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posted on 16/8/13

What happened to his loan move to Sheff Wed?

Premier League Cardiff haven't come "rushing-in" for him!

posted on 16/8/13

Wolves want roger off the payroll and don't expect to get any money for him and do expect to have to subsidise his wages for another team to take him on.

So if he refused to play football which is why we employ him, why don't we do just the same as would happen in any other walk of life when someone refuses to do their job and just sack him. Problem solved.

posted on 16/8/13

I'd have him walk the plank, Cap'n.


I'd have him walk, the Plank.

comment by (U17339)

posted on 16/8/13

I'd have him walk, the plank...captain!? (in a disbelieving, still baffled, questioning voice)

posted on 16/8/13

If he's still here at the end of this transfer window, I'd sooner we pay off his contract (2 years) and have done with him.

It may cost us about 3m, but he'll soon get through that with his boozing habit.

posted on 16/8/13

If he refused to play, surely he is breaking his contract or at least a fine should be due, when no one takes him off our hands when the transfer window closes we should just play him in the U21's if he refuses fine him a weeks wages.Its a pity the move to Sheff. didnt come off,we just want these limpets out of our club,I dont give a damn where they go as long as they are out of Molineux.

comment by (U17339)

posted on 16/8/13

I wouldn't pay him off on principle, absolutely not.

I'd like us do something clever to force a move within the laws of the game and his contract before we pay him off, like sending him on loan to a conference side for two years while paying his wages. He'll soon either look for a move or take much less to move on. Can you imagine us paying 3 million to Johnson!? Unbelievable.

posted on 16/8/13

I agree ulf, surely there is a way of offloading a player against his wishes.
If he is refusing then surely he is breaking the contract, not the club, unless we did something silly like guarantee him game time, captaincy?!?!

Like the non league idea too.

posted on 16/8/13

Unfortunately, Johnson is a cancer within the club and while I'm not 100% in favour of handing him some dosh to leave, it may be our only option to get rid of him. Unless, there is a way of fining him for refusing to play.

posted on 16/8/13

I agree wolfie, we have to get him out one way or another.

posted on 16/8/13

Was beheading ever actually made illegal, or did it just phase out?
We could petition the Queen to see if we could use it in this case and parade his head on a pole outside Molineux as an example of what happens to spineless, cowardly professionals.

posted on 16/8/13

LOL - Like that idea Cinci!

posted on 16/8/13

comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)

...parade his head on a pole

Peszko or Frankowski?

posted on 16/8/13

Take your pick, Frankowski was taller and probably has a good set of ladders from his decorating round i assume.

posted on 16/8/13

I tell you what is noticeable watching saturdays game, we ACTUALLY have a captain for the first time in a long time.
Ricketts does not stop orchestrating, unlike sulky, shruggy Johnson in a million ways.

posted on 16/8/13

Second mention for frankowski today!

After I name checked him earlier I had a look on wiki to are how he has done since wolves and the answer is pretty well. 168 goals in 300 league games, sadly none in 16 for wolves

posted on 16/8/13

Anybody know what boozer he uses? It would be a shame if someone in a Landrover Discovery just happened to be passing when he staggered into the road

posted on 16/8/13

He plays in every reserve game every week or loses his wages for the week.

Could actually fine him two weeks wages and make a healthy profit

comment by (U17339)

posted on 16/8/13

We might get compensation Dances...almost certainly more than if we sell him for his actual value!

posted on 16/8/13

We need him to committ Gross Misconduct - unfortunately this doesn't extend to in-fighting with your team mates or saying that you'd wished a bigger club had signed you.
He would need to strike a blow at the management for example, surely then we could sack him without losing out?????????

posted on 16/8/13

I think we have some precedent here, ex-Fulham player:


On June 30, 2010, Abdeslam Ouaddou left AS Nancy after a dispute with the Ligue 1 outfit. The Moroccan veteran defender had a deal until 2012 but has left after the club decided to sack him for gross misconduct, while the player wanted to cancel his contract.

posted on 16/8/13

On June 30, 2010, Abdeslam Ouaddou left AS Nancy

Must have been a performance of Oliver Twist.

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 16/8/13

Leave it to kenny......he won't be mugged off by clowns like RJ

posted on 17/8/13

7 million quid!
We'll do a straight swap with 75 grand a week carthorse Zigic if you like?

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