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paying up to ship out.....

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 8/6/13

Contracts eh!

posted on 8/6/13

One more mark against Morgan and Moxey.

posted on 8/6/13

Geoff, it will be beneficial in the long run if we can't sell the players,to cancel their contracts and move on. Up until now there has been no movement in the transfer market for any of our players, including Sako. Just a rumour that he may go to Fulham.

posted on 8/6/13

The other option which hasn't been mentioned is maybe loan the ones we don't want out to other clubs.

The problem I see is that none of those we need to ship out have done themselves any favours in the past two years and have got steadily worse.

Who will buy them and who would want them on loan?

I still believe the 5 that need to go are Johnson, O'Hara, Henry, Foley and Ward.

I see no point in keeping them if we are to move forward.

posted on 8/6/13

i understand that they need to be gone witss as their wages are not conducive with the league we are now in....but the bad taste i was talking about with these deadbeats is that by showing no professional pride,rolling up for training pi$$ed,turning your back on your own fans,regularly not putting in the bare minimum effort required on match days etc....etc....etc...
could be rewarded by having their contracts paid up leaving them free to sign for another team for decent wages and signing on fee because i doubt we will be getting a fee for some of them.other teams know we need to get them off the payroll. so when moxey starts mentioning wonga for some of these tvvats, the inquiring clubs will be laughing their boll0x off!!!!

they have moxey over a barrel with his trousers around his ankles......

now i may pay money to see that...maybe they can put jez in the center circle for half time entertainment as we watch other clubs and these players who have been stealing a living at molineux line up to De-flower him!!!!!

posted on 8/6/13

It is sickening isn't it Geoff, not much can be done though
I fear you may be disappointed with up to 3 of those players wolfie, if we demand any kind of fee near a million then ward,foley and Henry will not be going anywhere......other than Henry I would be very disappointed to see ward or foley as starters for us next season.

comment by Bigyam (U17302)

posted on 8/6/13

Kevin Foley is a class act!

posted on 8/6/13

Don't get me wrong Geoff. I've sated before that cancelling their contracts and taking a short term loss, may be the best thing. The suggestion of a loan is possibly an option if we don't have any choice.

posted on 8/6/13

I understand that they could be laughing all the way to the bank if we cancel their contracts, but in the long run we'd be better off without them, plus we could sit back and watch them try to get another club.

posted on 8/6/13

And you wonder why I call them dross.

posted on 8/6/13

Kevin foley a class act!

Pity he didn't show us that class over the last two seasons.

comment by Bigyam (U17302)

posted on 8/6/13

Theres 11 players in a team plus coaches and mamagement, so hard to blame jusy the one person, seeing as hes been here since Mick first came I'll judge him over the long term rather than last season when he hardly played and the season before.

His composure and positioning is the best at the club, lacks the pace and stamina of a modern day full back but a bad footballer he is not and if he gets moved on he will prove fickle fans wrong just like a number of others who have been hounded out.

posted on 8/6/13

I always rated foley to be honest big yam but Doherty is the future for me.

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 8/6/13

To be fair to Bigyam I think he's talking about Foleys halftime card tricks he would do to entertain the lads and who could forget when he made JOH disappear whilst playing against Brighton last season.

posted on 8/6/13

Stupid to not see that Ward and Henry, even Foley could do a good job for us in League 1

posted on 8/6/13

Wolfgang, we're supposed to be moving forward with our younger players, not holding on to our Dads Army.

comment by Bigyam (U17302)

posted on 8/6/13

Stupidity is far too common.

Kevin Foley makes very few individual errors. Far fewer than the rest of our team and far fewer than Doherty, although Doherty has the pace to make up for them and in time he will make less I agree. Does Foley need shipping out or Ward? No, they will be top class utility players in this league and the champ if we get the right manager and if they dont decide to leave.

posted on 8/6/13

Building for the future Wolfgang, if we have learnt nothing else, we have learnt that stagnation will suffocate a club.

comment by Bigyam (U17302)

posted on 8/6/13

If KJ thinks the players are working in training as they should be then who are we, who dont see the players in training, to argue.

My personal opinion is that a number of injuries means that O'Haras legs have gone, in a game of fine margins injuries can take the edge off a good player and O'Hara can no longer run around like he could and seems frustrated - for that reason ship him out.

Roger Johnson is clearly an arrogant individual and a bad influence on our changing room - ship him out.

Karl Henry will be on massive wages and I dont rate him - ship out.

Foley - a class act and has proven it under food management, again he had injuries last year and played in a side where full backs were frequently exposed particularly under Solbakken. Up to KJ and he wouldnt be a difference between promotion or relegation but he wouldnt let the team down ever. I would personally keep him if his wages arent big.

Ward - not a class act but a useful utility player again up to KJ and depending on wages but Id keep him as we would be able to invest money elsewhere namely centre half and central midfield, the areas I have seen as key weaknesses for 6 years.

comment by Bigyam (U17302)

posted on 8/6/13

Food management should read good management.

posted on 8/6/13

Why do you want to give those players another chance, they have failed us miserably over the last two seasons and you still want them to play for us, we have a great opportunity now to get rid of them.

I remember this time last season when posters on here were saying they were good enough for the championship. .... well that was proven wrong.

posted on 8/6/13

Figured it was a typo and you meant SEB bigyam.

Other than Henry I agree mostly with that summation.

posted on 8/6/13

"we have a great opportunity now to get rid of them"

Err... no we don't. Who is going to buy them puppet?

posted on 8/6/13

The Matador is going to pay some of you not to comment again.

posted on 8/6/13

£5k should do it for me...

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