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The Championship League

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posted on 5/4/14

posted on 5/4/14

Can't do results too busy

posted on 5/4/14

posted on 5/4/14

Didn't even know it was my turn until last night. Already said I can't do them

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14


posted on 5/4/14


My article didn't go down well I don't think with the DL lot lol

posted on 5/4/14

Fed up of being called an attention seeker

Don't care about attention.

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14

No not at all. Tbh, I think all three leagues are fairly solid, all are seemingly standing the test of time as it were. The two big leagues both seem to have gone through problems similar to ours atm, so that's encouraging, and hopefully we'll come out of it stronger like they did. It's like the last test before we can be accepted alongside those two.

But what I think is really good is in the time it took the other two to get about 10,000-15,000 comments we got 50,000. Admittedly we had the Start-Up comment boost, but we've maintained a very good comment level.

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14

comment by Perfect Cell (U9880)
posted less than a minute ago
Fed up of being called an attention seeker

Don't care about attention.
This is such a cry for attention

Sorry for springing the results on you last night, I thought you knew haha. Think Ludy said he'd jump in and do them

posted on 5/4/14

This league won't be taken seriously until we get our own members who are committed to this league and not members who are using it as a side order to the big two

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14

Sandy Toksvic (sp?) made me laugh

"I do think British children are falling behind in education...
I mean, have you seen a British child try and make trainers?"

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14

comment by Perfect Cell (U9880)
posted less than a minute ago
This league won't be taken seriously until we get our own members who are committed to this league and not members who are using it as a side order to the big two
I think we've got a good core though, me, you, Ludy, Mex, Tino, Kamran (I think he's only in ours), Rex.

What would've really set us apart would've been the two tiered league, but I think I've come round to the fact that 8 isn't enough for it.

posted on 5/4/14

Lads. Just pulled into maccies for a coffee break

I really like this league and really like the lads on the DL. Do well really to fill 3 leagues on one forum

I really struggled on lstd's league tho. Every player I wanted as a no go. He even veto'd Petagna from Milans youth team to me

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14

Tino <nods>

Need to do a load of work today. Gonna try and get two mega essay plans done by the end of the weekend.

posted on 5/4/14

I'm visitin wifeys family in wales. Nice to get away

posted on 5/4/14

I agree lstds too strict on foreigns

I mean I can understand the Messis, ibras etc

But when it's a young player not many people know I don't understand why they aren't allowed to leave

I mean I was allowed to sign mata in season two

Wouldnt be able to now if he was at the same age as he was then as lstd is stricter

posted on 5/4/14

Tried signing adebayor when he was never playing for spurs and his ratings were shot down but still wasnt allowed

comment by Welshy (U1348)

posted on 5/4/14

Park this backs up what you said about the SG League.

SG League - Article existance 220 days (259 comments per day average)
Dream League - Article existance 664 days (242 comments per day average)
LSTD - Article existance 1052 days (159 comments per day average)

and I am very sad

LSTD's league has been going the longest so you would expect over time the comment range to lower + add in factors such as LSTD being unable to devote so much time due to him going to uni.

I'm not sure how the DL would compare to the SG for the first 50,000 comments - the SG may well be more but we've been lucky in the DL that we've kept the acitivity high - lets hope the SG does the same

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14

Welshy for those numbers, quite interesting to see.

I'm committed to both SG and DL, happy with both my teams in them and they're both fun for me.

comment by Welshy (U1348)

posted on 5/4/14

what I mean re; Lstds league is that if LSTD was about as much as he was then that comment count would surely be around the 200 mark. His commentary on Chelsea games alone would have done that

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14

Ludy - Santon at RB for Newcastle. Told you he plays there sometimes. Having a good game too.

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 5/4/14

Great game. Fourth goal was lovely.

posted on 5/4/14

posted on 5/4/14

Having a great game I bet, 4 goals conceded

Though I didn't watch the match so I don't know how many are down to him but I see the defence as an unit

posted on 5/4/14

On the way to Roma airport

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