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Most sobering thought of the day...

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posted on 15/7/13

Their worth a lot more than I thought they were!

They won't be needing the spare change they have lent us back any time soon, nothing to worry about.

In fact if it weren't for this rubbish financial fair play rule, which is only ever going to benefit the already rich clubs and leave everyone else in a mess, I would have expected to see further investment from them on the playing side. Alas this is not to be and we are left to build a team a shoe string while trying to rid the side of high earning leeches!

posted on 15/7/13

£100m? Ridiculous figure

Someone have a go at itemising what that £100m is

posted on 15/7/13

We'll give you £1.75m for Wes ...come on you know you need the money and we have plenty

posted on 15/7/13

Give it straight to the thais - then we only owe them 98.25m.

Then forest would of finally spent some of their "fortune" this summer

posted on 15/7/13

Plus wages you'll save

posted on 15/7/13

There are 3 ways to look at this.

1. The owners pull out and lose lots of money, as we don't have assets to match their investment.
This seems unlikely to me.

2. They continue without further investment allowing all player contracts to expire .
In 3 years time we then start again, hopefully from a position still in the championship.

3. We continue as we are, which seems to be coupled with the new man getting rid of high earners to allow us loan signings and free acquisitions

Which ever route we take I am sure NP has a tough task at hand.

posted on 15/7/13

Ah yes, there is at least another 500k. we're down to 97.75m already

Don't know what we're worried about

posted on 15/7/13

Every little helps when in your situation.....or in the case of anyone who has a large debt. Time for you lot to down size.

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 15/7/13

The thing is Foxello there are numerous football clubs with debts such as this if not bigger. Whats the alternative? We were skint before Mandaric bought us and sold us on to people with money who subsequently spent money (as most if not all fans wanted) which leaves us in this situation.

There arent many Jack Walkers around nowadays so maybe its a case of be skint or have outside investors come in and take a risk?

posted on 15/7/13

It's all assumptions and assertion of worst case scenario. I'm not going to start to worry about debt until a position has been established that the financial debt can not be serviced. It has been established that now ffp is in place we have to cut outgoings and this is a challenge. If money was as tight as suggested then I don't beleive bids for kasper and Wes would have been rejected.

posted on 15/7/13

It's all assumptions and assertion of worst case scenario. I'm not going to start to worry about debt until a position has been established that the financial debt can not be serviced. It has been established that now ffp is in place we have to cut outgoings and this is a challenge. If money was as tight as suggested then I don't beleive bids for kasper and Wes would have been rejected.

But, but, but that doesn't fit in with Foxello's cynical, anti, whinging view on the Club!

posted on 15/7/13

Debt and FFP losses are not one and the same. It depends how much we pay annually on that debt. FFP allows I think 8m losses of which 5m can be gifts from the owners - essentially an interest offset. I'd hope also that the 30m losses last year were due to upgrades to the facilities to aid cat 1 youth development and bringing forward of losses and costs I.e. it is rumoured we still owe money for beckford to Everton, clever accountants will have already written off this payment in last years accounts.

However, I can't see them bailing as they would struggle to recoup their investment. Instead he likely scenario is running at minimal cost that would still leave the club with potential to compete.

I've seen a lot of people saying everyone else is signing players and we aren't, well I saw the list of movers in the championship and other than Holt, Baptiste, Bridge and what could be the bargain of the season Jennings no one is really setting the transfer window alight. In fact I'm happier if we use the loan market as it doesn't leave us saddled with contracted players we can't get rid off.

The teams used for comparison such as rangers and cov are being picked to prove a point. And not an accurate one as Rangers wasn't to do with owners withdrawing funds. But you could pick ManU who have the biggest debt in the premier league from the glazers...

posted on 15/7/13

I doubt any Leicester fan believes this situation to be ideal, but what exactly do we want to do about it? Maybe one of us can win the EuroMillions and sit in wait for a time when the Thais lose interest?

If you want any consolation about the situation, they haven't shown any particular signs of pulling out or demanding all their money back. That doesn't mean to say they won't of course, but they have still acted with honour thus far. As for fans' adoration, maybe it's a case of knowing which side your bread's buttered.

