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LIVE: Dortmund 1-2 Bayern: CL Final

Page 5 of 73

posted on 25/5/13

I'm tempted to put a bet on but not sure...

comment by Hizmo (U1691)

posted on 25/5/13


give us a break you numpty.

posted on 25/5/13

Hizmo, I'll stick £10 somewhere unrealistic. Just to have a go. But going to decide what.

Gunnerthru, I'm not surprised. They love shocks!

YCBC, That could be worth going for, because according to a lot of people, it is likely that Dortmund will win and I can see Lewandowksi scoring tonight.

posted on 25/5/13

Bayern to win 1-0

posted on 25/5/13

Shut up Hizmo you nonse.

posted on 25/5/13

"Shut up Hizmo you nonse."

comment by Hizmo (U1691)

posted on 25/5/13


yeah...go ahead and place it with Bet365 as you're guaranteed to obtain you're money back.

posted on 25/5/13

LRF let me know what you go for

posted on 25/5/13

Will do YCBC

Hizmo, Please no nonsense tonight. You 2, keep it cool!

Not really the point in betting. The point is to win some you lose some. I don't mind losing.

comment by Hizmo (U1691)

posted on 25/5/13


fūck off you cöck muncher.

posted on 25/5/13

I would rather bet 10 pounds and lose that with a riskier bet than bet 50 and lose that with a more obvious bet..

comment by Hizmo (U1691)

posted on 25/5/13


the reason why I placed £42 is because if I lose my bet I'm going to be given it back, so might as well try make money.

posted on 25/5/13

Hizmo, Pack it in.

YCBC has got a point Hizmo.

posted on 25/5/13

Yeah I understood it from what you wrote earlier, It makes sense but you will have to bet it again if you lose tonight right?

comment by Hizmo (U1691)

posted on 25/5/13


the second free bet is a risk free bet, so even if I don't win, I still get my £42 back.

posted on 25/5/13


posted on 25/5/13

Seems ok that you don't lose money but also pointless because you don't lose money as well.

comment by Hizmo (U1691)

posted on 25/5/13

it's pointless because I'm not losing money? LRF, looks like you've took some strong shizzle.

posted on 25/5/13

Well yeah because it really takes the fun and point out of betting. If that was the case anywhere, we would never have any betting stations in the UK.

I don't blame you, I'd probably like that and might yet do it but I doubt it + I'd rather lose money than just get it back. Could win more.

posted on 25/5/13

Tempted to go for the 7/1 bet but if Lewandowski is going to Bayern will he want to score against them ...

posted on 25/5/13

I doubt he will leave now to be honest. So just go for it.

posted on 25/5/13

Line up:
Neuer - Lahm, Boateng, Dante, Alaba - Martinez, Schweini - Robben, Müller, Ribéry - Mandzukić | ^M.Hörwick #packmas

posted on 25/5/13

Gomez isn't starting?

posted on 25/5/13

Doesn't look like it

posted on 25/5/13

He never starts anymore YCBC.

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