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Ratings from Todays Game

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posted on 26/10/13

Nice one mike.

Was the Evans change purely tactical?
We must have been a right state if it was

posted on 26/10/13

Sounded a great game and atmosphere Mike, the first game we've missed this season.

It sounded though that sako had a better game than your rating but you were there so 5 is.

posted on 26/10/13

Yeah evans was just a tactical change. Bradford played ultimate hoof ball and we had no one holding the ball up so 5 in the middle was pointless

posted on 26/10/13

Got you, best way to bypass a crowded midfield i guess, hoof it over the top of them.

posted on 26/10/13

Seemed to be the way they play all the time. Didn't have a plan b. Tall number 9 that they aimed for every time

posted on 26/10/13

Perton sako was alright going forward but only alright. A lot of the time you wanted him to run down the wing and give golbourne an option but he couldn't be bothered. Very very lazy and everyone around me wanted him to go off when sigg came on

posted on 26/10/13

Thats Sako, bad game, good game, bad game, good game.
Will be interest come the seasons end to see what style wins out in this division, hoofball and bullyboy tactics, like Bradford and Preston or the new age passing game many others seem to have adopted.

posted on 26/10/13

I would agree with you on most of those Mike.

Fabulous double save from ikeme in the second half, like to see a recording of that.

Think you were a bit hard on Sako who was terrible for the first 20 minutes but got better as the game went on.

Have to say James Henry is winning me over. Played very well the last two games.

Doyle completely changed the game and we simply must play him as one of our two strikers whenever he is fit. Quite remarkable difference between the first half of the first half when we were clearing the ball and it just kept coming back. And then the second half of the first half when Doyle was keeping the ball whenever it was knocked up to him and we were dominating possession and it was one way traffic towards their goal. Hope Jackett finally has learned how important he is to us.

Our support was great but have to say a word for Bradford's too. Good noise from all three stands the home fans were in and it made for a great atmosphere. Its no wonder they are a good home team if that's the support they get at each game.

comment by Bigyam (U17302)

posted on 27/10/13

Thanks for the opinions Mike.

posted on 27/10/13

Look forward to watching the game and commenting further a bit later on, Mike.

posted on 27/10/13

My ratings from yesterday;

Ikeme - looks a top keeper nowadays and had another good game yesterday with one exceptional double save from Nakhi Wells late on. Probably as good as Hennessy now and we will have a decision to make at some stage as we probably wont keep both happy.

Stearman - did ok at right back and took his goal well. Got into trouble a few times first half by slipping as did a few Wolves players who might not have had the right blades for the pitch.

Golbourne - steady and safe but certainly not spectacular. Will be ok at this level
Batth - cant imagine him having a poor game and did well against Bradford's big centre forward

Ricketts - steady and held his own against one of the best attacks we will come up against this season.

Henry - growing in confidence by the week and been amongst our best players the last two games. Starting to look a snip at £250k

McDonald - made a lot of goals for Sheff Utd but we haven't seen much of that creativity here but works hard and worth his place

Davis - won a lot of tackles in midfield and had a good game but frustrates at times with poor passing

Evans - never really got into the game and I was surprised he started

Sako - was terrible in the opening 20 minutes but got better as the game went on and did an excellent job holding the ball up in their half late on to take the pressure off

Griffiths - hasn't got the movement or physique to make a lone striker for me. But looked more dangerous once Doyle was on and had three decent attempts

Doyle - as we saw against Sheffield Utd when he came off the bench, changed the game completely with his running with the ball, hold up play and pulled their defence all over the place to make space for others. Surely Jackett wont leave him out again

Ebanks Landell - came on for the injured Stearman and had to play out of position at right back and gave the ball away a lot for 10 minutes but settled to do ok later

Siggy - I think sub is his best position at the moment and he made a couple of decent runs when he came on.

Jackett - 4 out of ten for the original team selection but had the courage to admit to having it wrong and made an early change that made all the difference

posted on 28/10/13

Mike/DJ who should start as the CM pair next game based on Saturday? Did Davis and McDonald do enough or would you shuffle the pack again?

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 28/10/13

Henry will get better the more he plays.......he's been on the bench for a while, so it's no surprise he's settling in !

posted on 28/10/13

Mike/DJ who should start as the CM pair next game based on Saturday? Did Davis and McDonald do enough or would you shuffle the pack again?

You wouldn't be trying to draw an opinion on O'Hara there Tatter would you ?

posted on 28/10/13


As you weren't at the game your reference to bullyboy tactics are both unfounded and incorrect.


I agree that K Doyle's intelligent play made the difference he's a £6.5 million signing whereas James Hanson came for £7.5K from non league. Perhaps if Phil Parkinson had gambled with Nahki Wells and risked him from the start we may have profited?

Despite the result it was an enjoyable match. Our support from all stands has been consistently good throughout 2013. The City squad is not full of stars but they are hard working, honest and never give up and we appreciate that attitude.

posted on 28/10/13

“You wouldn't be trying to draw an opinion on O'Hara there Tatter would you ?”

No mate, I don’t think there’s much chance of him making the starting XI for the Stevenage game. But if he does it certainly won’t be the first time KJ has shocked me!

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 28/10/13


we've got a £5 Million player on the bench !!!!

he should play next week though

posted on 28/10/13

Edinburgh Bantam
I've heard and read many complimentary remarks from Wolves fans concerning Bradfords fans, team and the surrounding curry houses and pubs ! - most saying it was the best match of the season, and not just for the result

posted on 28/10/13

Bantam - yes I was impressed with Nakhi Wells and he is a player Bradford will do well to hold on to. He lifted Bradford just as Doyle had lifted Wolves. I certainly think Bradford are good enough to make the play offs and that's why it was considered a fine result for Wolves. Great support for the home team from all three stands and I am sure that helps the team no end. I have followed Wolves to most away grounds in the Premier, Championship and now League One in the last three years and rarely have I seen such good support from all parts of the ground.

posted on 28/10/13

Tatter - to answer your question I am really unsure who I would select for our central two. As wolfgang asks, I think if you pick O'Hara it would be instead of McDonald. I don't see them as a good pairing as they try to do the same things. I think KMac has been ok but not better than ok, so an O'Hara of 2 years ago would replace him. But whether O'Hara can recapture that form is a question none of us know the answer to.

As for who takes the other midfield position, I think Evans and Price in particular are really good prospects and I think if he fulfils his potential Jack Price can be the best midfield player at the club. But right now I think I would go for Davis who is a very different type of player to KMac and provides a better blend. He is good at winning the ball and has good energy, but I know he frustrates people at times with some poor passing.

posted on 28/10/13

I don’t think O’Hara will displace McDonald DJ, or certainly not in the starting XI, as Jackett does like to play his signings! Maybe that’s how he’ll get his first chance, on as a sub for McDonald.

posted on 28/10/13

Crikey, who's our manager...........KJ or DJ?

Let's 'ave a poll.

posted on 28/10/13

Can’t help it can you?

posted on 28/10/13

Crikey, who's our manager...........KJ or DJ?

Kenny Jackett or Dinner Jackett!

posted on 28/10/13

Crikey, who's our manager...........KJ or DJ?

I have been labelled as two out of three of those. If Jackett keeps making the mistake of leaving Doyle out then he would certainly become third choice

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