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A couple of questions

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comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 15/11/13


comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 15/11/13

Hi Tu Meke- slow board this one you will get responses.

Intermittent fasting- never done it myself. I have heard good and bad on this. Personally I dont think its for me.

I always do cardio afterwards or on rest days. My form seems ok after but I think deep down I dont go as much as when im fresh. Also hygienically im pretty sweaty after cardio so its not really fair using a bench!

Innocent smoothies- no idea. I drink them, like them and dont imagine they are too bad.

In terms of little ideas I did a bit of yoga last year and found that beneficial to my weightlifting in that I felt good in myself and strong. May not work for everyone (and not very macho to admit!) But worked for me

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 16/11/13

Some people swear by fasting but its not something I would want to do. If you are serious about losing weight then eat good foods, track your calories and remember its a long-term plan. Too many people get into these special diets and end up crashing soon after.

Also, cardio for rest days, Yoga is benefitial once a week. If innocent smoothies are company made then likely they are full of sugar. Get a blender, make your own.

posted on 17/11/13

Cardio pre-workout has been shown to stifle strength and power in the subsequent workout, so it's something I would avoid.

Layne Norton has a good article on cardio for bodybuilding:

And IF is said to be beneficial to health, but there's not a whole lot of evidence on the subject at present.
John Berardi did a good review of his experience fasting:

At the end of the day, however, I don't think there's anything magical about it regarding fat loss. Your main focus should be on caloric intake, macronutrients, micronutrients, and fibre (look up IIFYM).

Hope this helps

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 18/11/13

I lift weights.

What do I do for cardio?

I lift weights faster.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 21/11/13

Well, I've tried this fasting thing for 3 days now - results are actually surprisingly good! Think I'll stick with it for another week, I can visibly notice a difference.

posted on 25/11/13

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posted on 30/11/13

Dnt get too excited a lot of early loss is water. As for Casio b4...suicide IMO. Lifting is ur priority cardio after.

posted on 12/1/14

Santi in terms of intemritant fasting if suggest following a bloke called Scott Alexander on twitter. Guy seriously knows what he's on about.

I haven't tried it yet.

posted on 15/1/14

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comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 15/1/14

Vik I mainly watch the Hodgetwins and Elliott Hulse. Not just for fasting, but general stuff too.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 15/1/14

Oh, and IF definitely works for me. Within a month, people were visibly noticing a big change.

posted on 15/1/14

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posted on 16/1/14

Hi. apologies for the late response:

1) Intermittent Fasting - good or not?

Intermittent fasting is just about the best thing for you out of the 'in' fads atm. Whether it be the 5-2 or the 16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating variations. It has had good results, not only for weightloss, but also for stress and cholesterol and testosterone levels. My friend does the 8-16 variation and managed to cut his BF% from 20 to 10 in about 2 months.

2) Cardio before or after weights?

Depends really. You should always warm up for 5-10 minutes doing cardio before hand, and stretch up as well.

If you want to gain muscle quickly it is probably best to do them at different times each day. This as you will start to convert your own muscle to energy, plus you will be more tired for the exercise anyway.
If you want to counter this, it is probably worth having a snack to fill you up in between cardio/weights (100g of almonds and a banana for example), and drink a BCAA powder supplement throughout.

Hope you are enjoying uni mate

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 16/1/14

Edin Long time mate. Uni's decent, hows yours?

Interesting you write that about Edin, lots of people tend to ignore the benefits of I.F because it sounds too good to be true, but as you pointed out it has lots of extra benefits.

I personally found it a lot easier to wake up in the morning, I also felt like I had a lot more energy. My skin became clearer, my bowel movements were a lot easier (although I think these was more down to the actual exercise ).

I've unfortunately been recovering from surgery the past month, so I've pretty much gone back to the shape I was, and I'm due for some more next month . Would've been nice to see the results if I'd carried on.

And on the cardio thing, I just do/did a half hour of various machines after my lifting session. Rowing, cross-trainer, treadmill (although I prefer to just go for a jog outside), pedal bikes etc.

posted on 16/1/14

Yeah unis ok thanks. Fifth and final semester of engineering though, looking forward to being done as am sick of it.

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