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These 16 comments are related to an article called:

Chris Manning - LVS - Zat Knight

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posted on 28/8/13

Oh, you only need to watch the last 10 years of Premier League Years on sky to witness Zat make a crucial mistake to make his team concede. It's funny how often you see it. For fulham, Villa, us, you name it. And his face is just always the same evry time. Makes me angry wr've still got him, but not his fault he's getting picked, or being chosen as captain.

posted on 28/8/13

It's his last year of his contract and I fully expect him not to be here next season.

To balance it out a little he's had a couple of good runs of form but then always ends up being the same old mistake riddled donkey.

posted on 28/8/13

Does anybody else's laptop / PC / tablet throw a wobbler if they try opening links to The Lion Of Vienna Suite?

Every time I try, my laptop locks up for about ten minutes then it runs slow for ages after.

It's the only site on the web that does it. (And believe me, I've visited some sites which you would imagine to be crawling with more viruses than a Bangkok brothel.)


I presume Zat Knight's being blamed for why we're currently so bad. I'm not defending him, ('cos I think he's well past his best too), but there's more to our current plight than just his innate lack of footballing ability......

posted on 28/8/13

Chris Manning is an arrogant and obnoxious faeces.

You're not allowed to criticise him directly or he'll just spout absolute nonsense in reply.

And he's ginger...

posted on 28/8/13

....and he's an estate agent.

Nuff said.

posted on 28/8/13

He's a little unfair on Zat to blame him solely for our defensive woes over the laat few years. Even Cahill wasn't perfect.

That said I do agree that we have reached the stage where we are all just waiting for the next Zat Knight screw up. And that is the real issue here. Every Bolton fan can see Zat is now well past his prime and has been on a downward curve for a while.

So why can't the coaching team?

posted on 28/8/13

Did all our recent managers always pick or were left with the kid nobody wanted on their team when we all lined up against the school wall and teams were picked with each captain taking a pick of the lads in turn.
Do our managers now feel sorry for the fat lad, the large dopey one, the one who had club feet and the one who didn't get a game who made up the odd number.

Could delayed guilt be the reason why managers continue to pick a poor performing player game after game

There has to be a shrink who can explain a lot to us. I will ask my next one. I need a new one again since the last one topped herself

posted on 28/8/13

When jimmy Phillips was caretaker manager Knight was straight out of the team, not even on the bench-he knew!

posted on 29/8/13

Good ole JP he can still do the teenage kicks.

posted on 29/8/13

Comical artical tbh - The failure of the team has been due to the loss of a top class midfield, which hasnt been replaced, and still hasnt. I havent done any research, but i bet we looked a better defensive unit when we had a passing midfielder.

DOnt get me wrong, Knight is a bit calamitous sometimes, but sometimes he is very good.

Its typical Bolton fan nonsense to find a scapegoat on who to blame. Its a host of reasons why we have had a downfall, poor signings, bad managers, bad support etc, just acccept it, we are a bit shoyte

posted on 29/8/13

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posted on 29/8/13

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posted on 29/8/13

He should be able to organise the defence, there's no debating that but unfortunately he's too incompent to do so.

I still think Knight is not the sole cause for our defensive issues. Our full backs are woeful, the current choice of other centre backs aren't much better and we can't retain possession, putting huge pressure on the defence. I'd rather Knight out the team, and I would not offer him a new contract but we don't have much choice at the moment. Our whole team is poor, it's not Knight dragging us down by himself.

posted on 29/8/13

Message to Phil Gartside:

Is Eddie Davies ok? If he is not seriously ill or something like that then you are letting the club down. Everyone else is spending cash. You have let the build up to the season push us as one of the favourites. Sadly you have not backed your manager. When Bournemouth are spending £2.5m on a striker Bolton are unable to field 11 decent players. If it is that bad financially, suppress the fans and tell them that there is no money at all and that we can't realistically get promoted.

comment by JAH (U1627)

posted on 30/8/13

I think we should hold judgement until the transfer window closes. If we still haven't signed a CB on permanent or loan then we should converge outside Phil's house with pitchforks and lit torches in hand ala Simpsons!

There has to be a reason why Knight has figured for Smegson, OC and DF. He must see something in training that we don't see from the stands. Thats the only possible reason for his constant inclusion either that or Knight has some juicy scoop on DF that he keeps threatening him with! Maybe why DF looks so petrified in post match interviews - he's nervous that the interviewer might actually point out that Knight has been responsible for another balls-up and is crap! lol!

posted on 30/8/13

Best let the neighbours know at Phil's as they do have their nights for doing the pitchforks and burning of fax machines. Keep the locals on our side sort of thing being decent and taking turns.

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