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The Championship League

Page 2289 of 2375

posted on 7/4/14

I really dont know...not against a reboot but I loves my team

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 7/4/14

How comes?

posted on 7/4/14

posted on 7/4/14

we just need to disband the vacant teams in my humpble opinion...Lubi could fill one if he kept his nose clean tothers we seem to be struggling to get interest....

smaller league with 8 clubs wouldn't hurt

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 7/4/14

I don't want to restart either to be honest.

Takes ages building a decent side

posted on 7/4/14

posted on 7/4/14

the problem is we've reached the point I get to in footy manager or fifa..sign the players I/we want then people get a solid team and lose interest in transfers...we can reboot but the same will happen again

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 7/4/14

All we need is one more manager and then there's no need to reboot. The four teams worth of decent players will be available soon, inadvertently, that will create a lot of interest.

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 7/4/14

I agree with you Tino.

This will always happen as majority of the top players are taken.

But I feel its not the point of transfer but inactivity

posted on 7/4/14

With a merger we would have top players being more spread out and people less satisfied with their teams. Hence more deals

posted on 7/4/14

yea 18 clubs scrambling for one player

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 7/4/14

yea 18 clubs scrambling for one player
If its any of the Arsenal players....they can keep em

posted on 7/4/14

posted on 7/4/14

comment by Tino - Better to burn out than fade away (U2087)
posted 2 minutes ago
yea 18 clubs scrambling for one player
Less teams go for a player than you think

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 7/4/14

Would people be happy with merging the leagues??

Just a joke Rex, God And stop arguing, we said we didn't do that any more. Best behaviour.

posted on 7/4/14

posted on 7/4/14

Quickly write loads of messages to cover this up.

posted on 7/4/14

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 7/4/14

Did you see that ludicrous display larst night?

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 7/4/14

posted on 7/4/14

well im in both leagues as it is...both wanna reboot so I guess by merging id save 50% of my work load

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 7/4/14

comment by 2015 Europa League Champions (U7889)
posted less than a minute ago
Would everyone join then

Im confused
Hopefully, atm me, Ludy and Tino are in there anyways. Willy seems more than up for it, Mex sounded interested. Hopefully you and Kamran come too

posted on 7/4/14

posted on 7/4/14

I really like this idea

Just need to convince tippy and the others we no longer argue

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 7/4/14

Wenger is a good manager but tactically he is quite poor.

High line against pacey and Lukaku and we only have one midfielder that can battle.
Arteta cannot cut it I'm afraid.

Giroud, the less I say about him the better.
Sagna has been very suspect too lately.

I would be gutted if we lost 4th spot and can see us losing the tie to Wigan as well

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