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comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 20/8/13

"In a memo dated February 1991, the former Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Sir Norman Bettison, then a superintendent in South Yorkshire Police, requested £2,000 from the fund to refurbish the reception of his police station."

Not surprised if that part made you throw up your lunch, made me feel sick reading that. Disgraceful.

posted on 20/8/13

they are an disgrace

comment by Red 5 (U18458)

posted on 20/8/13


posted on 20/8/13

It's such a disgrace that this could happen, but given everything that's come out about Hillsborough recently this doesn't surprise me at all. It just depresses me.

posted on 20/8/13

Can't believe the coppers wanted to buy themselves a holiday home in Spain with the money!!

Never mind all the families that lost their husbands, fathers and wives income!! PIGS.

comment by TUX (U5315)

posted on 20/8/13

While much of the money did go to families, survivors and others affected by the disaster, the fund’s trustees held meetings with the police to discuss how “residual” cash should be spent.
There should NEVER have been any 'residual cash!!!!!!!!

posted on 20/8/13

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comment by fitlfc (U2366)

posted on 20/8/13

Lower than a snake's belly. Unbelievable.

posted on 20/8/13

It's beyond satire.


posted on 20/8/13

Absolutely disgusting.

posted on 20/8/13

I am livid with rage.

Please, everyone, share the link on your Facebook page/Twitter, everything.

Let the world know just how these lowlifes operate

posted on 20/8/13

Once you have the entire apparatus of state: (Police, judiciary, Press, and even the medical profession), conspiring to pervert the course of justice, then what you have is nothing less than the behaviour of a totalitarian state. Once you have that, nothing else they do between them can surprise you, any more.

In circumstances like that, silence is complicity, and to be fair to the Independent, they have at least, (unlike many others) demonstrated enough conscience to recongnise that and to apologise for it, so they’re now investigating thnigs they know they should have investigated years ago.

But nothing they find will surprise me, once you know that the foundations of democracy can be overriden with impunity.

We need a writen constitution, instead of relying on the good faith of these b****ds.

comment by Reggie (U13390)

posted on 20/8/13


posted on 20/8/13

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