And yes, I concur with CDUBYA's point about the days before Mandaric - the alternative isn't necessarily any better.

posted on 15/7/13

It's a good point Foxello - it is worrying that of our owners money did dry up, or they pulled out it would be a very worrying situation.

However, they have so far acted with nothing but honour in my opinion so I don't feel they would ever intentionally leave us high and dry (I could be wrong of course!)

So, that leaves the running out of money scenario. The Forbes rich list has just suggested their fortune has increased quite drastically, so lets hope that one doesn't happen either.

Hopefully they stick with it until we reach the Prem - the sooner the better of course.

If they did pull out or lose cash, it's obviously a very worrying, so I'm going so stick my head slightly in the San and put my trust in them. But to be fair, so far they've given me no reason not to.

posted on 16/7/13

having a fortune and being able to spend it are two separate things you might have all you money i shares or Asssets. Anyone with 10% of there net wealth tied up (excuse the pun) in a lose making enterprise will be feeling the pain.
For all those who are saying they won't pull out and i hope they won't.
They could right off there loses and and rent the KP to Coventry!!!!!

posted on 16/7/13

"They won't be needing the spare change they have lent us back any time soon, nothing to worry about."

Except as Nev quite rightly points out, 10% of your net worth is not equivalent to 'spare change'. 10% of anybody's wealth is a sizeable chunk. Imagine that you have invested 10% of your wealth into a venture that has, so far at least, not yet promised what you were expecting, and that is now seeing it's funding sharply reduced. Wouldn't you start to get a bit panicky? Plus we need to remember that these people are businessmen, not football men - they won't keep funding a dead project.

To briefly reply to what the majority have said, I don't believe we're in any impending, immediate risk of financial doom as I think the owners will have at least one more season and then would probably seek to re-sell the club and it'd debt, as opposed to simply call in their debts which would bankrupt the club. I don't think it's in anyone's best interests to bankrupt Leicester City, not least the owners who would be left owning a stadium they could do little with. I'm of the opinion that, at present, the owners best bet is to simply allow the club to function with limited resources, investing as little personal wealth as possible. I don't think this way would help our promotion chances, indeed they'll severely hinder them, but with FFP there is not much leg room for them to invest anyway.

But if in 2 or 3 years we have not achieved promotion, what then? What if they can't sell the club because nobody is interested in buying an average Championship club? What if we have an absolute stinker with a small squad this season and end up relegated to League One again? We as fans need to start thinking about these scenarios, even if they are uncomfortable to think about.

"But, but, but that doesn't fit in with Foxello's cynical, anti, whinging view on the Club!"

True Blue, you were the biggest, most tedious moaner on any LCFC forum when Sven was in charge so do me a favour - don't lecture me

posted on 16/7/13

* One final point - Nigel Pearson is currently in the last year of his contract. I think it is very unlikely that it will be renewed, especially if it is correct that Pearson is the highest earning manager in the division. So it's likely that at the start of next season we will have another manager who is probably on half of what he is on, as well as a squad that will have been severely trimmed and will be left with a core of youngsters and OK Championship players. Not sure whether this is a good thing or not, but I am personally of the opinion that the squad will need another revamp, under another manager, before we even think about launching a promotion challenge.

posted on 16/7/13

One thought comes to me: FFP (supposedly) limits the amount that a club can lose in a season, but it also limits the amount that the Thais can lose beyond what they already have in the club. If they tried to get it back it would almost certainly send us to the wall and they wouldn't get much of their money back. They'd have a very difficult time selling it on because of the loan, but the loss may not get much worse to them. So they may be in something of a stalemate, and one that can only be eased by promotion. As such, the current situation might (hopefully) convince them to just sit tight even if they were thinking of cutting their losses.

Foxello - I think we're probably on a similar wavelength with this, but this is an unfortunate argument for keeping Nigel Pearson, at least for one more year until the end of his contract.

