he will do well with this team) Jm will come and if he does well then that's great. If he does badly then we can all move on. In terms of his supposed plans with luiz and anything else you may have read I wouldn't believe anything until it happens. How many stories are written about us all the time and the majority aren't even true! If you don't want Jm then who do you want? As a club we've made such awful decisions with managers that honestly I can't see who else we would get. It's a good fit for both of us and surely just based on his history with us he deserves another chance

posted on 24/5/13

Essien, Lampard, Terry and Mikel will play every 90mins also the extra time in cups

Cech is old guard. Time for the skip too

posted on 24/5/13

I think he'd make mata, hazard and luiz better players in all honesty. I think he'd like oscars work ethic too and would boost his status.
He has brought through a couple young players at madrid and not been afraid to drop their old guard (pepe, casillas) so cannot see him being afraid to do it at chelsea.

posted on 24/5/13

No pleasing you useless fans.
Utterly annoying how you guys complain if they do and complain if they don't.
I hear a lot of fools saying may be rafa should stay, why because he got us to 3rd and won a cup that the players themselves could have won on their own ala Grant.
Have you all forgotten how many points we dropped from winning positions because of rafa not wanting to make the basic straightforward change.

I mean the so called cup that he won, not even 1 substitution in a final when we are supposedly tired from a long season.

That aside Jose is the best out there at the moment with only Klopp to compete, I certainly did not want Guardiola because I don't want to play like barca but anything is better than Rafa.

posted on 24/5/13

Anyone opther than Jose and it will definitely end in tears

Therefore Jose has to come.

posted on 24/5/13

I disagree npe. I can see where you're coming from, but I think that you've gone as negative as some of the shiny happy 'Mourinho is god' crowd

posted on 24/5/13

Utterly annoying how you guys complain if they do and complain if they don't.

Oh....because the 'anti Rafa lets love Jose crowd ' arent remotely picky.

And TCW, I am fed up with morons thinking we need to be more dogged and negative and boring as a team and that Lamps should play every game blah blah blah blah

posted on 24/5/13

There's nothing wrong with not conceding. I hate conceding. But I agree that we need to play with flair and panache now, we have no excuse with some of the players we have at our disposal.

I don't worry about that. Our club as a whole has huge input into how we act, our manager nowadays just doesn't have the power to do things completely without interruption. We have clearly acted in the interests of entertainment the last year or so. The one target I set out (didn't even get 'easy top 3', didn't think about Europa) that we undoubtedly achieved was a clear shift in playing style. And we did that with managerial upheaval. It's here to stay, Mourinho or no

posted on 24/5/13

I hate conceding.

I prefer 5-3 to 2-0

TCW, people say that they doubt Roman would hire Jose if he was gonig to be so disruptive...

but the truth is Jose wouldnt come unless he had full reign over first team proceedings

Roman has very few other options available...Pellegrini is off to City, Moyes is off to Man Utd, Pep wasnt interested, Klopp isnt interested at this point in time, Henckyes is retiring....

who else could we have gone for Roberto Martinez?


Truthfully, regardless of what people say about Jose needing us, Roman has been dealt a crap hand here.

To be honest, I think Roman would prefer to keep Rafa were it not for the fans animosity. Which btw, is utterly pathetic. I am an incredibly passionate Chelsea fan, but sometimes the Mourinho worshippers that fester our stadium embarass me.

posted on 24/5/13

I prefer 5-3 to 2-0

I enjoyed Arsenal v AVB too

posted on 24/5/13

Roman could call Hiddink. He could have a go for Conte. Simeone. Pereira. Mourinho is overwhelmingly the best choice but there are managers still out there.

You need to turn your contempt into something more productive. Benitez did a decent job here but our strong finish glosses over plenty. Just like it always does. We finish strongly and it hides our mistakes, but it means we win trophies. I love it.

posted on 24/5/13

Mourinho has been Romans first choice since AVB left

Rafa was always meant to be the 1 year stop gap, but then RDM won the CL and there would have been riots in Tottenham if RDM was not appointed manager.

posted on 24/5/13

n addition, I am not sure he has the same drive. He looks to have aged terribly, he's probably exhausted by the sound of things.
I thought the older the better, Fergie, Bosque, sachhi all did well in their aged session so why complete about JM age because of some grey hair which should be seen as acheivement.

And I genuinely think football and tactics are moving on without him.
Someone that defeated Barca home and away this season yet lacking in modern day tactics should be regarded as the greatest of all time.

If the old guards can make the club win trophies, what's the big deal with that? All because rumours are out about Luiz leaving, I thought most fans thinks he's a liability at CB. We complain about Roman not giving coaches free hands to work yet we wish to suggest who the coach must sell, use and not use.

posted on 24/5/13

I love how people are accusing me of wanting to run our club yet its the fans who criticise me who are obssessed with Jose and treated Rafa disgracefully for much of this season

posted on 24/5/13

Brummie, I have never said Luiz is a liability. And although I admit I am a huge fan of his, the general consensus on the CFC board on ja606 is we should keep him, some even want him as captain

posted on 24/5/13

And for the record I think a coach should be a coach. Managers The board should be involved in the process.

posted on 24/5/13

Roman could call Hiddink. He could have a go for Conte. Simeone. Pereira. Mourinho is overwhelmingly the best choice but there are managers still out there.


If Pep had said yes and Romans courting had worked....Jose would already be a distant memory. I think Roman isnt depseratre for this to happen. And I see why.

posted on 24/5/13

would love Conte

i really don't see re-appointing Jose as the answer either

posted on 24/5/13

Most fans at a point wants Lampard and Terry to be the first name on the team list this season doesn't make it right. If the coach comes in and say I don't need this player so be it. Pep did it with Ronaldinho and Etoo at barca and the world didn't end. Pep will likely restructure Bayern again even if they seems to have a more balance squad than us which need reconstructing.
The coach knows who and what he needs to work with,

posted on 24/5/13

PF is talking out of his ... Just like some members of a body to be negative and would rather we become like liverpool.

We are Chelsea and we go for proven winners of the highest level, coaches and players that break records or do exceptional things everyone else is a stop gap.

Benitez is beneath us because his achievements since valnacia and his first year at liverpool have been noting short of disastrous.

This is not to say those we go for and should be going for will work out but we will not drop our standards in hope we have a gem.

Only great manager available was Mourinho and please do not mention pelligrini.

If you want midiocre go support arsenal or Liverpool.

posted on 24/5/13

What has Simeon or conte achieved.

Because he has done well at Juve so you think he is something special, why not mention de -boer at Ajax in that case.

Juve has the best team where the other big teams are in Shambles, Ac in peril Every 2 years and inter in a nasty rebuild after Jose and the FSW, so what has Conte done tha is special. He has been shown to be a novice in europ much like Klopp before but Klopp has shown that he is willing to learn and learn fast.

Its not about throwing names of those that have done well in their cocoon, Conte could be another AVB.

Right now with the mess we are in I would like to give the task of sorting out the mess to a proven winner.

posted on 24/5/13

Your ignorance when it comes to managers such as Conte, Pellegrini, and Simeone amazes me

posted on 24/5/13

All flavour of the months when teams are looking for a new manager, and all will be stop gaps.

Roman has begged Jose to come back, and now we need to keep him here for as long as possible. We have a very good chance of building something special long term

posted on 24/5/13

All managers seem to win with Falcao playing

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