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Similar thread - Songs for Pride Park

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posted on 8/8/11

Help please.

Would someone with more computer skill than me please describe in detail how I can post an original article. I just can't see an opening anywhere on my screen. I can only wait to add my view as a comment on another's posting.

posted on 8/8/11

What is needed is a secong or third verse to "Steve Bloomer's watching" As it is it's too repetitive.

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 8/8/11

U6565: Click on "Create JA606"

If this is incorrect the author of this article may be able to help because he has a masters degree in Web Computing

posted on 8/8/11

Don't forget my Dissertation written on HTML formatting!

U6565 - There is a second and third verse to "Steve Bloomer's Watchin'". The whole song is about 3 minutes long. The first verse mentions Raich Carter and Tommy Docherty, the second McFarland and Hector, while the third comments on how we play like fury and are searching for glory.

It's on a CD I've got somewhere, along with other Derby County-affiliated tunes such as "We Will Follow You" by Syndrome.

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 8/8/11

Don't forget my Dissertation written on HTML formatting!
Could you possibly post me a "working" link to it?

posted on 8/8/11

As it isn't accessible through the use of Internet hyperlinks, no I cannot - that is impossible.

Upon completion and subsequent submission, I am unable for 12 months to electronically distribute the finished article due to University plagiarism procedures.

After the 12 months have expired I could e-mail it to you if you so desire. Or I could even post it to you this week if you disclose to me your home address.

posted on 8/8/11


The Docherty referred to in Steve Bloomer is watching is is Peter Doherty (pronounced docherty) one of the 1946 cup winning teams.

The song Steve Bloomer is watching I find to be an embarrassing dirge.

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 8/8/11

As it isn't accessible through the use of Internet hyperlinks, no I cannot - that is impossible
Surely someone with your web computing talent could make this possible?

posted on 8/8/11

Yeah, thanks Spartacus - I even searched to make sure I put the right one and still put Tommy. Never mind!

And TEG, stop being a pillock. Read what I wrote and you'll see why I can't make it happen...you oaf!

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 8/8/11

When will 12 months be up?

posted on 8/8/11

Normally after a year!

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 8/8/11

So you only submitted it today?

posted on 8/8/11

I submitted it on May the 23rd, so 12 months from that date. You really want to read it don't you?

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 8/8/11


posted on 8/8/11

First - thanks for the help. Don't know why I didn't see the link. I've now posted my first article.

I also find the song embarrasing mainly because it was patently untrue over the last few years. All teams who come here were NOT frightened of the Derby might.

Now if they sand the other verses it would be more relevant.

posted on 8/8/11

The only "might" they were scared of was that Derby "might" beat them - that's it!

posted on 8/8/11

I hate 'Steve Bloomer's Watching'. It's a terrible song. Only made worse by the fact no one in the stadium finishes singing it at the same time because of the speed up at the end.

We need a new theme- like Everton with the Z-Cars theme. I'd love us to always just use 'White Riot'. Proper song.

posted on 8/8/11

I think the theme tune to Fawlty Towers could be a good ice-breaker.

Would break the tension

posted on 8/8/11

I quite liked the dambusters march - not sure why it was dropped.

As a left field idea, how about 'Eton Rifles', but with

E - ton - Ri - fles, E - ton - Ri - fles

replaced by

Der - by - Coun - ty, Der - by - Coun - ty


OK, I'll get mi coat

posted on 8/8/11

Too many SYLL A BLES in that one I think Wideboy. Good tune though.

posted on 8/8/11

Sup up yer beer and collect yer fa gs
There's a riot going on down near Chad!

posted on 8/8/11

We do need an anthem though. Anyone remember "Home on the range" sung on the popside in the 70's.

posted on 8/8/11

Why would anyone want to sing a song the name Chelsea in it?

posted on 8/8/11

I have always thought the Levellers song one way of life! would make a good football chant
Theres only ONE!
and thats derby! Derby! DERBY!
repeat till bored!

Ive known them for years and the guitarist is from derby and a ram..

also the verses are screaming out for one of moj's remixes.
if you dont know it i'm sure you will find it on you tube.

posted on 8/8/11

Theres only one!
Waaaaay of life!
and thats
the rams!
The Rams!

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