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These 41 comments are related to an article called:

Wenger's transfer lies

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posted on 12/8/11

I love Arsene.

Why does listening to him make me so sad these days?

posted on 12/8/11

It's just sad and annoying!!

posted on 12/8/11

It's people like this op that made me give up on this site... take a comment made months ago, before anyone knew what was going to transpire and use it to beat wenger with.

Do you really think that even if he had an inkling the 2 of them would go, that saying it would be a good thing?

do you really think that if wenger had publicly declared months ago that nasri was going that we'd be getting the best part of 25m for him, a player with one year on his contract? get real.

with city offering a reported £165k per week, nearly treble his current 60 and double our offer of 90, it has become apparent we are not going to manage to convince nasri to stay, so it would be stupid to keep him another year and get nothing for him. As for fabregas, despite his undoubted quality, i think the vast majority will be glad to see the end of the circus either way.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/8/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 12/8/11

that story about the buy out clause is just a tabloid story, i really doubt it's true.
all players in spain have a buy out clause, it's one of la liga's rules.

Can't help but think of how we missed Alonso for a couple of millions too. The guy just never learns!!
as has been said plenty of times, by no less than alonso himself, the deal was done. it had nothing whatsoever to do with us. we had agreed personal terms and a fee. what stopped it was liverpool failing to get gareth barry.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/8/11

all players in spain have a buy out clause, it's one of la liga's rules.


that wasn't the story. according to some paper mata had a buy out clause of £20m or so, and after 1st august that changed to a much higher price so now we've missed out on him. but as i said i think this is just tabloid bull.

posted on 12/8/11

GARETH flippin' BARRY!

posted on 12/8/11

Then why did Wenger say that he didn't buy Alonso because it would 'kill' Denilson and Diaby?

How absurd does that sound now.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/8/11

because once we've missed out on alonso do you want him to say 'well we tried to buy alonso because diaby and denilson aren't good enough, but we didn't get him so let's try and win trophies with two players i don't rate'

posted on 12/8/11

Well I guess you have an explanation for everything.

Now that he has the money I would love to see what he does, no more excuses now!!

posted on 12/8/11

It seems almost certain that Mata will not be joining us if reports in Spain are to be trusted. To be fair, who could blame Valencia for now wanting to sell? Who on earth would sell their best player when the new season is a matter of days away?

posted on 12/8/11

for not* wanting to sell

posted on 12/8/11

Not a "big" club that's for sure Batmanu.

comment by rhackw (U4191)

posted on 12/8/11

this comment by Arsene baffles me..completely...

posted on 12/8/11

It baffles Wenger too !

The chump gets so entangled in all his BS proclamations he doesn't know whether he is coming our going !

posted on 12/8/11

It seems almost certain that Mata will not be joining us if reports in Spain are to be trusted. To be fair, who could blame Valencia for now wanting to sell? Who on earth would sell their best player when the new season is a matter of days away?

Batmanu: we sell our best players!

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