Nev - I remember back in the early days of the Thais taking charge, you were one of the most enthusiastic about them, and specifically that they are honourable people with good intentions. As far as I'm concerned, you've been proven right so far, but I'm interested to know whether your opinion has changed - You don't seem as sure as you were back then, but maybe you're just more cynical about the whole club these days?

posted on 16/7/13

Foxello - Just seen your second comment - you may well be right about Pearson having one more season, and that the team may need another revamp. But I'd like to see us continue the approach of seeking to make a strong team rather than a group of individuals, simply because we won't be able to afford the individuals any longer.

posted on 16/7/13

Don't get me wrong they are good people and loyal to there workers and friends. I think they are or where out of there depth with the team and have made some mistakes. My mate Svens policy was to buy your way out and by October they gave up on it and maybe rightly so.
I worry about the number of Foreign owners who buy clubs and i suspect there are more than places in the Prem. Who expect the gold mine and glory that is that league and That happens to those club when that dream falls apart.

As for being cynical about the club i was much more cynical about the Gang of 4 and the Shipmans who looked at the club as something you took money out rather invested in IMO.

I hope the Youngsters come good this season and we do well but a playoff place is the best i think we can hope for. As for NP he has till october before the director of football or whatever his title is takes over.

posted on 16/7/13

Pearson's contract is perfect. If we don't get promotion we can part company at no cost to te club. His remit to cut the wage bill will have happened and we can hopefully bring in a new manager to freshen it up on a moderate budget.

Don't forget FFP allows us to invest as much as or more than most in the division. If spent wisely, it will benefit us in te long term.

I still hope Pearson an get us up this year though as I'd like to see what he could do in the Prem.

posted on 16/7/13

Ferry boy we are stuffed come January we won't be allowed to sign anyone unless we have take and i am guessing £30m off our costs!

posted on 16/7/13

"True Blue, you were the biggest, most tedious moaner on any LCFC forum when Sven was in charge so do me a favour - don't lecture me "

Yeah, but I was right!!!!

posted on 17/7/13

Dunge - I don't mind Pearson staying another season, providing he is 100% gone at the end of it with no chance of a return. Don't get me wrong, personally I would have been shot of him in February 2012. It's no secret that I can't stand the bloke and will be rejoicing when he finally does leave. But if we save £1m+ by just letting him run out his contract, then fine, I can live with that. I don't expect us be pushing for promotion this season, I expect mid-table, so who the manager is frankly irrelevant. Besides if we got rid of the grumpy old git now we'd likely end up with Pulis (who is anti-football) or Warnock (who would be a PR nightmare). If/when we replace NP at the end of the season (deja vu ....) then hopefully we'd either go for an experienced, ex PL manager who has previous experience of getting a team promoted, or a young, up and coming manager who plays football in the right way and can learn as he moves us forward (early frontrunners for me would be Robinson at MK, Davis at Crewe or Rosler at Brentford). And even then I think the new guy would need to be given 2 years to achieve promotion, so I for one do not expect Leicester City to be in the Premier League until the 2016-2017 season at the earliest. A bit depressing, innit?

Nev - I guess one of my big worries about the owners is how quickly they binned the Sven project. After a high profile pre-season, to give the guy a quarter of the season then sack him and replace him with a completely different person is...well, weird frankly and I just don't get it. They don't seem to have much conviction in their ambition, and I guess that makes me wonder whether their ambition to be promoted has also evaporated after 2 years of disappointment.

posted on 17/7/13

The only bright side is that most other teams aren't making significant improvements either. (Several shuffling the pack but not what I'd describe as genuine improvements.) So we'll now see how squad consistency suits us, although it is difficult to see beyond us being just contenders for a playoff place - particularly if rival clubs keep trying to unsettle our players with nonsensical bids and we do nothing to counter it.

As for why they sacked Sven, it feels like a case of horse, gate and bolted. They saw the amount of money that was going down the drain and decided upon a new approach. Unfortunately that money had already been spent. I agree that the timing was poor and Sven should have had the season to get it right though - it's hard to believe that much more damage could have been done over the rest of one year.

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